HELP!!! Boyfriend Trouble


New Member
This might be a long post so i apologise in advance....

Back story....Over A year ago i got out of an abusie relashionship with my husband and divorced. My husband was a creep and a loser to say the least. He was never home, took my car, stole money from me, stole rent money when i had just gave birth to our daughter a week ago. Come home at 4am after being gone since 10am the day before. physical and emotional abuse. well...6 months after it ended i met a nice guy through a mutual friend whom i have now been dating seriously for 7 months going on 8. I really wasnt looking to date anyone it just happed and this guy is like night and day from my Ex husband. sensitive, caring , thoughtful, * a little on the feminine side* but i liked that.

So i live by myself with my 2 kids ages 3 and 4 and my boyfriend lives maybe 3 mins up the street from me. I just moved to my house 2 months ago. Since my boyfriend lives so close he is at my house all the he lives here. This doesnt bother me too much because my kids love him and im glad to have some help. Also we have discussed an engagement in the near future. When we are both established in our careers. I have told him about what i went through with my ex...(just adding needed info)

2 months ago my boyfriend crashed his car and it is now in the shop waiting on parts. Since he is always at my house I offered to take him to work (5mins up the street) or if his shift is super early I let him just take himself. I dont mind since he puts gas in my car and bought a new cd player and is respectful when bringing it back after he gets off. Well atleast until 2 days ago. He came back to my house after not having to work that day (he thought he did) and wanted to play video games (sigh i kno :ohwell:) and long story short my son spilled pop on his game and the system is trippin and i need to replace it. He was fine and said he was going to take the game back to the store (also the game got scratched when the system started trippin) he got dressed and then left without saying nothing to me...i fell asleep on the couch.

i think he left around 3pm a few hours went by and i called his phone back to back to back...i was pissed because i dont like to be stuck at home even if i dont plan on leaving i like the option. didnt hear from him I went to bed at 2:30 am and i think he came to my house at 3 or 3:30 I asked him if he had his phone and he said no but im sure that was a lie...and i asked him whats up and that isnt cool and he said he was mad when he left...AND THAT I THINK HE;S GOING TO TREAT ME LIKE MY EX!? his reasoning was beyond off then mumbled something and asked me if i wanted him to leave. I didnt say anything then he went off about if he had his car this wouldnt be a problem blah blah blah pity party...oh yeah and might i add he made my room smell like liquor when he walked in. So then after setting his alarm on his phone he fell asleep. I woke him up a few hours later for work and I took him myself. He didnt talk to me AND didnt say thankyou or nothing when i dropped him off. He then showed up at my house later on once he got off i assume he took the bus or rode with a coworker. He let himself in and didnt say 2 words to me...went and got into some house clothes and sat on my computer with his ipod headphones in his ears. The only thing he said to me in 24 hrs was thankyou when i gave him a food plate. I went to bed at 10pm last night thinking he would leave but i woke up at 3am or so and he was passed out next to me then silently took his butt to work this morning on the bus. He is still at work now...I dont kno what to do because i get really pissed when someone comes to my house and cant speak ( i was waiting on an apology thats why i let it slide yesterday) I just wanted him to go home. It seems like there is a pattern that im starting to think is my fault since my ex did this (taking my car like its his) Maybe im not ready for a relationship or need to seek counseling for my marriage to heal, move forward and not make the same mistakes. Im hoping its not me and guys just try and test how far they can go. i feel like if i am being a good person and respect the other persons feelings that i should get the same in return. How can i squash this behavior before it gets out of hand? Thankyou so much any opinions, info will be greatly appreciated.
From your "siggy":

La ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasul Allah.

“...The only religion in the sight of God is Islam...” (Quran 3:19)

What does your(?) religion advise you about your conduct of an intimate relationship?
This is my advice, which you actually gave to yourself: "Maybe im not ready for a relationship or need to seek counseling for my marriage to heal"
He is being unreasonable. And him being angry about his game and paying u back by taking your car was very selfish.

I think you two should sit down and talk about the events of the last few days and go from there. Express to him everything you said here.

There is no need for you to be uncomfortable in your own home. You guys have to communicate now.

sent from HTC EVO
I learned a long time ago that you teach people how to treat you. I never had any big relationship issues but I know all the things that guys did to me was because I allowed it. It doesn't sound like your boyfriend has your best interest at heart. There is no way he should feel comfortable taking your car and having it all day and night when you have two children and then to come into your home and not speak and smelling like liquor. He should be grateful for what you are doing for him and it seems as if he is acting like you owe him. He only said thanks when you gave him his plate. Why did you make him a plate? You should have sent him home.
At the very least, you should be telling all of this to him. How it made you feel, why, and what you will not tolerate.

His reaction should be indication about what to do going forward.
Lol. Wow. Its like i'm reading the story of my life here...(minus the marriage and kids)

After slapping a restraining order against my abusive ex, I stayed single unintentionally for almost 7 years.
During that time, I tried to build a relationship but :nono:. I became reckless and making illogical decisions in regards to dating men, I would always put men in the same category as my ex.
I needed time to myself to heal, and went to counseling...which is what I suggest you do. Did you at least give yourself time to heal?
I hope things work out for you.
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He needs to take his butt home.
I would NEVER let anyone who does not pay rent in my house disrespect me in my own home, let alone cook for them. If that was me that fool would be on an indefinite timeout.
That's a good point. I think yall need to establish some boundaries as well. No need to let kids see mommy having a basically leave-in boyfriend that won't talk to her when he's mad, yet she still serving him and giving up her car.

No bueno.
thanks ladies you really put it into perspetive...i guess deep down i already knew this
how would you have sent him home besides saying "get tha f*** out!" lol? thats what i wanted to say im hoping he doesnt come by today well maybe i do a little so i can tell him to get out.

also my kids are out of town at the moment... in phoenix with their grandmother trust i would have gaave the boot asap if my kids were home
I think you got in a new relationship too soon and he should not be at your house that often like he lives there unless you are married. You too aren't engaged or married so he should definitely not be there so much especially since you have two young children. And his car issue is his car issue. He's a grown man and should be able to figure out how to get to work without your help, again especially since you aren't his fiancee or wife. I think you need to fall wayyy back. You two should just be dating at this point, not practically living together.
#1, Any one, young or old, who enters my house needs to speak to me (hi, bye, screw you or whatever), or they need to leave.

#2, You should've taken care of your "baggage", before entering another relationship. It's hard to try to deal with that on your own. You need to make sure that you're okay enough to not ever get sucked into that kind of environment (abuse) again. It's not too late.

#3, "Im hoping its not me and guys just try and test how far they can go" Do not let him make any of this your fault and do not make any of this your fault.
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I learned a long time ago that you teach people how to treat you. I never had any big relationship issues but I know all the things that guys did to me was because I allowed it. It doesn't sound like your boyfriend has your best interest at heart. There is no way he should feel comfortable taking your car and having it all day and night when you have two children and then to come into your home and not speak and smelling like liquor. He should be grateful for what you are doing for him and it seems as if he is acting like you owe him. He only said thanks when you gave him his plate. Why did you make him a plate? You should have sent him home.
I agree with this and think you let him get too comfortable too quickly. I don't care if my boyfriend is my next door neighbor, he does act like my house is his house until we are married. I certainly wouldn't let him borrow my car when he likes. He needs to take care of that himself and I have things to do. You two need to have a serious talk now and you need to make clear his behavior is completely unacceptable.
I think a lot of PP have basically said it. You went through a harrowing marriage, you should take some time to heal and decide for yourself what you would want from another relationship.

If new guy wants to be a supportive "friend" he can be, but he's not your child or little brother so you don't need to cater to him, if he's around you he should be there to support you and be very respectful, you don't need any more drama I can't imagine its easy raising two young kids after dealing with abuse and divorce.

Good luck
I just came to say I loved that come back "google it" that was funny. Anywho get your key back and concentrate on you. Update us if he comes tonight.
Slow ya roll sis. You were barely out of a bad marriage and then back in a deep relationship. I agree with the poster who insinuated that you figure out how to heal from your abusive marriage. You have a 3 and 4 yo and you seem to have a lot of free time for this dude. Are you a SAHM or do you work from home? I see you mentioned him driving your car to back and forth to work. I am thinking homey drives your car more than you, plus you have given him free regin of your home and everything else. Homey got it good, what does he give you? How does he support you? What does he do for your kids? Material and nonmaterial???
taking my kids to the beach...finally got a sunny day up here in seattle will give the dirt later on tonight love u all
thanks ladies you really put it into perspetive...i guess deep down i already knew this
how would you have sent him home besides saying "get tha f*** out!" lol? thats what i wanted to say im hoping he doesnt come by today well maybe i do a little so i can tell him to get out.

also my kids are out of town at the moment... in phoenix with their grandmother trust i would have gaave the boot asap if my kids were home

taking my kids to the beach...finally got a sunny day up here in seattle will give the dirt later on tonight love u all
:ohwell: im alittle confused.

I ain't finna light no newport right now cuz for one, momma done ran outta licka and I don't feel like runnin downstairs to get a pack out da freeza.

But imma wait n see (like OP) what kinda phuckery he comes to da crib wif dis time.

*drops mic n walks off stage mumblin -- dat must be some hellafied penis cuz aint no way in da world imma let a man have cat blanc privileges to my home and my car....and you gettin da puddi and meals free too??? Dayum dat he can run mind games on me in da gotdayum process ova MY shyt?*... chile puleez...unless u like bein used for his convenience.

Like my girl Diana Ross said... ./'./' its my house'./'....
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so i went out and ran some errands and when i came home i seen his shoes and heard him in the shower....unfortunately I had to leave since my clothes were at the laundry mat but on my way to the car i seen his sister pull up and i heard her on the phone leaving amessage on his phone that she was outside. After i grabbed my laundry to take home i was thinking his stuff would be gone...low annd behold it wasnt so im struggling to not toss them out the second floor window...i guess ima wait for the confrontation...sooo feelin like actin a fool on this fool....will keep you posted
Don't post his pic. Put him on the sofa tonight. Once he has left the house tomorrow pack his stuff up and put on the porch with a note. Then change the locks. I would not have a confrontation with him. Call yourself some back up as well in case he acts the fool tomorrow. Have a plan. In the future please please please be more careful. Women with young children (and not so young) have to be soooo careful. Boyfriends and step-fathers harm children that aren't theirs at an alarming rate. And often you may not know until it's much too late. You just have to be very careful and never let a boyfriend have so much access to your home or children. It really is dangerous. Please give yourself time to really get to know the next guy and maintain better boundaries for a longer length of time--6 or 7 months is not enough time to be sure a man deserves the privilege of spending lots of time with your children. And IMO boyfriends should not be babysitting and should never be bathing your children. Not saying you allowed him to do these things.
Don't post his pic. Put him on the sofa tonight. Once he has left the house tomorrow pack his stuff up and put on the porch with a note. Then change the locks. I would not have a confrontation with him. Call yourself some back up as well in case he acts the fool tomorrow. Have a plan. In the future please please please be more careful. Women with young children (and not so young) have to be soooo careful. Boyfriends and step-fathers harm children that aren't theirs at an alarming rate. And often you may not know until it's much too late. You just have to be very careful and never let a boyfriend have so much access to your home or children. It really is dangerous. Please give yourself time to really get to know the next guy and maintain better boundaries for a longer length of time--6 or 7 months is not enough time to be sure a man deserves the privilege of spending lots of time with your children. And IMO boyfriends should not be babysitting and should never be bathing your children. Not saying you allowed him to do these things.

ummm yea its not deep like that...but it is good info for other women who do these things thnx for your post mama
i want to post a pic of this dude lol....but dont want to make anyone mad on here...hehee
Really, that thought actually crossed your mind? I am sorry but that is really immature.

You really need to woman up and tell dude to step. He aint going NOWHERE as long as YOU continue to play this stupid cat and mouse game. This would be the perfect weekend since your kids are not there. Stop dragging your dang feet unless you really like this stupid drama, which I am starting to believe that you do, based on YOUR actions. You leaving out thinking her would be gone when you return. You allowing him to roll in and out of YOUR spot without acknowledging you. I am sure there are other things that you haven't even posted.

I am going to say it flat out, THAT IS JUST DUMB DUMB DUMB on your part.
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