Buns and breakage

Ms Kraft said:
Very good point, January Noir. Gotta keep it moist! :) Here is another site floating around you might like-->Madeleie's Twisted Pages She has a lot of ideas for sticks, combs and clamps. She also has video instuctions. It's one of my top faves.

:drunk:Happy Twisting :drunk:
I was looking for this site. I had it bookmarked but I lost it Thanks
instead of a bun, what i do is get a big huge banana hair clip and twist my hair a little bit and put it up and clip it to the be back of my head. i tuck the ends beneath the rest of my hair to protect them. i haven't noticed any breakage because my hair stays relatively loose and pull-free in the banana clip.
I think I'm done with bunning. My ends were getting freyed out and my hair in the middle seemed a little worn. Nothing too major, but I have to stop before it gets there.

I'm currently rockin some cornrow I had put in yesterday. I hope I can think of another protective style until then. I think I will start bunning again once my hair gets to armpit length then I do a very loose bun, which should not cause any harm
I think I'm done with bunning. My ends were getting freyed out and my hair in the middle seemed a little worn. Nothing too major, but I have to stop before it gets there.

I'm currently rockin some cornrow I had put in yesterday. I hope I can think of another protective style. I think I will start bunning again once my hair gets to armpit length then I do a very loose bun, which should not cause any harm
I'm encountering this problem now, or atleast just beginning to notice:ohwell:. For now i think i will alternate between buns and one french braid. I wish i knew how to do french rolls. When i do my buns i think i will have to eliminate the elastic bands all together and just use pins. My hair could really use the break from this breakage.
I wore buns 99% of the time. Really...every day. As a result of that and stretching, I've had a 2 inch setback. It's like I lost all the progress that I made. So I've begun to vary my protective styles. I think my hair is too fine to keep bunning. Even though I made sure that I changed positions often, the bunning still did more damage than good. So I'll switch it up, wearing French buns or just claw clips and rollersets.
I was using the elastic bands and a sock bun. and I think the elatic cuts into the hair out even if they are the ouchless ones like I have. It still thins hair in the middle. I was using a scruchie to hold the bun in place. I think the bun also effected my ends..

I'm just waiting for my hair to grow longer and then I will have enough hair to use pins only to bun or just do a really loose bun
I have the normal breakage; what I do is make a pontail, twist the excess hair and wrap it around the pontail then add satin scrunchie. This technique has always worked for me, I really don't change the direction of my bun I just make sure its not too tight.
I also have never had any problems and I bun about 90% of the time....Like TLC1020 said....I just do not make them to tight
I wear buns all the time and I've never had a problem with breakage. I use satin scrunchees that I got from tenderheaded.com and I don't wrap them tight. If I can't move my head around comfortably, I loosen up the scrunchee. Before I got the satin scrunchees, I had regular cotton ones that I soaked in castor oil. I also change the position of the bun every few days or so.
I bun just about everyday. Mine are pretty loose, so I haven't had any breakage. I used to bun wet a while back, and I was using a hair fork to secure the wet bun. Eventually, I noticed that in the area that I placed the fork, I had major breakage. It was like a little fairy flew in while I was sleeping hacked off a clump of my hair with a butter knife:grin:. Anyway, turns out it was the weight of my wet hair and the tension of the hair fork that was just too much. Once I stopped wet bunning that area started to grow back just fine.