Height & Hair Length

Am I the only one who factors a person's height into hair length goals?

I'm 5'9-5'10 with APL hair. Now when I see woman who is short, let's say 5'3 or 5'4 with MBL or longer hair, sometimes I'm hating cause I know that on me that hair would still only be APL or in between APL and MBL. I'm not really trying to hate, I guess I'm just venting. Some of us want to achieve hair goals, but don't look at the big picture when we compare ourselves to other women on the boards.

What do you all think?
You should do a search on this because someone did a survey here about it and the finding was that short people have longer torsos therefore, the lengths are actually pretty similar. Of course there are always exceptions.
Yep - its been discussed before. Some people have long legs and others have long torsos, so while overall height is a factor, there's more to the story.
I'm only 5'1'' but i have never factored my height in my hair growth goals , i thought everyones torso was the same length but their legs were different lengths ( I don't know) what i can say is I'm so jealous of your height if you don't want it ill gladly take it from you.
I'm only 5'1'' but i have never factored my height in my hair growth goals , i thought everyones torso was the same length but their legs were different lengths ( I don't know) what i can say is I'm so jealous of your height if you don't want it ill gladly take it from you.

Without having done much research on this, I guess my thought it is that torsos must differ or else what would be the point of having a petite section in the stores, or having a tall section. The petite and tall sections account, not just for legs, but torsos too. It would seem odd for a person 5'1 to have the torso of a person 5'9. Their legs would have to be extremely short, which would make the person look really out of proportion. Also, there is the factor of short versus long necks, which is gonna affect the ability to get to SL.
I'm pretty short but since my torso is freakshow long i think the length would be the same if i was taller.

i have like 6 inches between my shoulder to my armpits alone:wallbash:

Without having done much research on this, I guess my thought it is that torsos must differ or else what would be the point of having a petite section in the stores, or having a tall section. The petite and tall sections account, not just for legs, but torsos too. It would seem odd for a person 5'1 to have the torso of a person 5'9. Their legs would have to be extremely short, which would make the person look really out of proportion. Also, there is the factor of short versus long necks, which is gonna affect the ability to get to SL.

when i go to the store i only buy petite pants. petite shirts are usually too small and short.It really has to to with individual proportions. although i say "freakshow" torso i really dont think i look odd proportion wise at all.
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Most tall women have long necks, and most short women have short necks. I think that makes a difference where the hair falls as well.
I'm pretty short but since my torso is freakshow long i think the length would be the same if i was taller.

i have like 6 inches between my shoulder to my armpits alone:wallbash:

This sounds familiar. I'm 5'7" (mostly legs), but my torso weird. There are about 5.5-6" between SL & APL, 3-4" between APL & BSL and 3-4" between BSL and WL.

OP, I definitely take into consideration height/torso proportion when thinking about hair length goals.
OP I take it into consideration too especially in the beginning when I would look at progress pics and was trying to set realistic goals for myself. I think you have to otherwise you may just get too discouraged.
I don't take height into consideration and it's mainly because I don't really compare my hair (length, texture, etc.) to anyone else's hair. Whether I'm 5'4" or 6'4", my MBL or WL is "my MBL or WL"....not someone else's.

If people want to talk about the actual length of the strands of hair, then they should refer to inches and not SL, APL, BSL, etc.

I'm currently BSL. When I see someone say "I finally made it to MBL", I don't automatically assume that their hair is longer than mine because in many cases it's not.
The lengths in inches are relatively close give or take 2" - not very much of a difference, so it would be discouraging if you determine your goals based on others height/hair comparison.
You will not be able to determine the actual length in inches based on height alone. It may not be what you believe it to be. Just take care of your hair with your individual goals in mind...
5'9.5" here. Our torsos are NOT the same. (Maybe I'm an exception to the survey that was done). I can't buy one piece bathing suits coz they dig in and HURT at the "bottom", I can't buy those fitted shirts at a regular store coz the area where the waist is supposed to be hits me like 1 inch higher, when I buy turtle necks or t shirts I have to stretch the torso while the shirt is still wet or else the shirt will not cover my belly when I raise my arms over my head.

There are certain braids that people get to go halfway down their back, and when I get braided, sometimes the braider is perplexed as to why it took her so long to braid me. Last time I got these singles down my back and she was like, "it normally takes me only 6 hrs, why did it take 9 today?" I didn't say anything coz I didn't want her to charge me extra.

As far as my hair goals, I'll get there when I get there. I just have to focus on an area that's within my control like a good hair regimen. When I see long hair on someone shorter than me I don't necessarily attribute it to the height difference, I just assume they retained their hair better and I will get there eventually.
I will tell you that torsos do factor in, so does a big head and a long neck.

I am 6 feet tall and I feel your pain OP.
Without having done much research on this, I guess my thought it is that torsos must differ or else what would be the point of having a petite section in the stores, or having a tall section. The petite and tall sections account, not just for legs, but torsos too. It would seem odd for a person 5'1 to have the torso of a person 5'9. Their legs would have to be extremely short, which would make the person look really out of proportion. Also, there is the factor of short versus long necks, which is gonna affect the ability to get to SL.
Agreed, which is why I love JC Penney's, Gap, Old Navy, and Eddie Bauer for an affordable tall section :lachen:. Sorry to derail about clothes OP.
I think height makes a difference, I don't think it's a coincidence that the majority of the people MBL or longer here are shorter than 5'5".
I think that if you do want to really have details to compare just ask some one who has reached a certain goal how long is thier longest strand of hair. I don;t think they would mind and you can use that info how ever you want

I use hair strand length to monitor my own growth. I remember not seeing growth in the mirror but the yard stick did not lie to me. How long it takes to achieve a goal will be entirely dependant on all the factors that pertain to you only.

So ask people and don't hate and you may find that they struggle with slower growth and a host of other factors that make it harder for them.

Do a length check from scalp. Determine what length of hair you need to reach a goal. Monitor your growth rate monthly and be patient for results.:yep:
By the way, from the top of my crown center back to my waist is 25 inches, to my hip is 281/2 and to Classic is 37. I am 5ft5. If that helps you.

In the end I and only I have to reach those inches for the hair to fall at desired places on my body.

Happy growing!
Well I'm 5 feet tall. A few inches shorter and I could be considered a little person :lol:

No I have never taken my height or anyone elses into consideration regarding hair length. Personally, I don't think you should either. There is always going to be something that makes it seem one person has it easier than another.

If you want to trade heights I'm game. I'll take being taller over having the appearance of long hair any day because if I were taller I would look thinner.
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Well, I'm five feet flat, but I have a short torso apparently......though I have a BIG head, lol. So I'm an odd combination! :lol:
I think it would be best if everyone just measured the lengths to their own goals, and determined how long it would take to reach that point based on average monthly growth rate. Seems a lot easier than everyone comparing, hating, or venting.
I never like these conversations. To me it is like someone is trying to make an excuse for why their hair isn't BSL or to take away from someone else's achievement.

There's also the one where people say that that person "has no neck" so their SL hair isn't really shoulder length. Well it turns out that person just has a big ol head. People with little pill heads DO have longer necks, but it's the same blasted distance, now isn't it?

People have different size torsos but are within the same range. I don't see a lot of tall shirts. When I shop online, I don't need a "petite" in a top... just in the pants. In fact, I don't ever remember seeing a petite top.

You might have an extremely long torso, but some people don't have a neck either. You are exceptional. Most people have their height in their legs.

We had this conversation before and people measured and reported. There was not an overwhelming correlation between torso length and height.
yes, i don't think it matters either. When someone is going for a goal, that goal is based on their measurement and nobody else. Someone's progress should not be cheapened by their height. It is not fair to them because they don't have control over it.
I think it would be best if everyone just measured the lengths to their own goals, and determined how long it would take to reach that point based on average monthly growth rate. Seems a lot easier than everyone comparing, hating, or venting.

Probably should have just read this before I typed anything.
I think it would be best if everyone just measured the lengths to their own goals, and determined how long it would take to reach that point based on average monthly growth rate. Seems a lot easier than everyone comparing, hating, or venting.

This is a good point. One of the reasons I took a six month hiatus from the board is because I was always comparing my length to someone else's because my neck is soooo long. Eventually I beat myself up so much that I had really given up. I only came back after making a conscious decision never to compare my progress with others. I feel much better and more encouraging about watching others make their goals now too.
Even if I see a little child with long hair, I think "wow that's long hair." Not how many inches is it and where would it fall on me.
I think when you are starting out you look for inspiration and real life examples. Because in the beginning you are literally watching hair grow and a part of you still believes in the old bs that our hair doesn't grow. Once you start seeing your own progress I think you are less interested in why your hair isn't behaving like anothers.
I think it's great that many of you women don't compare yourself to anyone else. However, I think that comparison is a natural thing, and to say that you never do it is hard for me to believe. It's human nature. I'm not really hating on anyone tall or short for having long hair, I'm just pointing out that these are factors that come into play. So, for a short woman achieving her hair goals sooner than her tall, long necked friend, I'd let her friend know that maybe it's not your hair, maybe it's your long neck that is holding you up. LOL. Taking a holistic view of the situation may help those women who do compare understand that they may take a longer time to reach some of their hair goals [SL, BSL, MBL, etc], not because their hair care is bad, but because of their unique proportions. These women might be helped by this as opposed to thinking they need to make drastic changes to the regiment or give up on their goals.
I think it's great that many of you women don't compare yourself to anyone else. However, I think that comparison is a natural thing, and to say that you never do it is hard for me to believe. It's human nature. I'm not really hating on anyone tall or short for having long hair, I'm just pointing out that these are factors that come into play. So, for a short woman achieving her hair goals sooner than her tall, long necked friend, I'd let her friend know that maybe it's not your hair, maybe it's your long neck that is holding you up. LOL. Taking a holistic view of the situation may help those women who do compare understand that they may take a longer time to reach some of their hair goals [SL, BSL, MBL, etc], not because their hair regime is bad, but because of their unique proportions. These women might be helped by this as opposed to thinking they need to make drastic changes to the regime or give up on their goals.

But as it has been said, sometimes really short people and really tall people aren't all that different, so I don't think it's true. It could very well be a problem with her hair. It would be better if she knew that it would take x amount of inches to get there and based on her growth rate, she should get there by this date. If she doesn't, then it might be a problem with her retention. So using a short person to make her feel better is not actually helping her.
It is natural to compare, but if you know in the back of your head what your measurements are and how long it should take, you should feel no need to feel worse about yourself or belittle the short woman's success.
Im 5'8 I am a little taller than average height I dont take anyone else's hair or height into account on my journey as everyone is not gonna achieve their goals in the same length of time for various reasons (growth rate, diet, breakage, height,etc..). Just because someone is shorter doesn't discount all the hard work they had to do to achieve their hair goals
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