Have you had success with your hair growth by just keeping it simple?

Have you had success with your hair growth and health just by keeping it simple?

  • Yes, I like to keep it simple

    Votes: 448 94.7%
  • No,

    Votes: 25 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Does it count if i keep it simple but pop pills:rolleyes::lachen::grin:lol i hear you sometimes i just get tired from all the things i do in the name of hair growing. girl i m getting old lol i had to simplify my regimen cause i just dont have time.

But i think its not specially the fact that i keep it simple (humm maybe it is cause i m less with my hand in my hair manipulating it all the time), i believe it is as i dont see it often and dont keep track of the growth anymore, i"m more pleasantly surprised comes perm time to see it has grown a lot.

i dont do anything anymore to the hair except one single braid or a bun that s it and pop my pills. My new growth is out of this world cant a comb go in there anymore. So i cant style my hair for now. I'm 3 months post relaxer but the straight hair sit on top of all the new growth that i cant comb. it seems the more i cowash, or rinse with water, the more new growth i have it doesnt make any sense:wallbash: i keep it wet cause i dont want the hair to be matted at the root as i dont detangle it.

Hey Ekomba: Be happy for the growth. throw some aloe vera gel on the edges, tie on a scarf and keep it movin'...lololololol....My hair is so much thicker now. I just oil it, spray every couple of days with Infusium leave in, put it in a bee hive or bun, wrap it up and leave it like that for a couple of days and repeat. Until I am ready to wash it. I section gently and reapply my "mix" between times. Hope this helps.
Simplicity is best for my hair. I wash and dc 1x-2x a week and wear updos almost always, moisturise when needed and I'm good to go. Anything more is too much for me right now.
My hair grows just fine with simplicity! I just co-wash or shampoo and apply shealoe s-curl mix! so far this is best, my hair has grown from a Bald head at the end of may to what I have now, I do what I know I can keep up with for the rest of my life.
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When I keep it simple, I enjoy taking care of my hair even more. It's even better when I do not use any heat whatsoever. That's why I miss my relaxed(texlaxed ..whatever) hair. It was very low maintanene, yet easy to maintain the styles that I like best.
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Honestly I think I'm tired of doing so much to my hair.

All the co-washing, buns, wigs, oils, growth aids, no heat etc. are starting to become to much. And with all this I still have had breakage, shedding, knots and damaged ends at times and I never wear my hair out.

I am so happy with the things I've learned over this past year, but I've experienced the same amount of growth keeping in simple that I do when I go full blast with everything.

For example I see people getting alot of growth with aids like BT,MN & OCT. But I have seen the same growth on others who just deep condition once a week , put oil on their ends and take their multi-vitamins.

I'm not knocking what others do because you have to do what works for you. But now that my hair is growing and I'm getting closer to BSL I think I'm just going to keep it simple for this next year and use the things that truly work and that's it.

Yes, keeping it simply is the only thing I can do. I get too fatigued otherwise. The bolded area is what I do. I have tried other things, but I know this works for me. Now I just co-wash, deep con, seal, and bun.
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Yes, I think so. I've had to keep it simple lately by consequence and my hair is thriving much more now than with all that I was doing to it before.
I love to keep it simple. But I could see how you could get caught up with products. Once you read about someone's experience with something you want to run out and buy it. I've had to stop doing that.
I sure have.:yep:
With all the knowledge I've garnered from here and other places I've taken my hair from an embarrassing mess to something I can leave the house with. Okay, it's not a Pantene Pro-V commercial everyday, but it has improved greatly.
I basically listen to my hair and purchase what's in my budget. Possibly being cheap as I am has saved me from having major PJism though I'm always curious about more products. My main things are moisturizing conditioners and low maintenance.
If I could only do one thing for my hair everyday in pursuit of growth I would choose cowashing.
No supplements,oils, special shampoos, leave in conditioners, growth aids, vitamins, nothing.

Just cowashing. That has proved itself very successful for my hair's vitality.
Hmmm...I have found the less I use the better my hair is...maybe not so much weighing it down and such...it has more swing to it...what I do is everytime I am done using the sham and conditioner to a product...I evaluate my hair and see what problems I am having and I switch brands...this has always worked for me...sometimes some of your hair problems are symptoms to a bigger problem...and once resolved you do not need to continue to treat that same issue...if that makes sense...
That would be a yes for me. My proof is due to being sick I had to find a way to handle my hair in the most simple way and when I figured out that regimen my hair now is healthy, growing and even changing texture which was a compelte shock! :blush:

Simple is the way to go!
Yep, since August when I found LHCF, I've done braids, weaves, phony buns, blowdry/flatironing weekly, rollersetting, cowashing ..

I've experimented with everything.

And my hair thrives with frequent co-washes, and weekly rollersets.

So I've combined the 2 into my regimen.
My hair grew so nicely and retained so much length when I would just wash every 5 days, and put it in cornrows. I used to hardly DC or style, barely combed or even looked at my hair, moisturizing when I remembered, just rock a wig or scarf and go.

Once I started fussing with it, using heat, relaxers, teas and powders, overflowing my storage bin with new products and jumping on every new bandwagon I got excited about, my length retention has been at a standstill for the past 5 months.

So now I am a true convert/revert to KISS!
when i first started out i was very excited so i deep conditioned twice a week and rollerset my hair. i did it for two weeks and i got tired and plus my hair was somewhat dry and dull looking until i put some coconut oil in it. to make a long story short. i plan on going to the salon every two weeks ojon shampoo and codition updo. the week that i am not at the salon i plan on doing two ayuverdic treatments that week, airdry , deep condition and updo. i think that i can commmit to that.
I don't know if anyone's regime can get any simplier than this when i'm stretching for long periods, i wash, d/c or protein treat air dry and go to the salon for a weave. I usually stretch for 4-5 mths @ a time so this is what i do during those months.

After a fresh relaxer i co-wash 1-2X per wk, D/C 2X per mth, Protein treat once per mth, air dry and bun my hair all the way for 2mths after which i get a sewin done at the salon and that's when my regime changes a bit to what's mentioned in the first paragraph.

I think that's pretty simple and helps me to retain length and gain thickness for my super fine stands when stretching long
My regime is very simple also. I daily rinse, spritz my hair throughout the day. Massage at night, puts oils on my scalp, deep conditioner with I wash my hair and take my supplements when necessary.
i think i experienced the most growth for a few months after i'd just bc'd. i was on an ultra-low reggie. i would wash, condition, DC once or twice a week and apply castor oil. i mainly only did shrunken fros. so there was very little manipulation. i think the key to all this was not tampering with my hair and protective styling (by wearing shrunken fros), so i retained a lot of my length. my wash reggie hasn't really got more complicated but i mess with my hair more since it's longer and i have more styling options.
My hair grows no matter what I do or how much stuff I buy. I could keep it simple, but I just don't wanna LOL. I love doing my hair and spending hours messing with. I'm 37 yrs old, married, 3 kids, 1 grandchild...ain't got nuttin else to do that's fun LOL
I'm a newbie and I am trying to keep it simple. I want to stick with one hair care line incorporate ayuverdic powders, baggy, and deep condtion and see where that leads me. Lately, I have been rolling pennies, quarters, dimes, and nickles. I use this as my extra hair product money.:lachen:
My hair grows no matter what I do or how much stuff I buy. I could keep it simple, but I just don't wanna LOL. I love doing my hair and spending hours messing with. I'm 37 yrs old, married, 3 kids, 1 grandchild...ain't got nuttin else to do that's fun LOL

LOL, I feel the same way sometimes. I get excited when my hair comes out of rows, and even tell my boyfriend to visit me on the next day if i feel that I will be rushed. :drunk:

I have already made steps to a more simplify regiem. I'm just going to do cornrows for until December 2008. use ovation/megatek daily- and that's it!

I just need to find a good deep conditioner, and once i find that I know which produts are going to be staples, and there are not many! I may decided to try a new product every so often, but it wont be anything like how I was because it's too much money and my hair is very picky.

I love your hair by the way!
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I agree. My routine has been more sustainable now that it is "simple." Like someone else mentioned, it isn't just wash and go, but it's simple enough for me and is helping me to maintain the health of my hair. For instance, I've learned that I have to blowdry and flat iron my texlaxed hair or it becomes a tangled mess. Not as simple as washing and throwing into a bun, but that was I was losing too much hair and my ends were a mess!
I have been keeping it simple too.. I am tired of fussing over my hair. I wash, deep condition and roller set weekly. Moisturize and seal daily and back to my pin ups and phony pony. It is too hot and far to humid to do anything else with my hair. I am off all bandwagons, and sticking with the products that are work. I did more harm than good, when I fussed over my hair, and it rebelled.:ohwell:
I voted Yes. For example, cowashing everyday is a no-no for me. I wash and deep once a week with a set, and then moisturize everday until the next wash.

---I cant afford to keep wetting my hair, and then letting that wet hair dry all funny. I prefer for my hair to dry under a hood.
LOL, I feel the same way sometimes. I get excited when my hair comes out of rows, and even tell my boyfriend to visit me on the next day if i feel that I will be rushed. :drunk:

I have already made steps to a more simplify regiem. I'm just going to do cornrows for until December 2008. use ovation/megatek daily- and that's it!

I just need to find a good deep conditioner, and once i find that I know which produts are going to be staples, and there are not many! I may decided to try a new product every so often, but it wont be anything like how I was because it's too much money and my hair is very picky.

I love your hair by the way!

Thank you!! :yep:
I can't keep it simple. The PJ in me can't do it. Doing my hair is like a crack habit LOLOLOL I love putting on a million products and twirling my hair all day LOL
Yes, I love keeping it simple. When a lot was going on in my life and I could care less about my appearance in general, much less hair growth, my regimen was minimized to washing/dc every 2-3 weeks and while I did suffer some dryness I retained all the length and even gained some, but not as fast as when I washed frequently. For me, washing, deep conditioning, and seal with an oil, put in a simple style that will last until the next washing is all I really need to keep my hair long and strong. And yes, I have a treasure trove of products that I don't need, but I tried when I was working out my regimen, but the regimen I use now seems so simple and obvious but it took several months and several hundreds of dollars worth of products to come to this conclusion.