Aphogee DISASTER- ive been detangling matter roots for SIX HOURS

Well I PCed and did some ACV. I had conditioner on my head for 3 hours. It made it slightly easier to detangle. There are still alot of little knots in there. One chunk I had to cut out. It was a knot about 1.5 cm thick and four cm long, so as you can imagine it was a nightmare to detangle. I worked on it for an hour with NO progress. I literally felt dizzy cutting the hair out. Havent cried yet. My fiance says he doesnt notice. I'll be doing another DC on Wednesday (dont know if that's a good idea). Aphogee has never done this to my hair before. I keep reminding myself "its just hair its just hair" lol. I put so much time in this head. Argh.

So, lessons learned:

1) Detangle before protein
2)Dont wrap with hard protein or while wet preferably (duh)
3) Only use the alloted amount provided in ONE package.

Even so, I dont think I'll be using Aphogee again. Not for awhile.

Thanks for all the support.
Get something with a whole bunch of slip. Humecto is garbage now. Im thinking Aussie 3 minute miracle. Get 3 bottles. Apply generously, no need to add any oils. Dc with this. It should do the trick.
I think the manipulation of your wrapping in combination with the two step was too much for your hair. I use the 2 step without any problems; but my hair is fully detangled- I apply, (no combing the 2 step in) let it harden, and then rinse.

I would suggest a super moisturizing conditioner and for the really matted parts- try finger detangling.
Am glad you've been able to detangle...never heard of aphogee doing that to someone's hair...but also never heard of someone wrapping their hair up with the hard stuff on it.
Think I've learned some stuff here as well. Sooo sorry this happened, but sooo glad the ladies were able to help.

I could not feel anymore discouraged.

I dont know what I was thinking but I used double the hard Aphogee protein treatment, did as the directions saud, washed it out for about ten minutes then used the conditioner followed by Humecto and Jojoba for 2 hours.

My roots are a matted mess. All over my head. There is not ONE piece of hair that isnt matted badly. It feels like little dreds EVERYWHERE

I dont know what I was thinking putting all that Aphogee then wrapping my hair under the dryer.
Ive done it before with half the formula and wrapped it and it came out fine.

Today I am totally discouraged and upset. Detangling under the water/with conditoner/ did not help at all. I even tried cowashing when I realized the first time I could not get it untangled.

Ive been using jojoba oil, coconut oil, and a little bit of leave in and in SIX FRIGGIN HOURS I only have one half of my head detangled, if that, because it keeps retangling for some reason.

For the love of all that is good and holy, what should I do.

Just for the sake of clarity, did you wrap your hair while you had Aphogee 2-Step in it?
Wow I've never heard of this happening. Why wrap the hair though? The moisturizing condish by Aphogee is crap IMO. You need a really good softening condish. I always used humecto but if you had some Skala that may have helped too.

I find it best to get matted hair out on hair that is mostly dry. I also use a straight pin and start from the bottom up.
I think the manipulation of your wrapping in combination with the two step was too much for your hair. I use the 2 step without any problems; but my hair is fully detangled- I apply, (no combing the 2 step in) let it harden, and then rinse.

I would suggest a super moisturizing conditioner and for the really matted parts- try finger detangling.

I've been using Aphogee 2-Step off and on since I was a teenager and I agree with this completely. You're not supposed to manipulate your hair once the 2-Step has been applied. No combing, no wrapping, I don't even think you're supposed to put on a plastic cap. Just apply it and sit under the dryer until it hardens fully.
I so sorry this happened. I have dreded my hair up a few times. The first time was a complete disaster. I wash after I took out a weave. It took 2 DAYS to completely detangle. I learned very early in my hair journey .... water and undetangled hair is a russian roulette deal and more times then not an all round bad idea.

Sometimes it wont tangle more....other times you'll be super surprise. Patience with detangling is key. Dont get too frustrated because you dont want to be tempted to cut. Just keep using alot of conditioner and a fine tooth comb to loosen the her.

V05 conditioners are excellent for his because they are cheap, you can use alot, and they produce the slip you hair needs. Just saturate, let it sit a little, then gently lossen.

Well I PCed and did some ACV. I had conditioner on my head for 3 hours. It made it slightly easier to detangle. There are still alot of little knots in there. One chunk I had to cut out. It was a knot about 1.5 cm thick and four cm long, so as you can imagine it was a nightmare to detangle. I worked on it for an hour with NO progress. I literally felt dizzy cutting the hair out. Havent cried yet. My fiance says he doesnt notice. I'll be doing another DC on Wednesday (dont know if that's a good idea). Aphogee has never done this to my hair before. I keep reminding myself "its just hair its just hair" lol. I put so much time in this head. Argh.

So, lessons learned:

1) Detangle before protein
2)Dont wrap with hard protein or while wet preferably (duh)
3) Only use the alloted amount provided in ONE package.

Even so, I dont think I'll be using Aphogee again. Not for awhile.

Thanks for all the support.

4) Don't ever wrap or otherwise manipulate your hair during any intense protein treatment! You simply slather the stuff on and let it dry under the dryer. Then rinse. Then follow up with moisturizing condish :drunk:

and for everyone who recommended humecto...be careful...not everyone has access to or knows about the tub version, which is supposed to be better. I tried the bottle and when I used it, it had little to no slip and my hair felt hard :perplexed
Well today I feel knots in areas I had already detangled. I dont get it? Must be the velcro effect. I got pretty upset last night after 14 hrs of detangling, DCing, and chopping off a giant knot, the already detangled hair began clumping and matting together again. Im not really sure what to do.

I was under the impression that detangling under running water was a good thing, but I guess not if your hair is prone to tangles.

I guess I thought I could do the wrapping since I had done it plenty of times before with absolutely no problems. I wrapped after wetting hair with aphogee and did not comb or anything. But anyway, won't do that again.
Get something with a whole bunch of slip. Humecto is garbage now. Im thinking Aussie 3 minute miracle. Get 3 bottles. Apply generously, no need to add any oils. Dc with this. It should do the trick.
What?!?! Aussie three minute miracle is better than humecto?? Im using the new humecto in the bottle. Ive read that the tub humecto is better, but how are the formulas different?? I live near a store that sells the tub, but it's $40. :perplexed
Also, dear heart, try using a moisture-only conditioner, stronger than that provided like Smooth Down Butter treat by REdken -even better- the REal Control Mask.

I use Aphogee regularly throughout the month in conditioner, sleep in it, you name it without these issues.

I also, as you have already noted is necessary:

Detangle first and DC right after.

This to shall pass.

ugh sorry this happened to you!! aussie 3 min is JUNK!! well at least it was for me, but everyone is diff. know what will give u crazy slip, the creme of nature shampoo!

What?!?! Aussie three minute miracle is better than humecto?? Im using the new humecto in the bottle. Ive read that the tub humecto is better, but how are the formulas different?? I live near a store that sells the tub, but it's $40. :perplexed
Okay, I think I will try a different conditioner for tomorrow.

Does anyone have any idea why previously detangled hair is clumping together and getting matted again???
Does anyone have any idea why previously detangled hair is clumping together and getting matted again???

This sounds like such a nightmare for you! I'm sorry! Are you braiding the detangled hair in large sections to keep them from tangling again??
The most slippery conditioners I know of are Herbal Essense Dangerously Straight, Totally Twisted or Long Term Relationship. I use these to detangle my hair on a regular basis. They are SUPER Slippery on my hair and they are cheap. Give one of them a try - I'd try Dangerously Straight.

Good Luck.
I ordered Take Down Remover cream which is used to take down dreads and locs. I didn't think you could do that. I took a look at the website and someone had some pretty knotted matted hair. Itll ship in two days so I'll try to be patient. Im getting a headache thinking about my hair re-matting. It feels that way on the left side and Im not too keen on cutting off or losing more.

Im scared to try a new con right now.
Yes, and its still tangling back up. :nono:

Perhaps you can blow dry and flat iron the part that's already detangled. If its silky straight...or at least just straight it probably won't re-tangle.

I tried this tactic during the last few weeks of my stretch and it worked out really well.
Well if u want to try something cheap I recommend the new tressame naturals conditioner.. I think it says for dry or damaged hair. I've been using it to cowash and as a longtime user of herbal essences I think it has more slip even though there are no cones (so they say). I have fine hair that mats & tangles easily & between the tresamme naturals & skala I'm in heaven. It's pretty cheap only a few dollars. In any case I hope you find a solution :)
This exact thing happened to me years ago - undetangled hair + aphogee+ heat
= matted hair and dreds! After trying to detangle for hours to absolutely no avail, I slathered my hair in some shea butter body creme, and scraped the tangled mess into a bun. The next day I rinsed and lightly shampooed and then I was able to detangle it. I lost some hair and dreds but I still had most of my length. I haven't seen any one mention shampoo. I hope this helps. Good luck.
What?!?! Aussie three minute miracle is better than humecto?? Im using the new humecto in the bottle. Ive read that the tub humecto is better, but how are the formulas different?? I live near a store that sells the tub, but it's $40. :perplexed

it's cheap and it gives way more slip. Pls try on a small section of hair first. I am suggesting it purely for slip. :) I hope it works out for you....

I would not think it wise to shampoo your hair at this point even with CON...
and once you detangle a section plait it up, to prevent retangling...

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