He dumped me through a text message


Well-Known Member
Yes, you heard me correctly. I was dumped by a text message.

I decided to give this man a chance and start seeing him. He played me SO bad! And then I was dumped by a text message. He was attractive, older, charming and little lamb me feels stupid.

I am officially done with men. I will never get married or have children. At this point, all of my energy will be focused on God, work and community service. I'm been crying on and off the past few days, hoping it will get easier. I just really don't know what to say.
Just by reading your thread title I can tell you dodged a bullet. I think it's good that you're focusing on yourself, but try to let this man get to you too much.
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Oh my my my :(

He doesn't sound like much of a man in my opinion so he did you a favor.

Anyway, I know you are hurt so you are saying things that going forward you will "never" do. But you don't know what God has in store for you. So go ahead, cry those tears, then pick yourself up and continue doing you because you never know who or what is around the bend.

I'm sorry that this has happened to you :hug2:
dont give up. the right man will come at the appropriate time. the bible says seek ye first the kingdom of god.AND ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU.i almost cried today because ive been feeling really lonely but the devil comes in and tries to steal my joy. try focusing on the things u do have and the things u do love to do. and dont worry about dude HE DIDNT LEAVE U GOD TOOK HIM OUT OF UR LIFE.:grin: i know you've heard of out with the old in with the new. in 2009 our husbands will find us :angel:

just think about it like this ur single for the better, now its time to focus on u. enjoy the times when u dont have to have a hot meal on the table and cleaning his underwear. this too shall pass :yep:
Please remain prayerful. Cry it out but know that you are incredibly lucky to not have any deeper ties with this man. We all make mistakes- no one is perfect. LEARN from this opportunity but do not allow a mere man to change YOU or take away your joy.

I'm sorry you're going through this.
Yes, you heard me correctly. I was dumped by a text message.

I decided to give this man a chance and start seeing him. He played me SO bad! And then I was dumped by a text message. He was attractive, older, charming and little lamb me feels stupid.

I am officially done with men. I will never get married or have children. At this point, all of my energy will be focused on God, work and community service. I'm been crying on and off the past few days, hoping it will get easier. I just really don't know what to say.[/quote]
I'm going through this now.
I broke up with my SO in Sept I got through it fine but I got depressed again after I got my Master's because I was supposed to move to be with him in Dec.

I suggest you pick up He's Just Not That Into You and It's a Breakup Because it's Broken. These are good books for this period.

I would necessarily say it gets easier but you get used to it and realize you can live without him. You will have good days and bad days but you'll keep living.

Just rely on the support of your friends and family and the online sisterhood of LHCF:yep:
Yes, you heard me correctly. I was dumped by a text message.

I decided to give this man a chance and start seeing him. He played me SO bad! And then I was dumped by a text message. He was attractive, older, charming and little lamb me feels stupid.

I am officially done with men. I will never get married or have children. At this point, all of my energy will be focused on God, work and community service. I'm been crying on and off the past few days, hoping it will get easier. I just really don't know what to say.

Sorry that this happened to you.

You might want to read the thread I started called, "You didn't lose the person you thought you lost." Don't know if it will help, but you might get a new perspective on your situation! :kiss:
What a lame ***. Anyway- I agree with other posters who state that u dodged a bullet. Do you want to really be associated with a man who would do something like that? I know it hurts now and it sucks but with time things will get better. Just try to stay as positive as you can and focus on some interests of your own. I wish u the best. Also-Who knows--maybe there was a reason behind this and your space needed to be opened up for someone more worthy of your time. Consider it a weight lifted.
WOW...what a coward. He couldn't even "man-up" to deliver this information in person.

Please don't be discouraged. I COMPLETELY understand how you feel. I too wonder if I'll get married and have children but I believe that I'm worthy of companionship just like everyone else. The same is true for you.

Kinda been there, kinda done this :lachen: one day you will laugh about this like I have. It sucks but it happens. Unfortunately Im still dealing with this coward :ohwell:
He's a punk *** coward, and you don't want a punk *** coward as a mate.

You may not see it now, but he did you a favor.

I guess it's hard for me b/c we were intimate....and I regressed on being celibate until I was married. And I know we all make mistakes, but it's so hard. Especially with the holidays and everything. I can't even be happy around my own family. I have to laugh to keep from crying around them. I go back to my place and cry there.
Yes, you heard me correctly. I was dumped by a text message.

I decided to give this man a chance and start seeing him. He played me SO bad! And then I was dumped by a text message. He was attractive, older, charming and little lamb me feels stupid.

I am officially done with men. I will never get married or have children. At this point, all of my energy will be focused on God, work and community service. I'm been crying on and off the past few days, hoping it will get easier. I just really don't know what to say.


Please do not write men off. This is just one fool. What goes around comes around. I am so sorry he played you.
However, he was blocking your blessing to your Mr.Right. This usually happens, this time next year you will be telling us about your Marriage. Put God in it and he will bless you with who you are meant to be with.
I am so sorry this happened to you. I agree with the other ladies in tha he did you a BIG favor in showing himself to you. Don't let this fool block you from your blessings, however. One day at a time, trust it WILL get better.:yep:
I am sooo sooo sorry this had to happen. Bunny was right. Go and read that thread. I've read it over and over again, and it makes so much since to the point where I feel a lot better. I wish I had read it earlier. I know you are hurting, but it will be OK. The sad thing is, one day down the line, he will call back. I don't know why men do that, but they ALWAYS call back. Not to say you should take him back, but this is what to expect. And as you will, please IGNORE the call or text.

You may even see him one day and say to yourself....ewwww...I cried over that?!?!?! You never know.....
I am sooo sooo sorry this had to happen. Bunny was right. Go and read that thread. I've read it over and over again, and it makes so much since to the point where I feel a lot better. I wish I had read it earlier. I know you are hurting, but it will be OK. The sad thing is, one day down the line, he will call back. I don't know why men do that, but they ALWAYS call back. Not to say you should take him back, but this is what to expect. And as you will, please IGNORE the call or text.

You may even see him one day and say to yourself....ewwww...I cried over that?!?!?! You never know.....

YES! They always call back! What's up with that??? (well, actually, I know... they realized they were idiots... but still)

Phynestone, so many of us have been there and we can definitely relate. Go have a good cry, vent to folks who care about you (like us!) and take some time to heal, but at the end of the day, look back and realize that this man definitely wasn't worth it at all. I know that so many of us like to give men chances when they haven't done anything to prove that they deserve them, and ultimately WE end up getting hurt!

It's a tough lesson to learn, but at least I know now what to avoid and how to get the type of relationship that I want! I know you will too! :kiss:
I am sooo sooo sorry this had to happen. Bunny was right. Go and read that thread. I've read it over and over again, and it makes so much since to the point where I feel a lot better. I wish I had read it earlier. I know you are hurting, but it will be OK. The sad thing is, one day down the line, he will call back. I don't know why men do that, but they ALWAYS call back. Not to say you should take him back, but this is what to expect. And as you will, please IGNORE the call or text.

You may even see him one day and say to yourself....ewwww...I cried over that?!?!?! You never know.....

ITA with what Jersey said.:yep:
Read Bunny's thread and they always come back.
I am officially done with men. I will never get married or have children. At this point, all of my energy will be focused on God, work and community service. I'm been crying on and off the past few days, hoping it will get easier. I just really don't know what to say.
If you need to cry, then do that.
But do not let that punk a$$ coward make you write men off. He is not representative of ALL men. Go through your mourning period. Then pick yourself back up, take care of yourself, and keep your heart open for someone who will treat you the way you deserve.
They come back for several reasons.....and when they do, its always with their tails tucked in between their legs....just like how a dog does when he knows he did wrong....they come back because the grass wasn't so green on the other side, they miss you and remember the good times and good sex, they realize they made a mistake and want you back...then you got the ones that come back to try to get revenge, especially if YOU broke up with them, or one of his boys saw you out with someone else with a better swag, and if his boys saw you out, you know they go back and report back to their boy. or if HE saw you out, and the dude looks better than him, he can't resist so he must call. Men are territorial and HATE the fact of someone new getting their goodies. Then you got the ones who wait months to call (cuz they think you have forgotten the and the air is clear). But, not matter what, I don't care how long, THEY ALWAYS COME BACK. And remember to play your cards right, cuz when he does come back, you can play it any way you want cuz the ball is in your court. Always have been....sometimes as women we just missed a couple of plays cuz we got caught up.
I guess it's hard for me b/c we were intimate....and I regressed on being celibate until I was married. And I know we all make mistakes, but it's so hard. Especially with the holidays and everything. I can't even be happy around my own family. I have to laugh to keep from crying around them. I go back to my place and cry there.

Im so sorry

Allow yourself your feelings and don't judge or try to fix yourself right now ..
be very very gentle with yourself... beautiful lady....
try your best...to gather and rally around what soothes you
your very favorite like movie or music...or getting away...etc
even if it works for a second..

or gently think of a new routine to break away from anything ties you to memories
and you will feel better

as for him... I've said before...Karma levels the playing field
and in the meantime I hope his cell phone gets dropped in the toilet
They come back for several reasons.....and when they do, its always with their tails tucked in between their legs....just like how a dog does when he knows he did wrong....they come back because the grass wasn't so green on the other side, they miss you and remember the good times and good sex, they realize they made a mistake and want you back...then you got the ones that come back to try to get revenge, especially if YOU broke up with them, or one of his boys saw you out with someone else with a better swag, and if his boys saw you out, you know they go back and report back to their boy. or if HE saw you out, and the dude looks better than him, he can't resist so he must call. Men are territorial and HATE the fact of someone new getting their goodies. Then you got the ones who wait months to call (cuz they think you have forgotten the and the air is clear). But, not matter what, I don't care how long, THEY ALWAYS COME BACK. And remember to play your cards right, cuz when he does come back, you can play it any way you want cuz the ball is in your court. Always have been....sometimes as women we just missed a couple of plays cuz we got caught up.

If we've already done the do, why would he come back? The chase is over for him, don't you think?

I don't know about men, so perhaps I'm wrong.
Don't let a boy stop you from finding a real man. These inconsiderate boys want to come into our lives and mess us up so badly that we miss out on the good men. It's as if these boys are intimidated by men who are actually about something. If you give up, the boys win. Focus on you, and the right one will come along.
Yes, you heard me correctly. I was dumped by a text message.

I decided to give this man a chance and start seeing him. He played me SO bad! And then I was dumped by a text message. He was attractive, older, charming and little lamb me feels stupid.

I am officially done with men. I will never get married or have children. At this point, all of my energy will be focused on God, work and community service. I'm been crying on and off the past few days, hoping it will get easier. I just really don't know what to say.

Keep your head up Girl, because that was no man! That COWARD did you a BIG FAVOR!