He proposed without a ring...


Well-Known Member
I've been in a relationship for a year and my Bf proposed on Friday the day before he left the country for 8 months ...I'm super happy with him and can definitely see us together...Since he didn't have a ring because of financial reasons( he wants everything to be perfect) I feel like something missing so I havent told anyone...I'm pretty sure he will get me the ring soon when I go visit...has anyone ever been proposed to without a ring ?How did u feel ?
No, but I think since he is leaving he wants you to stay faithful to him by proposing without a ring. Plus this gives him extra time. If you love him material things shouldn't matter. I'm sure when you visit him he will surprise you with a beautiful ring. Maybe this is a test? Is he in the military?

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He could have at the least given you a temporary ring in my opinion. Seems like a last minute thought since he left the country for almost a year the very next day. Like he wants to make sure you stay "his" whilst he is away. Interesting.
I've been in a relationship for a year and my Bf proposed on Friday the day before he left the country for 8 months ...I'm super happy with him and can definitely see us together...Since he didn't have a ring because of financial reasons( he wants everything to be perfect) I feel like something missing so I havent told anyone...I'm pretty sure he will get me the ring soon when I go visit...has anyone ever been proposed to without a ring ?How did u feel ?
To me, this seems more concerning than the lack of ring.
we have spoken about marriage for quite awhile and he did come all the way to Germany to spend time with me(I'm moving to the US next year with him) he's a professional athlete...I think he thinks I have crazy expectations regarding the kind of ring I want !
Fake diamonds are cheap. He could've at least gotten a placeholder....


That aside, go with what you feel. You feel like something's missing so there is.
Instinct doesn't lie.
The way you gave us the leaving for 8 months info seems like that's relavent to the proposal.... is it?

To answer your question, yes I was proposed to w/o a ring, however, I was 17 and he was 18.
Ohhhhh... he plays bal overseas. I understand now. Well, if you are happy and CONFIDENT with knowing where the relationship is headed I don't see a problem. Only you understand the situation firsthand along with knowing his intentions about you.

Teja Would you guys be getting married when he gets back or when you move to the US?
That life is not as luxurious as it seems ....trust me :( especially with overseas ball...it can be ruff

I can understand that as I was proposed to by a semi pro athlete before. He didn't give me a ring because he knew I wouldn't wear it, but he did give me earrings.

If it bothers you that you didn't get a ring, just ask him to give you one (or something else you might like). Since you don't need it to be super extravagant or anything (or at least that's how it's coming off in your post), a simple band could do. That shouldn't be too expensive even for an overseas player.
Ohhhhh... he plays bal overseas. I understand now. Well, if you are happy and CONFIDENT with knowing where the relationship is headed I don't see a problem. Only you understand the situation firsthand along with knowing his intentions about you.

Teja Would you guys be getting married when he gets back or when you move to the US?

When I move to the Us in may....:)
I have, twice.

I'm still single.



ETA: But those guys were immature/young/childish...

Ignore me if your man is mature but if he's 21 or under don't believe him.
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I don't see anything wrong with it, or him. Just be patient. You'll get your ring. Even people with money have financial problems. Don't worry about it.
i would give him some time and he how is tell people. Like if he has told his friends and family about the engagement then not having the ring is ok. Plus since he did propose he should have asked your family for your hand. If he is serious that shouldn't be a problem. My husband proposed to me over Skype because he is in the military and he was away when he asked. Before I told my family and friends I asked him to ask my Dad for my hand and after he did, girl I told everybody I was getting married. I didn't get my ring until like three months later.
DH did this. He asked me to marry him in the car, no ring:ohwell: He'd already spoken to my family though. I felt "engaged" cause he'd told everyone already and we have some cultural things that had to be done which were being done at the time.

Then months later before the wedding he turned up to our house early in the morning in his ceremonial uniform and proposed down on his knee with a ring and everything:grin:, I was so befuddled so he kept saying you didn't change your mind did you? I said yes, got dressed and we went out for breakfast, it was perfect :)
I haven't been. I don't know how I would feel. I think I would want SOMETHING..it doesn't have to be THE ring but something. Did you accept? If you feel it's fine, that's all that matters.

I'm sure many people outside of here have been proposed to without a ring and never got one. They just have their bands.
If it were me, I'd have just preferred that he wait.

I agree. To me proposing doesn't take much. It's free. Making some type of investment would let me know that he seriously considered what he was doing, not just a spare of the moment thing.

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Girl, don't trip about the ring.

I've been proposed to without a ring. My husband and I both joined the military together and he proposed while we were in basic training, back in February. We graduated training in July and also got married in July as well. I still don't have a ring.

HOWEVER, we're going to go get sized for rings tomorrow and are going ring shopping as well.
Was he on top of you when he proposed? If so, then that doesn't count.

.....but if he wasn't, I wouldn't worry about it.
Overseas ballers don't make as much. They probably get like 35-50k. Basketball is not really that big in outside of the United States, Soccer is.

I understand but I still don't agree. It's not like he needs to purchase a $25,000 ring. I'm sure Teja would have felt happy with a $200 ring as a promise of his love and commitment.

Teja i'm sorry that you feel like something is missing. Truly there is something missing which is the opportunity for you to gaze at a ring on your hand and daydream or gush about to all of your friends and family. It seems like you have faith in your man and the situation and thats all that matters. I really hope he comes through for you and makes you very happy. I can't wait to see another thread in the coming months with a very positive update that we can all fawn over :)
I can see how you feel something is missing because the "normal" thing to do is to get the ring so everyone can ohhhh and a www over it. So if you tell everyone now you'll just have to spend time explaining why he didn't get you one and possibly feeling insecure becausebof peoples perception of the situation.

How did he ask and what did you say?

Only you know if that not right feeling is tied to a piece of jewelry or if it's something deeper than that.

I'll admit I would have felt funny if my fiancé did it without the ring but at the end of the day it's just a symbol.
I know people who were proposed to with no ring and it all worked out well. I would much rather my husband to be not spend a ridiculous amount of money on a ring he cannot afford, that would not be a good way to start a marriage. If it feels right to you then by all means that is all that matters.