Heavy-Handed Sistah's Support Thread


New Member
I wanted to start a support thread for the women on this forum who, like me, are heavy-handed with their products. I go through so much product in such a short amount of time because of this problem. When I hear people say "dime-sized" or "quarter-sized" I'm like "are you serious :ohwell:?" And realistically, I don't need to use as much product as I've been using. I know that we all have varying lengths and textures on this board, and some of us need to use more product, and others need less. But there's always the potential of going overboard, regardless of length or texture. Even if our hair isn't suffering, our wallets may be, lol. So I'm going to try to cure myself of this habit. Anybody else have this problem?
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I wanted to start a support thread for the women on this forum who, like me, are heavy-handed with their products. I go through so much product in such a short amount of time because of this problem. When I hear people say "dime-sized" or "quarter-sized" I'm like "are you serious :ohwell:?" And realistically, I don't need to use as much product as I've been using. So I'm going to try to cure myself of this habit. Anybody else have this problem?

Unfortunately i've never used a dime- or quarter-sized amount of anything unless it's the last drop. Dime-sized? Is that even possible? :look:
So how are you gonna try to cure this problem? I could use some tips because a bottle of conditioner lasting 1 week is not a good thing.
Unfortunately i've never used a dime- or quarter-sized amount of anything unless it's the last drop. Dime-sized? Is that even possible? :look:
So how are you gonna try to cure this problem? I could use some tips because a bottle of conditioner lasting 1 week is not a good thing.

My problem is that I will moisturize my hair, then I will second guess it and be like "Did that even do anything?" then I'll moisturize again and seal with oil. Then I'll think "well, my ends probably need more moisture" then I put more moisturizer on my ends, and seal again with oil. Then when my hair finally dries it's so coated looking and I have to spray down with water or co-wash again the very next day because of it. So what I'm going to do is use only as much as I need. I use two conditioners to moisturize and I'm going to use a dime sized amount of each conditioner, put it on damp hair, seal with a fine layer of oil, and leave it the heck alone. I did this today and my hair feels really soft and nice, not over-coated like it's been lately.

P.S. Depending on one's length they may need varying amounts of product, but there is always a point where we can go over-board. I just don't want to put more product in my hair than what is necessary.
A dime or quarter size wouldn't even do my hairline :lachen: I have a big head, with a ton of hair on it.

:grin: I was just using the dime and quarter sized amounts as an example. I know that realistically some people may need to use more than that. But some people just use way too much product, regardless of length and texture, like myself.
Muffin I do the exact same second guessing game as you do. I'll pass by the bathroom and have to go in the cabinet to re-moisturize hours after moisturizing. I know I over use everything from my hair care products to my body wash. I figure this is why sometimes my hair seems wet after moisturizing because I'm bathing it in the stuff..I'm doing better but, can't seem to come around with conditioner- love to just slather the stuff on.
This is a cute thread. I am heavy handed, but I have no intention on changing. Maybe if I lurk here I'll be inspired to scale back a little bit.
I have the cure. We need to call the companies that make our products and get them to give us a discount so we can buy more products at a cheaper price and use as much as we want. It's really a win win situation.:grin:
Leona if there was a thanks button I would sooooo thank you. LOL

I am not only heavy handed with the product but with my hair in general I am use to fighting with it but the back is way more militant than the front and the front has my hairline.

I don't second guess on product but I do need a lot of whatever I am using. Don't have an answer on the second guessing except that now that you know the problem work with one of the produts you know you second guess on and go from there.

Such as tell yourself you are only going to use so much and do so then see how your hair responds. I guess consider it an experiment.
I'm only this way with conditioner though...and I don't understand why!!! I went through a botlle of Redken Butter Treat in 3 days flat (Of course I went back to buy more). She Scent It Avocado Conditioner?! Whoo, I had to retsrain myself from slathering it throughout my head this morning... I'm getting better, but in no means have a found a cure (I might not want one...I think I like being a heavy handed junkie!)
I'm only this way with conditioner though...and I don't understand why!!! I went through a botlle of Redken Butter Treat in 3 days flat (Of course I went back to buy more). She Scent It Avocado Conditioner?! Whoo, I had to retsrain myself from slathering it throughout my head this morning... I'm getting better, but in no means have a found a cure (I might not want one...I think I like being a heavy handed junkie!)

I'm only like this with conditioner too, especially leave-in's. I get really paranoid and think that I have to put more and more and more just to get the benefits, but really I end up harming my hair. Seems like I'm alone with wanting to rid myself of this habit, :grin:. That's ok. Some people need to use a lot of product because that's what works for them. But if anyone feels that they are using way too much product and it's really not helping their hair out in the long run, then this thread is for you :yep:. I guess my problem isn't as much heavy-handedness as it is OCD.
Wait.. so you mean I'm NOT 'sposed to go through a tub of lustrasilk every two weeks? (I got shoulder length layered hair ya'll... I guess I do have a problem >>) My hair is natural and dense though-- It sucks up a LOT. Maybe if I had an actual budget and could buy the really good stuff I wouldn't need so much...
Wait.. so you mean I'm NOT 'sposed to go through a tub of lustrasilk every two weeks? (I got shoulder length layered hair ya'll... I guess I do have a problem >>) My hair is natural and dense though-- It sucks up a LOT. Maybe if I had an actual budget and could buy the really good stuff I wouldn't need so much...

I'm devising a little scheme to help me save money on conditioner. It's not just about reducing the amount of product you put in your hair. If a person can't do that because they have very lush, dense hair that requires a lot of product or else there will be a very uncivil war between you and your strands, then think of other areas you can cut back on (only if you want to). Like if you co-wash everyday, maybe you could co-wash every other day. Or if you deep condition a couple of times per week, may be you could reduce how much you DC. Realistically, some of the products I use are kind of pricey, and I've been using much more of those products than necessary. I can't really afford to be as heavy-handed as I've been being anymore, so I'm trying to cut back a bit.
That could be a way to cure the problem, limit ourselves to just 1-2 of that product a month. That will help save $!!

Good idea! That would motivate us to be conservative. I'm going to start writing down the dates that I buy products on the bottle of the product with a permanent marker. Deep conditioners should last me a month, or possibly more. I've been going through probably two bottles of deep conditioners per month, and that's not cool with me :nono:
Unfortunately i've never used a dime- or quarter-sized amount of anything unless it's the last drop. Dime-sized? Is that even possible? :look:
So how are you gonna try to cure this problem? I could use some tips because a bottle of conditioner lasting 1 week is not a good thing.

I am not that serious in terms of going through a bottle in a week because my hair isn't as long as yours but I have a problem. I don't understand what a quarter-size penetrates or even dime-size maybe with sealing and moisturizing. However, with co-washing or washing or deep conditioning. I don't know this terminology. It is time to get acquainted.
I am not that serious in terms of going through a bottle in a week because my hair isn't as long as yours but I have a problem. I don't understand what a quarter-size penetrates or even dime-size maybe with sealing and moisturizing. However, with co-washing or washing or deep conditioning. I don't know this terminology. It is time to get acquainted.

Truth be told, I'm not that familiar with the whole dime and quarter thing either. When I'm applying product to my hair the last thing I'm thinking of is change, lol. Today what I tried doing was using just one or two squirts of conditioner, rubbing them together in my hands so it coated them, then applied it to damp hair thoroughly from roots to ends.
Heavy handed person checking in.

Welcome, sistah, lol. Are you heavy handed with all of your products or just conditioners? Also do you feel that being heavy handed has helped the condition of your hair or do you think it's unnecessary? Just curious :).
Yeah - I's heavy handed. :lachen:

Those tubs of DC - lustrasilk etc - get me like 2.5 uses. I think that's one of the reasons why I became a mixtress - I needed that stuff to start lasting longer!

With conditioner - I feel too much is better than too little so slap it on!
With leave ins and oil etc I will put the amount I thought would be good in the palm of my hand, and then put at least half that back in the bottle. I can always put more on, but if I put too much on I just gotta wait it out. When my experimenting resulted in me finding more effective products I starting going lighter too, b/c I saw that I just didn't need so much to get the job done.

Applying in sections helps too. :yep:
I'm broke... so my small haircare product budget has been my cure for the past few months! I gotta ration my good conditioners cuz I cant just run out and buy more for a while! But i used to mix up a cup full of conditioner to slather my strands with 2x a week, and i dont even have that much hair, ya'll! So now I learned how to get all my hair conditioned with a lot less, and my hair is actually looking better!
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I'm broke... so my small haircare product budget has been my cure for the past few months! I gotta ration my good conditioners cuz I cant just run out and buy more for a while! But i used to mix up a cup full of conditioner to slather my strands with 2x a week, and i dont even have that much hair, ya'll! So now I learned how to get all my hair conditioned with a lot less, and my hair is actually looking better!

Wish we still had the thank you button. You just stated my thoughts exactly, lol. I'm just going to be much more aware of how much product I put in my hair. I'm only going to moisturize my hair twice a day (morning and night), using a little bit of conditioner each time instead of moisturizing 4 and 5 times per day using who knows how much product. And, for me, less is more. If I put too little conditioner in my hair, I can always add a bit more to it. But when I put too much conditioner in my hair, the only cure is for me to hop in the shower, wash it out, and start the whole process over again. My hair starts to look coated and clumps together, which I hate.
I could cut down. I usually cowash in the shower with Aphogee 2 minute and Panteen Relaxed and Natural mask. Then I Dc and then after the Dc I co wash again with Aphogee 2 minute and Panteen Relaxed and Natural mask. This co wash mix is the only thing that really melts my tangles and strengthen my hair instantly. I could JUST:sad::ohwell::perplexed:look: co-wash after the Dc instead of before. I have went through 2 big bottles of the Aphogee in the last month.:nono:

I'm frugal with leave-ins. I really do only use a quater amount. I could probably cut down on shampoo too. I use like 3 handfuls, but I shampoo maybe 1 every 2 weeks so I never really notice it. I could just shampoo the scalp and let the rest dribble down to t he ends.
Okay, besides the fact that I JUST REALIZED THERE'S NO THANKS BUTTON :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:.....okay, I'm back....

I'm heavy handed with everything....conditioner, salt, seasonings, it's terrible and as far as dime size and quarter size, I don't see how that's possible.

I went through 8 32oz bottles of conditioner in 3 months. Is that bad? LOL. Everyone says it is.
Okay, besides the fact that I JUST REALIZED THERE'S NO THANKS BUTTON :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:.....okay, I'm back....

I'm heavy handed with everything....conditioner, salt, seasonings, it's terrible and as far as dime size and quarter size, I don't see how that's possible.

I went through 8 32oz bottles of conditioner in 3 months. Is that bad? LOL. Everyone says it is.

Wow...8 32oz bottles in three months!? That's about 2.5 32oz bottles per month! I'm glad you came to the thread. It makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone in having this problem (sounds so corny and AA, I know, but it's true :yep:).
I have the cure. We need to call the companies that make our products and get them to give us a discount so we can buy more products at a cheaper price and use as much as we want. It's really a win win situation.:grin:

Lol. Only if dreams like that came true.