New Member
I think it's great that many of you women don't compare yourself to anyone else. However, I think that comparison is a natural thing, and to say that you never do it is hard for me to believe. It's human nature. I'm not really hating on anyone tall or short for having long hair, I'm just pointing out that these are factors that come into play. So, for a short woman achieving her hair goals sooner than her tall, long necked friend, I'd let her friend know that maybe it's not your hair, maybe it's your long neck that is holding you up. LOL. Taking a holistic view of the situation may help those women who do compare understand that they may take a longer time to reach some of their hair goals [SL, BSL, MBL, etc], not because their hair care is bad, but because of their unique proportions. These women might be helped by this as opposed to thinking they need to make drastic changes to the regiment or give up on their goals.
Height actually never crosses my mind everyone looks the same height in their avatars