headband wigs??????


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I know with the cold weather a lot of women have been wearing protective styles. Has anyone ever tried, or seen the headband wigs? I've been working with the drawstring ponytails, but these headband wigs look really easy, and natural.I saw about 19 of them at this web site

Thanks <font color="purple"> </font color>
Hi Brownie!
I keep my own hair in about 10 braids I do myself and slip on my headband wig (with a wig cap under it) when I go out. I keep the band a few inches back from my hair line for a more natural look. My headband wig has micro-braids that are in a spiral set. The braids just reach my shoulders. People are always asking me where I get my hair braided! I purchased mine at a local wig shop for under $25.00 and have worn it for over 2 years.
Cute story- I was out with a friend for dinner at a local spaghetti joint when a woman came up to me and said how much she liked my braids. She just went on and on about the style, length, how beautiful A/A women look in braids, etc. I kept saying thank you, but she was on a roll.
Finally her husband came over and told her their table was ready. As she left our table I heard her saying to him how much she liked my hairstyle. I turned to my dinner partner and said, "Since she liked my hair so much I should have taken it off and given it to her". He laughed so hard he dropped his drink in his lap!

/images/graemlins/laugh.gif <font color="red"> </font color>

That is such a funny story! Can you imagine the look on the woman's face if you'd taken off your wig and handed it to her? /images/graemlins/grin.gif Too funny!
I use a 3/4 wigs which doesn't have the headband and I just blend the front of my hair. I think its a great protective style. Its kinda like a big version of the ponytail.
I love headband wigs and wore one for about 3 months a couple of years ago. I had one with hair similar to what I thought I'd end up with once I was done relaxing it. That thing was a lifesaver on more occasions than I can name. I am thinking of getting one for winter because we are actually having a winter this year and my skn is already suffering. I know my hair will too. Thanks for that link /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
I was just there--those a great styles! Ooooooh, I wonder if this would help someone wanting micros without the wait, possible problems?


Fletgee, that was a great story! LOL
Thanks for the post Brownie. Those wigs do look lovely. Do you know if they make your hair underneath hot? I always wondered about that.
That's a very funny story. I was laughing so hard when I was reading it, that I had to read it to my husband. The headband wig you had sounds pretty nice. At one time I was looking for a braided wig. I went to my local beauty supply store last weekend. They have a lot of wigs, but not too many headband wigs. After I left there, I ended up going home and fixing up one of my old wigs, and it came out pretty good, but that web site sure inspires you to get something new.

Hello Pooh,
I live in Florida, and usually wigs are too hot to wear anytime of the year, but this year, we are feeling the cold weather, so a wig is just right; it's like wearing a fashionable hat /images/graemlins/smile.gif I loved wearing my wig today because I didn't have to fuss with my hair. I left it braided and covered underneath. Tonight, I'll probably just spray my braided hair with water and leave-in conditioner and oil the ends. This is a really easy protective style and you don't have to worry about bad hair days. /images/graemlins/blush.gif
When I grew my hair out the first time, headband wigs were a real help. This was because I wore my own hair in cornrows to provide a protected style, so I was able to have a look that no one would question. I mean, NOBODY!! LOL! I also had the experience of people asking me where I got my braids done, but I would always tell them it was a wig.

I even wore it to Florida, and can you belive I actually got in the OCEAN with this thing on my head, that's how secure they are. The headband is pretty tight fitting which is good....but to this day my friend and I laugh about that fact that my hair could have been carried away at any moment! LOL!

The one I had looked like a braid weave, you know, braided to a certain point, and then lose all the way down. So these two girls in Florida were whispering "It's cute but her hair can't be that long because look where the braid stops" LOL! I laughed inside because I thought, I wonder what they say if I just pulled it off my head and said "I hear you guys trying to figure out how long my hair is, here you go" /images/graemlins/laugh.gif LOL! But it was funny to me that they actually thought it was just a braid job.
It's kind of funny that you called it a "fashionable hat". I have one of these headband wigs that I haven't worn since I was natural a couple of years back, but it's SO cute (hmmmm I may have to ressurect that.) Anyway my boyfriend (now fiance) saw it and fell out laughing. From then on he's always called it my "hair hat". /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Edited... Hey that site had one that looks just like my "hair hat":

Hmmm, don't know about that. The one that I have wasn't really that tight at all and didn't seem to be doing any damage. But I also didn't wear it all the time. Maybe once every couple of months.
Hi pandora!

As I mentioned earlier I have been wearing my headband wig for 2 years. As far as the headband's pressure on the scalp I have never been aware of any. Nor have I had any hairline problems because of it. The only thing that gets on my nerves is when the wind blows and the braids swing and hit me in my cheeck. I don't like the feel of hair on my face. <font color="orange"> </font color>
Hey Ennyaa,
That wig in the picture looks pretty good! If you tried to get your hair into that style you'd probably need heat. One good thing about human hair wigs is that you can use curling irons and stuff like that, but on your natural hair you have to pay the price for too much heat.I noticed from your post that you use Viviscal, Choline and Insitol.
I also use Choline and Insitol. Have you noticed a difference in your hair since using them? Also I saw an advertisement for Viviscal in a magazine. THe ad said that it was good for helping thinning hair or restoring thinning hair. Oh well, I don't know what it said, but is the stuff any good?
Hi there Brownie *waving*

My "hair hat" was actually a synthetic one, which I liked because I didn't have to do anything to maintain the slight curl in the ends and the crimped looking texture. It really seemed to match my texture which I liked also.

As for the Viviscal I just started taking it on Friday. But I only ordered it after exchanging e-mails with a nice woman who told me it was working for her, a black woman doctor who has a website online about it, and then chatting a bit with Lucia via these boards. I think it will ultimately give me the extra boost I need to get to 1" of growth a month.

As for the Choline and Inositol, the only reason I'm taking them is because I decided to replace the ingredients in Hair Formula 37's Step One and Step Two with a cheaper alternative. If you do a search on HF37 I started a post several weeks back explaining how I went about coming up with a cheaper version that was just as good. Lucia would be able to give you a better review of Viviscal since she's been taking it longer. If you decide to purchase it I found a few websites where it's cheaper than the $70 it usually goes for.