HELP! hair disaster


Well-Known Member
My last relaxer was 10/03/09 I went to the salon two weeks ago just to get it washed and straightened. Well my hair was starting to smell so I decided last night to begin my regime. Here's what I did pooed with aussie moist and suave coconut poos. Dced with keracare humecto and coconut oil 30 minutes under the dryer washed it out then added KBB hair butter and hair creme then put coconut oil on top sprayed with lottabody then wet wrapped then I sat under the dryer about an hour then wrapped with a silk scarf

This afternoon I unwrapped and it looks like a poofy mop on my head that has no swing or body. It looks wet but its not.

This is why I was finding it hard to transition I know that if I had went to the salon I know my hair would have came out perfect. What do I do???

Will post pics as soon as I figure out how to from my cell
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I think you might have used way too many products. I would have just applied a little bit of the hair butter & wet wrapped. You will find that when your hair is nicely conditioned it does not need a ton of products. Less is more and the less you use the more swing and bounce your hair will have. HTH :)
awww hug...can you email a pic to yourself through your phone? Have you tried this regimen before? I have to see it before I can give you any ideas but I can say that the first few times doing my hair by myself it so didn't come out right.
Yes ican email pics from my cell phone but don't know what to do after that as far as post it here from my phone. Anyway no I haven't used these products before I'm just trying things trying to find a regime but I don't know if I can transition like I want if everytime I wash my hair it looks as if I'm ready to be braided up and can never get the silky smooth results and I don't want to use heat cause that just makes. It worse and damages it
Agreed w. Marand. All you need is a shampoo and condish and a leave in. A leave in with heat protectant is always good too to cut out all the products. Hope this helps!
are you near a computer...can you save the pics to ur pc and then upload them? I agree with Marand13 that you maybe used too much you really want to transition? are you ready to? it's a fairly daunting task. once you figure out what your hair needs you'll be good to go
Way too many products. A lot of oil too. The KBB products you used are pretty much oil and butters, plus you used coconut oil to dc AND to seal. That's a lot of oil! Next time, just use a leave-in/moisturizer then seal with a little oil afterwards. That's all you need :yep:
Yall r right probly too many products. I know less is more and everyones hair is different but I kind of tried to model others regimes since I don't have one yet...u think I could start over if I washed my hair again tonight and get better results?
I agree with everyone else. Even if I'm just 1 week post, I can not do a wet wrap, I just don't have the skills for that.

My hair was always a poofy mess. You have to be very careful how you comb the hair and you have to do wrap it arouond in small sections.

Maybe you can try roller setting the hair, then wrapping for a straight look?
I think my hair may be too short to rollerwrap I have a short asymmetrical bob the longest layer is to my chin and the back is shaved down

And yes I do want to transition since I know that straight hair is possible without chemically altering it and I want healthy hair. I jus have to figure out how to manage my hair the right way but its hard cuz anytime I've ever washed my hair its turned out a poofy mess. Should I get kinky twists or braids till my hair grows out a lil more?
I think my hair may be too short to rollerwrap I have a short asymmetrical bob the longest layer is to my chin and the back is shaved down

And yes I do want to transition since I know that straight hair is possible without chemically altering it and I want healthy hair. I jus have to figure out how to manage my hair the right way but its hard cuz anytime I've ever washed my hair its turned out a poofy mess. Should I get kinky twists or braids till my hair grows out a lil more?

Here's a video on rollersetting a short bob. I have a bob too, not as short as yours though, about neck length. This hair came out really well. They didn't rollerwrap it but just rollerset.
Well I rewashed my hair last nite and used less products. I did a rollerset which was very difficult on an asymmetrical bob. The result? Now a crimped poofy mess..dry in some places..possibly breaking everytime I touch itI don't want to put heat on my hair but I'm thinking I may have to flat iron it to death to get it to look halfway decent. Don't tell me that maybe I don't to transition because I do. Its just everything I do to my hair turns out a mess. I'm wasting time and products. Maybe I'm not meant to grow my hair back out I don't know.
Well I rewashed my hair last nite and used less products. I did a rollerset which was very difficult on an asymmetrical bob. The result? Now a crimped poofy mess..dry in some places..possibly breaking everytime I touch itI don't want to put heat on my hair but I'm thinking I may have to flat iron it to death to get it to look halfway decent. Don't tell me that maybe I don't to transition because I do. Its just everything I do to my hair turns out a mess. I'm wasting time and products. Maybe I'm not meant to grow my hair back out I don't know.

Ok. First, try to calm down.
Second, what protein are you using?
Third, do you use protective styles?
Fourth, do you have a hooded dryer to set your hair?
Well I rewashed my hair last nite and used less products. I did a rollerset which was very difficult on an asymmetrical bob. The result? Now a crimped poofy mess..dry in some places..possibly breaking everytime I touch itI don't want to put heat on my hair but I'm thinking I may have to flat iron it to death to get it to look halfway decent. Don't tell me that maybe I don't to transition because I do. Its just everything I do to my hair turns out a mess. I'm wasting time and products. Maybe I'm not meant to grow my hair back out I don't know.
Don't be discouraged! Roller setting is hard to do, especially the first time. Believe me, I know. I had it down pat about 2 years ago now I have to relearn. There should be a rollersetting how to thread if you do a search.

@ the bolded: the crimped part- if you used the covers that came with the rollers, that caused it. Switch to bobby pins or the tiny clips.

the poofy part: your ends were not wet enough. And probably not straight. Do this: focus product on the ENDS only, very little product, then get a spray bottle and put water only in it. Before you roller set each section, spray the ends with water only. Then make sure the section is not WIDER than the roller. If it is, poofy hair. Now put the hair on the roller, and the hair should stick on its own to the roller, if not, it's not wet enough. Now smooth the ends so they lay flat on the roller. If your ends are not straight while wet, they won't be straight when dry........POOFY. When you roll the hair, pull it taught.

Your results are very common for first time roller setting. I'm not a pro, but that's the advice I remember given to me so I pass it on to you. I made the exact same mistakes. But do go to one of the rollersetting threads and they will have a ton of even more information. It'll get better with time.
The first pic is the first time I washed it on Friday

The second pic is after I washed it last night and attempted a rollerset


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[QUOTE=MoniintheMiddle;9412742]Ok. First, try to calm down.
Second, what protein are you using?
Third, do you use protective styles?
Fourth, do you have a hooded dryer to set your hair?[/QUOTE]

Only thing I've done as protective styles is wrap my hair everynight in a silk scarf. I cant do much of anything with the style my hair is in right now. I just officially began experimenting with my regime this weekend. Yes I used a hooded dryer.
Shunemite- I did not constantly wet my hair as I went. I did notice that my hair was airdrying as I tried to place the rollers. I did use bobby pins but had a problem clipping them as they weren't as tight as I l wouldve liked and some kept unrolling. It seems when I've had rollers in my hair at the salon they aren't constantly wetting my hair yet the hair seems smooth and wet the whole time. I also felt everytime I parted a section I had to comb it out which probably cause some breakage
Have you ever tried to wet wrap your hair..that might be a good alternative for you. You could use a creamy leave-in and mix it with a water based leave-in that you have...once it dries, you shouldn't have to do too much to it. You could probably bump it with your flat iron if it needs a little straightening. HTH
Did you add water to the lottabody? I find that since it's so concentrated I have to water it down a bit.

Like the other ladies have said you just have to simplify your regimen. One shampoo, one conditioner and a DC. With KBB that stuff is mostly oils and the hair butter is supposed to be heavier than the cream so I say if you're going to use it then only use one. I say get a nice light leave in conditioner as well.
My final solution...heat,heat, and more heat. I'm jus going to flat iron it to death until it comes out something like straight. I've washed my hair twice in the last two days and I'm afraid anymore will cause too much breakage. There's nothing on here that I've found on here that will help me style hair that came out backwards so all I know to do is flat iron.
When I first was washing my hair after found this site it was A MESS. I used faaaar too much products, wasn't even the right combination. So i really want to help you.. some how

First problem I suffered was being too heavy handed with products, ESP with leave ins... Dime size to a nickel is all you need with leave ins. I notice you said you using KBB hair butter, and KBB hair cream.. which seem to be leave ins... all though they seem like really nice products maybe (if you haven't already) take them out of your washing regimen and find lighter leave in with water as first ingredient. KBB hair butter has a lot of hair butters, I'm not sure how its intended to be used but I'd probably leave that one out. Lottabody.. as someone said before you really have to watch out how much you use.. setting lotions/foams they aren't always necessary.

While you are washing your hair, really feel your hair during each step. Here somethings you should look out for when washing. After you shampoo and it feel weak, and or stripped, if it feels too squeaky clean that maybe be a problem. After you DC your hair it shouldn't feel coated, it should at least feel different, my hair usually feel softer, and just "better" (for a lack of a better word). For the leave ins.. after you put in your leave in your hair definitely shouldn't feel thick with product or coated.

Someone mention wet warping I think you should try that again, seeing how this would be with even less product.

Lastly.. I want to ask, how are you drying your hair? And what exactly did you put in your hair the 2nd time?

I'm not a pro.. I'm might be wrong.. just wanted to help

Shunemite- I did not constantly wet my hair as I went. I did notice that my hair was airdrying as I tried to place the rollers. I did use bobby pins but had a problem clipping them as they weren't as tight as I l wouldve liked and some kept unrolling. It seems when I've had rollers in my hair at the salon they aren't constantly wetting my hair yet the hair seems smooth and wet the whole time. I also felt everytime I parted a section I had to comb it out which probably cause some breakage

Bingo at the bolded. The ladies in the salon are FAST so your hair doesn't dry in the process, that's why they don't have to rewet as they go. They're done in minutes where as you and me probably almost an hour. The clipping thing, clip it at the base and it won't unravel. I wish I knew which Youtube video has the rollerset tutorial, but if you do a search it should work.

But rest for now, because you have done a lot in just a few days.