Well-Known Member
I am so upset. i whole out a long diatribe of my heat training journey and i accidentally deleted it when switching tabs
I am giving the abbreviated version and i probably left out alot of details and pics but i cannot write that over againall of my pics are in my fotki if you are interested.
i haven't posted in quite some time but with all this heat training talk i wanted to give my personal experience with it and how it has greatly improved my manageability and styling. even after being on hairboards for so long and being natural for most of my life i still had alot of difficulty at times i even wanted to cry. hair shouldn't have to be this difficult so this is why i decided to try this out.
Natural texture. no heat no nothing. RAW. no product/manipulation i wore it like this for quite some time mainly in twists.
here it is after using heat regulalry for 6 months. i would flat iron 2 times a month.
after that i got a electric pressing comb and pressed my hair 1 time every 3 weeks and i would rest for one week or repress. i blow dry,press and then flat iron.. in the summer i would sometimes airdry. i did this for the rest of 2010
here is is nearly a year after i have been using heat regulalry
in december i pressed my hair 4 times in 2 weeks.a small curl in my nape doesnt curl right after that but otherwise i never had an issue with my hair curling up. i will never do that again.
as to the "limp hair" thing i did notice that my hair was as i call it "saggy"
but my hair has that same saggy look when i put a crap load of product in it
like here
this is my hair shingled with gel. this is the SAME day that i took the raw hair pictures.![]()
otherwise this is has been the solution to my hair woes. my hair still irks me but i find styling,moisturizing and detangling much more easier. my tangles just fall out when i get it wet. no more 30 min-hour long detangling sessions.5 mins tops.
i noticed breakage after a while but for all of 2010 i rarley DCed. i started back in december after that mishap.
and as far as retaining length i retained quite bit. i think it may have been less than if i had stayed heat free but i am still satisfied overall.
dec 2009
dec 2010
its not accurate because i had to stretch in 2010 because i did such a crappy press![]()
but i went from scraping apl to scraping bsl.
also i do not have an issue with "roots" this is why i wanted to get away from relaxers. i dont notice a difference from my roots and the rest of the strands except my very ends but they have always been wonky even when i wasnt using heat(possible texturized ends that never broke off) and i am very keen about these things. i prefer it this way.
I hope this helps!
Wow it is obvious that heat training has worked for you! I also retain more length with heat.