Head To toe Challenge Update


New Member
Ok People I updated my fotki with my weight loss pics. I've been working really hard, and I think it shows on the pics. I'm slowly but surely getting rid of the rolls...lol. I am going to update the photos every month so you all can see my progress.

http://www.fotki.com/Candy78 weight loss journey. there's no password.
Dayum, girl. I do see a change. Looking good! What you been doing? And have you seen a change in your hair?
zora said:
Dayum, girl. I do see a change. Looking good! What you been doing? And have you seen a change in your hair?

Thanks!! I have been working out 5 days a week..doing an hour of cardio every day ( 30 mins first thing in the morning and 30 mins later on in the evening), or sometimes i'll do the hour all in one shot, plus I have been lifing light weights. As far as me "diet" I have been eating small meals every 2-3 hours, and I ma dedicated to not eating ANY fast foods this year PERIOD. I know in the past that my love of the Spicy Chicken Sndwhich Value meal has kept me from losing the weight I wanted. I am going to be firm and toned my my birthday in MAY. As far as my hair, I haven't really seen any dramatic growth even though I've been using MTG, but I'm only 3.5 weeks post relaxer, so we'll see.
Candy1978 said:
Thanks!! I have been working out 5 days a week..doing an hour of cardio every day ( 30 mins first thing in the morning and 30 mins later on in the evening), or sometimes i'll do the hour all in one shot, plus I have been lifing light weights. As far as me "diet" I have been eating small meals every 2-3 hours, and I ma dedicated to not eating ANY fast foods this year PERIOD. I know in the past that my love of the Spicy Chicken Sndwhich Value meal has kept me from losing the weight I wanted. I am going to be firm and toned my my birthday in MAY. As far as my hair, I haven't really seen any dramatic growth even though I've been using MTG, but I'm only 3.5 weeks post relaxer, so we'll see.

Congrats on your progress Candy1978! Keep it up girl! You have definitely boosted to get a move on with my head to toe challenge goals I set for myself. I will offically start tomorrow! Thanks!:)
Go Candy!!! I can really tell the difference in your core in less than a month!! For my Head to Toe Challenge goals I am losing weight, too. But now you've inspired me to up my cardio from 45-50 min. per session to a whole hour! :cool:
I definetly notice a difference, that is awesome.

I'll be starting tomorrow, because I just feel so unattractive. :(
That is fantastic progress in such a short period of time. Keep up the great work. I'm glad to hear you're lifting weights also, that'll help you ultimately burn more calories even when you're not working out.

You're doing fantastic!! I can't wait for your next update.
Hey people, just got back form the gym. Did my cardio. Anyways..I'm glad that I have motivated you all that have weight loss goals. WE CAN do it, not only for looking good, but being healthy on the inside!!!. It is an up hill battle, but I'm going to when it!
You go girl. I definately see a difference so pleeeaasse keep it up. I love it when people choose the natural healthy way to losing weight.
Anancy said:
You go girl. I definately see a difference so pleeeaasse keep it up. I love it when people choose the natural healthy way to losing weight.

I will, I've also decided not to use any fat burners, just to show that you CAN lose weight naturally without pills and all that BS
Awesome progress! I can really tell a difference already. I need to get on your plan. I was addicted to them Spicy Chicken Sandwiches too. :lol: