Have you seen this newbie?

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I hope not either. Im not trying to be funny or say that all deaf people are like this but for a deaf person she wrote quite fluently:perplexed

Didn't she say on the Their Hair's real thread that they asked if she was Niko's cousin? and she answered yes? Were they speaking sign language? or was she reading lips? Just a thought, that's all.
i hope she gets help. im sorry she felt the need to lie. everyone here is so helpful and willing to learn and listen that she didnt have to fake the funk. i hope no one uses her recipe(sp? never could spell that word right). and i hope she learns to get by without portraying some one else.
Didn't she say on the Their Hair's real thread that they asked if she was Niko's cousin? and she answered yes? Were they speaking sign language? or was she reading lips? Just a thought, that's all.
you know what trenise thats a good question!:yep:
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Didn't she say on the Their Hair's real thread that they asked if she was Niko's cousin? and she answered yes? Were they speaking sign language? or was she reading lips? Just a thought, that's all.

I think she's said before that she wears a hearing aid and reads lips.
...........and she said her mother went from 1 inch to MBL in 1 1/2 years so why would her mother hide the "devil mix" away from her knowing her daughter had problems growing her hair.
Dag, thanks yall...I was reading that thread last night when it started to blow up. I knew some of my detective sistas were on to her from the start. Especially when the 'pubic hair' thread emerged!!! :ohwell:
why do you have to call it "Devil mix" :lachen::lachen:I would think satan himself would stay away from that recipe.
I left that thread around page 5. What really got me was that other posters were upset when people started calling her out for that FAKE recipe. I'm glad Irresistible and others were on it from the beginning, because you know there were posters who were going to try putting 100% sulfur on their head. Heck, one even mentioned she was ready to purchase it before she saw the warnings.

Best wishes to DP... But I hope no members lose their hair over that foolishness.
Didn't she say on the Their Hair's real thread that they asked if she was Niko's cousin? and she answered yes? Were they speaking sign language? or was she reading lips? Just a thought, that's all.

Okay, who the heck is this bloody Niko people keep talking about? And why is it important that she is her cousin? :ohwell:
i hope she gets help. im sorry she felt the need to lie. everyone here is so helpful and willing to learn and listen that she didnt have to fake the funk. i hope no one uses her recipe(sp? never could spell that word right). and i hope she learns to get by without portraying some one else.

I know the word "recipe" has taken a beating the past few days. I can't seem to get it right either. I swear there was an "s" in there somewhere. :ohwell:
Okay, who the heck is this bloody Niko people keep talking about? And why is it important that she is her cousin? :ohwell:

Nikos does the site maintenance (look all the way at the bottom of the page his name is there). In the real world, asking someone if they're Nikos' cousin is code for are you a member of LHCF.
Okay, who the heck is this bloody Niko people keep talking about? And why is it important that she is her cousin? :ohwell:

Curly, I'm sorry I literally laughed out loud at this one. You were so serious.

But MSA explained it.

Nikos does the site maintenance (look all the way at the bottom of the page his name is there). In the real world, asking someone if they're Nikos' cousin is code for are you a member of LHCF.
Nikos does the site maintenance (look all the way at the bottom of the page his name is there). In the real world, asking someone if they're Nikos' cousin is code for are you a member of LHCF.

Ok I see, so what was the controversy pertaining to DP? I see Nikos is Greek, hmmmm. Does he know he has so many cousins? :ohwell:
Curly, I'm sorry I literally laughed out loud at this one. You were so serious.

But MSA explained it.

I thought she was claiming to be related to a celebrity or something and got called out. You know I feel so left out of the loop, I had no idea that is what his name meant. But I just wondered how was it associated with DP? I really don't know the story behind it and maybe I should just leave it. It may be something I don't want to know after all. :ohwell:
I post all day and nobody remembers me. She posts 2 TIMES and is remembered for her awesomeness. Wow I feel like crap now LMAO

If it makes you feel better, I recognize you on the boards. :yep:

I think I know who you're talking about... she had the cool avatar that was her (I think?) screaming and it was shaded like the Obama art. I know this was pretty much a useless post lol. I just wanted you to know that I remembered. Hopefully someone can help you.:yep:

I did say that I've been using something similar and it's working great for me. But my results have not been objectively confirmed yet, and I said I'd come back next month with official measurements. If I get between .75" and 1" in November, I'll surely be hollering at y'all about it.
I think the other post shouldn't have gotten locked. I was actually believing everything that it said. I didn't know she had put pics of someone's hair because i only read what people were saying about sulfur being bad. However, i hope that those ppl that lurk here and don't have access to type, don't go around and put that stuff on their head. The OP of the other post, always make a post and just dissapear.....its like why make a post if you aren't going to keep it consistent and go reply to the people writing back to you. Some people need to be careful......If i hadn't known any better, and i would had just been a lurker like i was...i would had probably put that shyt on my hair!!
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