Height and Length of Hair?


New Member
I am just curious to know the heights of women and their hair length because it seems to me that the people that I have encountered are about 5'2" with WL hair. Is it unheard of for taller women to have LLOOONNGGGG lengths of hair....I guess I just want a general consensus of people's hair in relationship to height to see if MBL is an achievable goal for me who is 5'7", closer to 5'8" :)

I'm 5'8", mbl chasing down wl. Not super long but getting there. You can do it, girl! :yep:
I understand what you mean. I'm about 6ft, plus size, with both long legs and torso. Sometimes it seems like my armpits are sooo much farther away than some folks. I see some much shorter women who technically have MBL or WL hair, but it doesn't seem that long inch wise. Anyhow, I just try to focus on my own goals.

To address your question, most of the women I know with BSL and longer hair are over 5'8''.
I know it might sound funny but I think neck length also plays a role. If a person has a short neck then their hair will seem longer and vice versa.
I'm 5'7.5" and am BSB (Below Shoulder Blade/aka BSL) trying to chase down MBL by the end of the year...It better be doable!
I understand what you're saying completely. I am 5'9.5 and I also have a short waist. The distance from my crown to bsl is 20 inches but from bsl to wl is only 7.5 inches. So it will have taken almost 3x's as much growth to reach bsl than it will wl.
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I'm 5'7 but I don't think height matters. It's the length of torso and neck. There was a thread where ladies told their back measurements and my back was the same length as Traycee's who is about 5'2 or somewhere around there and basically back sizes averaged out to be about the same. I have a short torso and nothing but legs so trying to go for knee length would be hell. Someone who is short may have a long torso and short legs....Nevertheless, I'm just about waistlength.
I am 5'10.5". It takes WAYYYY longer to attain these goals. My goal has always been MBL, but on me, BSL looks verrrry long so I may change my short term goal to full BSL. If I were shorter, I would have been MBL a long time ago.

I am amused when I read that someone went from APL to BSL in 6 months. On me it is taking a year or more with dusting. It took a year to go from SL to APL, and then to me, my hair doesn't even feel that long. The only thing that makes me feel like it is kinda long is when it is flat-ironed and out and I see the stares from black women...(you know how that goes). Other than that, very long hair on a tall woman takes a longggg time.
I'm 5'7 but I don't think height matters. It's the length of torso and neck.

I've always thought that neck and length of torso mattered more than height. You have to take that into consideration--if your neck/torso is shorter, it makes more sense that your hair will look longer in appearance than someone with a longer neck/torso.
I've always thought that neck and length of torso mattered more than height. You have to take that into consideration--if your neck/torso is shorter, it makes more sense that your hair will look longer in appearance than someone with a longer neck/torso.

Exactly! I'm 5'2 with a long torso. So. you'd think time wasn't a factor. Ugh! I'm bsl and MBL is my goal.WL would be too long for me.
Exactly! I'm 5'2 with a long torso. So. you'd think time wasn't a factor. Ugh! I'm bsl and MBL is my goal.WL would be too long for me.

You are so right, I guess it would only make it difficult if I was trying to attend classic length or something like that (just too much hair for me)!!!
I'm 5'7 and mbl,... I wish I had a long neck! :lol: but waist is around 30-31 inches on me and seeing the avg growth rate is about .5 inch per month, it seems to be taking forever :boredwrk:

ETA current length :)
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I'm 5'7 but I don't think height matters. It's the length of torso and neck. There was a thread where ladies told their back measurements and my back was the same length as Traycee's who is about 5'2 or somewhere around there and basically back sizes averaged out to be about the same. I have a short torso and nothing but legs so trying to go for knee length would be hell. Someone who is short may have a long torso and short legs....Nevertheless, I'm just about waistlength.

This post sums up exactly what has been learned on the board many times from threads such as this. Height does not indicate how many inches you will need for each hair milestone. It is best to get out your ruler or tape measure and find out how many inches you will need for each. You probably find your just about average if prior threads are any indication.
i'm 5'11 with long arms, neck and everything else:lol: my hair when flat ironed is bsl so i hope to be wsl no later than august or september 2011....it seems like its taking forever:nono: