Heat gets a bad rap... (long)


The Credit Countess
I truly believe that heat is not so much a big thing about how we use it.

A couple of years ago when I was going to the hair dressers for my relaxer, so would say that my hair needed heat, and I was so afriad because of all of the reading done here. However, when she did my hair I loved the way it look. Since than I have started doing my own relaxers and had stayed away from heat after reading how bad it was. I used a bonnet dryer but not a blow dryer or flat iron. My hair no matter what I did had no body or life to it. If I rollerset it it would just sit there.

Fast forward to last month. I decided to use heat and let me tell you it is a total difference. My hair has some shine and body. I am mointering my hair to make sure that there are not major changes to my hair.

I say all of this to say we as black people have used heat in the wrong way for so long that we think that no heat is bad. We would use it on the hair everyday and only wash 1/month, put oil on the hair first and fry the hair, etc. If you read and research and only use heat when you wash, on the lowest setting , use a heat protector and don't oil your hair until after you finish I think that you can be ok.

I prepoo, wash and dc twice a week (Wed and Sat), irdry to 80% dry, blow dry in sections with heat protector and then slowly taking my time I flat iron again with a heat protector smail sections. I only go over each section once no matter what and to maintain my hair doing the rest of the days I set my hair with rollers at night. I also moistureze my hair every night in sections focusing on my ends. So instead of putting a little moisturizer on my entire hair I put a dab on each section right before I roll the section.

What are your thoughts on this?
If your hair is thriving doing all of this.... I say keep up the good work! I sit under a dryer to dry my hair hanging straight for 20 minutes. Then I blow dry it the rest of the way for a little more straightness (2 min.). Then I flat iron my hair and bump the ends with a curling iron. I do this once a week. I use IC heat protective serum.

My hair is doing just fine but I believe it could be doing better if I can cut this down to every two weeks. That is my goal!
My Attitude is: I gave up chemicals!...Damn it, I'm not giving up heat too!
Heat can be used as long as you're hair is properly conditioned and heat protected. I use heat on a regular basis, and my hair is doing just fine!
I'm so against the fence with heat. :smirk:

I know that it's not good for my hair but when I use it so much sheen comes through very nicely. :yep:
i was afraid of heat
and hadnt really planned on ever using it again
actually, up until september of this year
it had been two years since i used heat.

i've started to become more comfortable
and will straighten every once in a while
pretty much only for length checks
so, maybe twice a year at most.
Direct heat in moderation isn't a bad thing.

The problem with "in moderation" is that it's subject to interpretation.

To the OP - using both a blow dryer and flat iron twice a week even on a low setting is not moderation and over the long haul I think your hair particularly the ends will suffer for it.

When I think of "in moderation" I look at someone like Sylver2 who flat irons once every 3-4 weeks.

I am by no means anti heat. I do think that it can kill the progress of a healthy hair regimen because it's so easy to justify adding 'just a little bit more" into the mix in the name of style.
I think heat used in moderation on well conditioned and heat protected hair is fine....I myself plan to use direct heat by flat iron on the lowest setting twice a month. I think I will be ok.
Years ago I had a very bad experience with blowdryers so me using it on myself is a no-no. I've had Dominican blowouts and after a while, my hair broke off, I don't know if it's because of overlapping or because of the heat, so now that I'm doing my own relaxers I've shyed away from blowdryers and have only used flat/curling irons. Personally I believe a blowdryer is a no-no, a flat/curling once per week on clean hair is Ok.
Direct heat in moderation isn't a bad thing.

The problem with "in moderation" is that it's subject to interpretation.

To the OP - using both a blow dryer and flat iron twice a week even on a low setting is not moderation and over the long haul I think your hair particularly the ends will suffer for it.

When I think of "in moderation" I look at someone like Sylver2 who flat irons once every 3-4 weeks.

I am by no means anti heat. I do think that it can kill the progress of a healthy hair regimen because it's so easy to justify adding 'just a little bit more" into the mix in the name of style.

That is why I am mointering and playing very close attention to my hair. Right now it seems healtier. I am thinking about airdrying and just flat ironing but I will see. I just think that heat isn't as bad as we think that it is if used correctly on clean, conditioned hair.
I don't think it is totally bad, but you have to watch it.

For me, the incorrect use of heat appliances was the worse thing. I tried a blowdryer with the comb attachement and that was not a good idea! It chewed my hair off.

But, at the same time, if I do not use heat, my hair is not as managable and I end up manipulating it more and causign breakage.

I think, for me, balance is important.
I don't think it is totally bad, but you have to watch it.

For me, the incorrect use of heat appliances was the worse thing. I tried a blowdryer with the comb attachement and that was not a good idea! It chewed my hair off.

But, at the same time, if I do not use heat, my hair is not as managable and I end up manipulating it more and causign breakage.

I think, for me, balance is important.

Yeah I stupidly started blowdrying every weekend for about 2 months earlier this year and had to hack off about an inch or so. I was very upset.
So HD,

HOw do you blowdry if not with the comb attachment.

I don't think it is totally bad, but you have to watch it.

For me, the incorrect use of heat appliances was the worse thing. I tried a blowdryer with the comb attachement and that was not a good idea! It chewed my hair off.

But, at the same time, if I do not use heat, my hair is not as managable and I end up manipulating it more and causign breakage.

I think, for me, balance is important.
I don't think it is totally bad, but you have to watch it.

For me, the incorrect use of heat appliances was the worse thing. I tried a blowdryer with the comb attachement and that was not a good idea! It chewed my hair off.

But, at the same time, if I do not use heat, my hair is not as managable and I end up manipulating it more and causign breakage.

I think, for me, balance is important.

I agree with the bolded. I've always been pro-heat. used correctly, heat can do wonders for your hair. i know it has for me.
Yeah, its not always bad imo either. My hair tangles up ALOT when its airdryed for some reason, just from natural shedding and being in a bun it can become really tangled and form dredlocks.

If i airdry, and flatiron on the lowest setting, it only warms my hair slightly---my hair doesnt feel hot, steam/smoke, or make any crackling noises that happens with some people who use it wrong. And i can get less tangles and manipulation from combing them out.

But when i tried to use heat on high setting, and use two forms, or use dome dryers---it was breakage. You just have to find a healhty limit for your hair imo.
My Attitude is: I gave up chemicals!...Damn it, I'm not giving up heat too! Heat can be used as long as you're hair is properly conditioned and heat protected. I use heat on a regular basis, and my hair is doing just fine!

I laughed out loud right there! I think a room temperature comb is more dangerous than a flat iron *when used in moderation* :)
So HD,

HOw do you blowdry if not with the comb attachment.

I just use my fingers and a NICE blowdryer. I don't do it to get my hair straight, but to just blow it out and get it dry.

I used to only airdry, but it takes too long now. My blowdryer works very well without the comb attachment. I have gotten great results with my Rusk CTC Lite dryer.
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all i do is roller sets and flat irons....they have not contributed to any breakage, i love this type of heat...plus, i dont comb my hair once out the shower so...i love it:grin:

now blowdrying is something i just dont do.....too much manipulation.:nono:
I've gotten very pro-heat recently. I agree with Pink Skates about having a balance with chemicals and heat. If I'm doing one, I scale back on the other.

Right now, I wash, roller set, flat-iron on low, and then hot comb the roots. I'm very seasonal though. In the summer I use heat maybe once a month, but in the winter its more like once a week.
Direct heat in moderation isn't a bad thing.

The problem with "in moderation" is that it's subject to interpretation.

To the OP - using both a blow dryer and flat iron twice a week even on a low setting is not moderation and over the long haul I think your hair particularly the ends will suffer for it.

When I think of "in moderation" I look at someone like Sylver2 who flat irons once every 3-4 weeks.

I am by no means anti heat. I do think that it can kill the progress of a healthy hair regimen because it's so easy to justify adding 'just a little bit more" into the mix in the name of style.

I couldn't have said it better myself! I'll be the first to admit that I love the look of silky, shiny hair I get with flat ironing and blow drying. But ultimately, they both damage my ends and cause major splits. If I want length progress in the long run, I gotta stay away from the heat. I'm the type that the more I do it and get the look I love, the easier it will get out of hand. I think twice a week for me would stop my progress in its tracks. JMO!
I truly believe that heat is not so much a big thing about how we use it.

A couple of years ago when I was going to the hair dressers for my relaxer, so would say that my hair needed heat, and I was so afraid because of all of the reading done here. However, when she did my hair I loved the way it look. Since than I have started doing my own relaxers and had stayed away from heat after reading how bad it was. I used a bonnet dryer but not a blow dryer or flat iron. My hair no matter what I did had no body or life to it. If I roller set it it would just sit there.

Fast forward to last month. I decided to use heat and let me tell you it is a total difference. My hair has some shine and body. I am mointering my hair to make sure that there are not major changes to my hair.

I say all of this to say we as black people have used heat in the wrong way for so long that we think that no heat is bad. We would use it on the hair everyday and only wash 1/month, put oil on the hair first and fry the hair, etc. If you read and research and only use heat when you wash, on the lowest setting , use a heat protector and don't oil your hair until after you finish I think that you can be ok.

I prepoo, wash and dc twice a week (Wed and Sat), irdry to 80% dry, blow dry in sections with heat protector and then slowly taking my time I flat iron again with a heat protector smail sections. I only go over each section once no matter what and to maintain my hair doing the rest of the days I set my hair with rollers at night. I also moistureze my hair every night in sections focusing on my ends. So instead of putting a little moisturizer on my entire hair I put a dab on each section right before I roll the section.

What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks or starting such a thought provoking thread. My thoughts are it really depends on the state of the individuals hair, fine hair vs thick, undeprrocessed etc. Even Pre LHCF I only used heat on clean hair and then I would wear it our for 2-3 days and then put it i protective styles until the next wash.

I think also not all form of heat are created equally, and by that I mean bonnet or hood dryers vs. blow drying are not the same in my IMO. Curling and Irons and FI are not the same in my IMO.

Because I am dealing with roots that are relaxed and under processed inches towards the end heat does make a big difference in the manageability. I still try to avoid heat but just recently have wondered if heat would be more beneficial with my undeprocessed hair. For now, I air dry exclusively using the scarf method- up until about 6 weeks post and then all he** breaks loose. I then have to roller set(causes too much breakage or me) or air dry and use direct heat in some form.

I think it's smart that you are keeping close tabs on your hair to see what the effects will be.
Thanks ladies,

It seems like most are agreeing that the wrost is the blow drying with a comb attachment. I will see. When I blow dry I am focusing on the scalp and not the ends.

When I used heat in the past I never used it correctly so I am excited to see if my hair can handle heat. Now I will also be doing wet sets with flexirods at times to give my hair a break.

Keep the comments coming
If I dont use heat, my hair looks nasty sometimes...I think once a week is okay in some clean hair...Idk..I'm also on the fence with this..cuz my friends who go to the dominicans hair is flourishing, but most of them also cut out chemicals.
i think heat is good but should be used in moderation although moderation wil mean different things according to people's hair although i think twice a week every week will be a bit too much for anybodys hair...but to each his own,

my hair can handle heat but i used it in much moderation before i relaxed my hair i would blow dry my hair with comb attachment bout once in a fortnight.

When i relaxed it in 3 months i only used a flat iron once and i need to throw that iron out cause it has no heating and it left my hair smoky..thank God my hair didnt break off. I also used my blow dryer once cause its one of those old ones that make ur hair a lil stiff and dry so if i buy a new one i will be using ti moderately as well
My hair flourishes under proper treatment and heat. I use heat twice a week, with a ceramic and ionic blow dryer and a wide vent brush. Afterwards, depending on how I feel I curl, flat iron, or just let it go and sleep on it to get a sleeker look. All of my tools are ceramic and ionic, though and my hair loves it.