He has a girlfriend!

Are we being punk'd? For real, for real. I want to know. SB4C I guess if you don't mind being the other woman, then I don't see the problem. If that is your goal in a relationship then go for it. But if you are want something real, one way to screw that up is to start if off with a lie. There are plenty of men who are single and faithful. Q
I so hope this is a hypothetical question, because this one is a no brainer! If not, you be the girlfriend and answer that question! Leave the unnecessary drama ALONE!!!!!

Grown women don't willingly participate in DRAMMMAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess it's too much to ask, for grown women to respect each other GF/WIFE!! Leave that simple **** for someone who aint got nothing going on in their life...Damn!!!!!
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Are we being punk'd? For real, for real. I want to know. SB4C I guess if you don't mind being the other woman, then I don't see the problem. If that is your goal in a relationship then go for it. But if you are want something real, one way to screw that up is to start if off with a lie. There are plenty of men who are single and faithful. Q

If he has a girlfriend he's attached. Respect those boundaries, there are plenty of single men that can do the same for you I'm sure. Unless you want to be a sidepiece. And no woman deserves that.

Girl I am dead serious. I just wonder about people who think about posting, decide to type it anyway, read before they hit submit, know how this board is, and still hit submit. It's like do you really need to ask?!!! If I ever do some mess like that, please send help because I have gone crazy and need to be committed STAT. Q
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If he has a girlfriend he's attached. Respect those boundaries, there are plenty of single men that can do the same for you I'm sure. Unless you want to be a sidepiece. And no woman deserves that.

I disagree.

Women who know a dude has a friggin girlfriend and ask "well what should I do" totally deserve to be sidepieces......

This is a no brainer and if you gotta ask, you deserve what you get.
Well he didn't tell me he has a girlfriend! But let's just say that myspace should be everyone's friend! And now I know he has one, but why does he flirit with me? I'm not trying to be his girlfriend, but I don't mind being his friend because I don't play that back burner sh*t! But now I don't know if I should even be that because feelings are coming and...

Advice please!

This is BTW in case people didn't read! It seems some people are not really reading before they post advice for this situation!
This is BTW in case people didn't read! It seems some people are not really reading before they post advice for this situation!

Oh I read it and the advice would still be the same. If you know before hand or you find out later that he has a girlfriend you need to leave him alone. PERIOD Unless of course you want to or don't mind being the other woman. Q
This is BTW in case people didn't read! It seems some people are not really reading before they post advice for this situation!

Lets see...Myspace eludes to him having a girl!

Now you might want to play "friend" and forget the initial feelings you had, due to him possibly having a girl!

If I like a dude and acknowledge any feelings and I find he has a girl! I'm nixing the whole thing that includes "friends" as well!

This is still some simple sh*t that grown women AVOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Girl I am dead serious. I just wonder about people who think about posting, decide to type it anyone, read before they hit submit, know how this board is, and still hit submit. It's like do you really need to ask?!!! If I ever do some mess like that, please send help but I have gone crazy and need to be committed STAT. Q

:lachen:I'm like you and think we have been punked! :spammer:
I would never advocate someone going to such great lengths to be with someone. Ultimately, you have to be the one to determine how worthy a guy is. I know how it is to have feelings for someone and to become so wrapped up in him that I forget that there are others out there. At this point there is really nothing you can do short of coercing him to leave his girl and be with you, but ask yourself, do you really want to be with someone that you have to go through so much trouble over? And if he is so easily convinced to leave, what makes you think that he won't turn right back around and do the same to you? The fact that you found out should be blessing. Take that information, and run, run, run with it. Literally. If it is meant to be, then maybe you will end up together, but seriously, don't expend so much energy pining over someone who is taken for. The possible karmic consequences should be deterring enough. Been there done that, never again. Good Luck.
Yall should know better. Time and time again yall fall for this.:nono:

Right. She said "drama" is her middle name. I hope she dont get shot, with all this drama she's searching for. OP, you need to find a hobby, or something else to focus your energy on.