Heavy Handed Ladies...

Wearing my hair in cornrows (under my wig) helps alot. I use significantly less product than when I have my natural hair out. Less volume = less product.

For example, to moisturize, I use a quarter size amount of Giovanni direct and a quarter size amount of castor oil for my entire head (in cornrows). However, when my hair is loose I have to use 4x - 6x that amount for my entire head because of the volume. I'm working on it though. I like my hair better when I use less product. (And my budget like is too!)

Since I've been wigging it for a while, my products lasts a looooong time. Love it.
I am very hevy handed on conditioning products.I had to start buying everything in salon sizes,especially when I on the cowash daily/DC weekly tip.I don't got through things as fast now since I've been doing more "styles" instead of the wet hair thing...I might have to keep up with the styling because college budget and 4 and 5 bottles or expensive conditioners a month ain't gone cut it lol.
I use to be really heavy handed. I felt like if there wasn't excess dripping off, then there probably wasn't enough. That is until I watched some of macherie's videos and saw how little product she uses on ALL THAT BEAUTIFUL hair. Then I thought, well, if a little works for her hair, then Imma try it. Wouldn't you know, it works. I haven't broken myself down to a nickel sized amount, but I am down to a quarter size as oppose to the handful amount I use to use. What I have found is that since I have started using better quality products, I really do need less.
I NEED to put mass amounts of conditioner on my hair. I know this to be true not only from my personal experience dealing with this mop, but from hairdressers.

Every hairdresser/stylist I have been to has used gobs of product on my hair. No dime sized amounts here. It's not uncommon for them to have to go to the back and get another bottle. Each of them has told me that I have ungodly amounts of hair. Braiders cuss under thier breath when I'd go in for micros.

Ditto (I've never noticed anyone getting another bottle though--DANG GIRL!). A dime-sized amount of product might be enough conditioner for my edges. LOL. :lachen:

ETA: For me, it's irrelevant what the quality of the product is (although I use 90% salon-quality products anyhow). I need alot of product to detangle my hair and keep it soft and in tip-top condition.
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I tend to be very heavy handed with things...especially I like (like conditioner). I get paranoid when I only use a little. I think things like "maybe it won't work if I only use this much. I'll just use a little more" :lachen: I know, it's borderline crazy, but that's how I am. Lately I've been trying to curb that, though. I have a tendency of overdoing things.

this is me to the t!!!!!:look:

i think we should do a "heavy handed challenge!"

i have been thinking of starting a thread like this for a long time!!!!:yep:

even my husband tells m to cut back on the amount of stuff i use as too much of something is not good!!! i'm trying though....:ohwell:
I'm heavy handed, but I've learned to control it. It took me a long time to realize that too much product makes my hair dry. So I really watch it. In fact, I rarely use butters anymore except on rare occasions and the same goes for other moisturizers. When I use oil, I use the smallest amount I can get away with. I never use styling products like gel and I don't even use "deep conditioners", hair masks or other similar products.

However, my biggest obstacle to controlling how much conditioner I use is the fact that my hair is very, very tangly. When I use conditioner, I am likely to use a lot of it to try and get slip and protect my hair from the process of finger combing, combing or using a denman brush to get all of the tangles out. I have been known to use whole bottles of conditioner in one detangling session. This is especially true now that my hair is past hip length when wet. I can use oil and a shampoo bar to get slip. But conditioner is faster and for a while, my schedule was tight. But now I'm back to having more time, so I'm trying to be more careful with those bottles of conditioner. I just bought my fave conditioner which is pretty expensive for the little bottles it comes in. So, I know I really will be MUCH more thoughtful.
I am very heavy handed with my oils. Especially my beloved Castor oil. I hate when that happens because it's so expensive!
hmm, maybe if i put on a lot my hair won't tangle so much. my experience tells me that i'd just end up with oily and/or soft tangles, though. how does your hair feel to the touch? can you feel all the product?

Nope, can't feel any product. My b/f commented on that too... all that stuff you put in your hair, but your hair is never greasy. My hair literally sucks it in and absorbs it.

It feels fine after! I don't have soft hair, and I never will (coarse, coarse, coarse) but it feels healthy and moisturized.
this is me to the t!!!!!:look:

i think we should do a "heavy handed challenge!"

i have been thinking of starting a thread like this for a long time!!!!:yep:

even my husband tells m to cut back on the amount of stuff i use as too much of something is not good!!! i'm trying though....:ohwell:

I'm heavy handed, but I've learned to control it. It took me a long time to realize that too much product makes my hair dry. So I really watch it. In fact, I rarely use butters anymore except on rare occasions and the same goes for other moisturizers. When I use oil, I use the smallest amount I can get away with. I never use styling products like gel and I don't even use "deep conditioners", hair masks or other similar products.

However, my biggest obstacle to controlling how much conditioner I use is the fact that my hair is very, very tangly. When I use conditioner, I am likely to use a lot of it to try and get slip and protect my hair from the process of finger combing, combing or using a denman brush to get all of the tangles out. I have been known to use whole bottles of conditioner in one detangling session. This is especially true now that my hair is past hip length when wet. I can use oil and a shampoo bar to get slip. But conditioner is faster and for a while, my schedule was tight. But now I'm back to having more time, so I'm trying to be more careful with those bottles of conditioner. I just bought my fave conditioner which is pretty expensive for the little bottles it comes in. So, I know I really will be MUCH more thoughtful.

I'm going to try cutting back again on this wash day. I'll try and use half the product I usually use and pray afterwards, lol.

If I ever got to hip length, with the amount of product I use today... I would be using 3 or 4 bottles/jars of conditioner per wash day. I can't keep going down this road :nono: I was even considering watering everything I use down so I can get more uses out of it :nono:
I'm very heavy handed with product too, Neith. It's even worse now that I'm completely natural. My curls are thirsty.
What kind of conditioner are you using? Is that true for any conditioner you've tried? You might just need to switch to something more moisturizing. How often are you DCing? When I first went natural my hair seemed dry all the time no matter what I did to it. I think it was the cowashing. I can't use those cheapy conditioners either. Once I went back to washing and DCing overnight I never had a problem with it anymore. And I don't use a ridiculous amount of conditioner.
What kind of conditioner are you using? Is that true for any conditioner you've tried? You might just need to switch to something more moisturizing. How often are you DCing? When I first went natural my hair seemed dry all the time no matter what I did to it. I think it was the cowashing. I can't use those cheapy conditioners either. Once I went back to washing and DCing overnight I never had a problem with it anymore. And I don't use a ridiculous amount of conditioner.

I'm not natural, some people think I am and just wanted to let you know... I'm far from natural :) My hair isn't dry... I don't have a dryness problem at all... just that one time I tried to use a normal amount of product.

I use Miss Key's 10 en 1 and Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose. Yes, it's true for any conditioner I've used... and I've used a lot from salon quality to cheapies. After a lot of experimenting, I know what works on my hair :yep: They both work on my hair very well.

I used to go through the big tub of humecto in about 6 weeks :lol: I know people say they keep that one tub for a year! :ohwell:

I use cheapie conditioners for co washing with no problem, but for the last few months I've been using up some better quality conditioners (giovanni 50:50, giovanni smooth as silk, aubrey organics GPB) as co wash conditioners. I'll go back to V05 when those are gone.

I deep condition once a week. I shampoo 2x a month and co wash 2x per month, then deep condition.

I don't know what to do! It has nothing to do with the condition of my hair, it's in very good condition. I guess I'll be a conditioner whore forever :(
I am heavy handed. My hair soaks up everything like the desert. Before I got back to the States, I ran out of most of my hair products. All I had was a tiny weeny bit of conditioner and a tiny bit of my Qhemet Heavy Cream and my hair still looked dry and poofy. As soon as I was able to replenish my products, I used a generous amount and my hair loves me for it.

Almond Eyes

Well... today is wash day and I attempted to use less deep conditioner.


Heck no... I couldn't even get my fingers through my hair at all. I was forced to put the regular amount I usually put in.

I did not want to have to deal with a rat's nest :nono:

Soon as I put enough in, my fingers glided through my hair.

I'm thinking I should buy a nice, big, cheap tub of cholesterol (my hair likes it ok) and mixing some with my regular DC. That way, I can get the benefit of my beloved conditioners, but stretch out my use of them some.

It's better add something cheap to my regimen than just buying more and more of the more expensive stuff.

I can see that as my hair gets longer, it's getting more demanding. :( I used to get 3 uses out of one jar at the beginning of the year, but now I'm finding I'm getting just a little bit more than 2.
I am heavy handed BUT I part my hair into four sections. You wouldn't believe how many uses I can get out of a bitty four ounce jar of deep treatment. I be working those jars!
I am heavy handed BUT I part my hair into four sections. You wouldn't believe how many uses I can get out of a bitty four ounce jar of deep treatment. I be working those jars!

I also part my hair into 4 main sections. Then I part each of those sections into roughly 3 sections. I never, never work on my hair without sectioning because it's thick and it will not behave if I do it that way.

Can't nothing help me. I think I just have to learn to deal with it. :lol:

Well... today is wash day and I attempted to use less deep conditioner.


Heck no... I couldn't even get my fingers through my hair at all. I was forced to put the regular amount I usually put in.

I did not want to have to deal with a rat's nest :nono:

Soon as I put enough in, my fingers glided through my hair.

I'm thinking I should buy a nice, big, cheap tub of cholesterol (my hair likes it ok) and mixing some with my regular DC. That way, I can get the benefit of my beloved conditioners, but stretch out my use of them some.

It's better add something cheap to my regimen than just buying more and more of the more expensive stuff.

I can see that as my hair gets longer, it's getting more demanding. :( I used to get 3 uses out of one jar at the beginning of the year, but now I'm finding I'm getting just a little bit more than 2.

That's what I do with cholesterol. Otherwise I use up DC's way too fast and it gets expensive.

If I don't use enough product during my DC forget it there is no way I'm combing my hair after.:nono: