Headwraps/Headbands and buns


New Member
I've decided in 2011 I am going to start wearing my own hair out more often. But I refuse to give up protective styling and cuteness. So I've decided I'm going to start bunning and wearing more hair accessories so that I done look homely. I have maybe worn a bun twice in my whole life so:perplexed.... I have plenty of questions.

I have 4b nearly apl hair. Do you think I could use the goody spin pins?

Where do you get your cloth head bands from? (the hard ones give me headaches)

Do you suggest wet or dry bunning?
How do you make your buns snazzy?
Where do you get your hair pretties from?
Beauty Supply Store and Walmart for all the above.

I think you'd like the Spin Pins a lot :)
The regular beauty supply stores are awesome. Ebay as well for cloth head bands.

I sew, and if you do, just get some material you love and some elastic and make your own ;)
I use headwraps a lot and use just any scarf you would wear over your shoulders or around your shoulders, even as big as Pashmina shawls (example). I don't worry about drying my 4B hair even with the cotton scarves because I always wear a plastic cap over my hair underneath.

Don't have any info on bunning. I'm yet to do it myself. The most bunning I do is when I pretend the scarf is hair and bun that. LOL

ETA Oh wait, I lie. I have done a bun. A teeny weeny bun on my twists. :giggle: And I did it on damp hair coz my twists are easiest to manipulate into a style when wet.
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