Have you had success with your hair growth by just keeping it simple?

Have you had success with your hair growth and health just by keeping it simple?

  • Yes, I like to keep it simple

    Votes: 448 94.7%
  • No,

    Votes: 25 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes I agree. I'm pretty much a newbie (but O.G. stalker of the forums) and I've jumped on every bandwagon possible (B.T., and others), not to mention a lot of different conditioners, shampoo's, leave in's, oils and what not. Now I've limited it to a weekly prepoo-wash-condition and style. This has worked for me and has thickened my once see through hair. I guess it's process of elimination. I'm thankful for everyone's input and it has taught me alot. I know things don't work for everyone but I'm sure glad I got simple regimen down that works thanks to this board.
I'm honestly too lazy to keep up a complicated regimen. Most of my hair care happens one to two times a month when I wash, deep condition, detangle and moisturize. Once my hair is styled, I leave it alone until I have to do the process all over again. I've tried the nightly baggying, daily moisturizing, etc. and I just can't keep up with it all. My hair seems to grow the best when I just leave it alone.
YES!!!!!!!!!!! I love to cornrow my hair and wear a half wig (however in a couple of weeks ima order my lace front!!!! YAY!!). This has helped my hair in the past retain length (cuz hair grows the same rate out of my head no matter what) and thickness (cuz of less manipulation). I have little manipulation cuz I:

1. Shampoo once a week with CON (will switch to Porosity Control Shampoo when I can no longer find this ANYWHERE)

2. Condition ~15 min with either Aphogee 2 Min, Kenra MC, or AO Honeysuckle

3. Spray Motions Leave in and apply homemade leave in cream

4. Seal with Grape Seed Oil

5. Braid hair in six braids, let dry, and wear wig!!

I have to say that my basic method is what I like. Co-wash daily, put a leave-in, and pull it back in a puff (daily style, it is boring me ... which leads to my following statement...)

I am guilty of changing up for different hair styles. It is at that time that my skin, scalp, and hair will revolt! Then I go back to my daily washing....

From time to time I wash a little infrequently, to get a different style, but my skin, scalp, and hair don't like it. So I have to keep it basic.

ETA: In the beginning I was doing a lot....

The sulfur mix (pew!)
A lot of pre-poos
trying a lot of different products....

Now I just don't do any of the above anymore, with the exception of a pre-poo every once in a while.
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I'm going back to simple as well. Ever since I cut my bsl, I don't think I cared much for my hair. My hair grows fast with just washing and oiling my scalp if needed. So now I'll stick to co-washing daily/every other day and moisturizing.

My hair just doesn't like alot of products. I think I am leaving cones alone too.
Keeping it simple is definitely working for me as well. All I do is shampoo and condition every week to a week and a half. I deep condition a couple of times a month, mositurize my ends every two or three days and call it a day. I get my hair relaxed once or twice a year and do it myself the rest of the time. My hair is thriving without having a complicated regimen so I'm tring to keep my routine as simple as possible.
If the simple regimes sounds like these, than what does the complicated regimes sound like?:lachen:
I am trying to simplify my regime, but, that really boils me down to nothing!:perplexed I feel like I'm slacking off compared to you gals!:spinning:
completely agree. i've always had such a simple routine but i found LHCF and got excited - started doing too much.
me too! i'm a definite pj...bought so many things off of recs that i forgot what i have, and all these curly hair products when i can't even do a WNG cause of my relaxed ends. don't wanna look crazy.

but now that all i am doing is shampooing once a week, DCing 2x a week, co-washing whenever i need a midweek pick-me-up, adding my leave-in and slapping it in a ponytail or bun, and taking my multivitamin, i'm good. (the multivitamin may not even have anything to do with it, i don't know.) i still like to play in it, experiment, you know, but it is when i worry about it that i get obsessive with length checks, which means i want to straighten, which means heat and going cuckoo over shed hairs/broken hairs...oy vey. vicious cycle i tell you.
Obviously, everyone's results with vary, but simplicity is key for me. :yep:

When I tried too many products, with too many steps, by hair revolted and began to shed and dry out :nono:

What did women do prior to all the technologically advanced products of today? They washed & conditioned, roller set, braided, bunned, moisturized, tied it up at night, and called it a day. I adopt the same philosophy. I wash, dc, leave in/wrap lotion, moisturize as needed, and wear a satin scarf at night. My hair has never looked better! Its light, and has body and sheen. Granted, I think top quality products make the difference, but once you get a regimen down the products go a long way, and you save in the long run.

I also use heat in moderation :blush:

IMHO, if you're consistent with a good regimen and quality products, your hair will thank you :yep:
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Yes! Yes! Yes! I first began my hair journey last summer and ended up getting a lot of growth as usual but I was also eating up my ends by doing so much to my hair. Now it is growing and I am retaining length finally((We'll see for sure by the end of summer)) I wash it, condition it, clarify every once in a while, and right now I am air drying. That's it. I am not using an abundance of products, I use one shampoo and conditioner, one deep conditioner, one leave in, and one setting lotion, and the fabulous coconut oil to keep everything in and mango butter to add my protein. That's it. I no longer have a wash day. I wash my hair when it gets dirty, usually just once a week. And Life is good.
I like to keep it as simple as possible. My regimen basically consists of co-washing, moisturizing/sealing, dc’ing and protective/low manipulation styling. I only tweak it when necessary which doesn’t happen to often and I only try new products that may be beneficial to my hair once in a blue moon. :)
I completely agree. When I do too much, things dont seem to work out the best. But by keeping things simple and using products that do what they're suppose to, such as co washing, moisturizing and sealing. I get healthy soft ends and save much more money. It all works for my benefit. I've been bunning more and more and will continue to until graduation, June 19th.
I keep it VERY simple. All i do is wash once a week and bun for work each morning. Although i am of the low-manipulation camp, it doesnt require any additional work to do so (in fact, not styling my hair daily makes my regimen that much more simple). My hair thrives when i leave it alone.

1 vitamin now, DC once per week with my wash. Moisturize when I can. The End. :yep:

*I cut out all the other stuff not because it wasnt "helpful" per se, but because I no longer have the time. I enjoyed all the extra TLC and treatments I gave my hair, but with my schedule so busy these days i dont have the luxury to spend the time on my hair that i used to.*

If I find the time, I'll definitely con-wash here and there, or do an Aphogee or Henna treatment.... but on a regular basis, it's what i described above.
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I think that when you have longer hair you can afford to 'keep it simple' after all you can always just put that shiz into a bun :lachen: Its a little harder to keep it simple for shorter hair, so i've always found that complicated has (had) been working for me.
I have simplified my regimen alot in the last couple of months. Hopefully, this will work for the best of my hair b/c I so want to see growth/progress.
my friend has natural hair all the way down her back and she knows nothing about these regimens and oils and all that extra stuff. I think all that is a little unnecessary ( having a 15 step regimen lol) i hopped on the bandwagons and hopped my broke a*s right off. back to my friend- she washes her her 1x a week in the shower and then puts conditioner on her hair and detangles it and sometimes she will add pantene daily oil cream moisturizer on it and let it air dry. then during the week she will just wear it in buns and cute styles and if she needs to she just wets it and puts the conditioner and moisturizer in it then detangles it again with her brush. THATS IT no pre-pooing, baggying, or anything like that.

check out this site www.biracialhair.org
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I guess my routine would be considered simple...

First of all I wear a weave as my protective style so I can't do much with my hair...

DC:1/week (going to start DCing 2week see moisturize reason below)
Oil scalp: 2/week
Moisturize: Almost daily, I have to watch this because my weave can look greasy (shiny)
Growth aid: Spray Surge 14 daily...

June 8th or 9th I will have updates so then I'll see if its been working...
Honestly I think I'm tired of doing so much to my hair.

All the co-washing, buns, wigs, oils, growth aids, no heat etc. are starting to become to much. And with all this I still have had breakage, shedding, knots and damaged ends at times and I never wear my hair out.

I am so happy with the things I've learned over this past year, but I've experienced the same amount of growth keeping in simple that I do when I go full blast with everything.

For example I see people getting alot of growth with aids like BT,MN & OCT. But I have seen the same growth on others who just deep condition once a week , put oil on their ends and take their multi-vitamins.

I'm not knocking what others do because you have to do what works for you. But now that my hair is growing and I'm getting closer to BSL I think I'm just going to keep it simple for this next year and use the things that truly work and that's it.

Does it count if i keep it simple but pop pills:rolleyes::lachen::grin:lol i hear you sometimes i just get tired from all the things i do in the name of hair growing. girl i m getting old lol i had to simplify my regimen cause i just dont have time.

But i think its not specially the fact that i keep it simple (humm maybe it is cause i m less with my hand in my hair manipulating it all the time), i believe it is as i dont see it often and dont keep track of the growth anymore, i"m more pleasantly surprised comes perm time to see it has grown a lot.

i dont do anything anymore to the hair except one single braid or a bun that s it and pop my pills. My new growth is out of this world cant a comb go in there anymore. So i cant style my hair for now. I'm 3 months post relaxer but the straight hair sit on top of all the new growth that i cant comb. it seems the more i cowash, or rinse with water, the more new growth i have it doesnt make any sense:wallbash: i keep it wet cause i dont want the hair to be matted at the root as i dont detangle it.
I'm trying to come up with ways to simplify my regimen as much as possible now. I really don't think all of the "extra" stuff is needed anymore. It's a waste of money and time in my opinion. I have jumped on so many bandwagons, and very few of them have left me happy. Plus, I hate taking 5 hours to do my hair. Leave your hair alone and just let it grow. Wash, condition, and moisturize....main things imo!
Ekomba, I need my pills too girl. But at one time I was probably taking about 7.

I think I was overdosing on vitamins. But I have since narrowed those down to my multi, biotin, b-complex and silica and I think I fine.
Ekomba, I need my pills too girl. But at one time I was probably taking about 7.

I think I was overdosing on vitamins. But I have since narrowed those down to my multi, biotin, b-complex and silica and I think I fine.

lollll Savvy Sistah then you and me both hihi.now i just cant live witout my vitol hair nails skin and my nature made super b complex. i can run out of the biotin and multi but these are the 4 that i narrowed down to.

the carlson msm is a powder so its all good:lachen::grin: i most of the time bypass it been lazy and with the hot temperature i just leave the hair in the bun and sometimes even forget to take my vits except the 2 aforementioned:lachen:
Honestly I think I'm tired of doing so much to my hair.

All the co-washing, buns, wigs, oils, growth aids, no heat etc. are starting to become to much. And with all this I still have had breakage, shedding, knots and damaged ends at times and I never wear my hair out.

I am so happy with the things I've learned over this past year, but I've experienced the same amount of growth keeping in simple that I do when I go full blast with everything.

For example I see people getting alot of growth with aids like BT,MN & OCT. But I have seen the same growth on others who just deep condition once a week , put oil on their ends and take their multi-vitamins.

I'm not knocking what others do because you have to do what works for you. But now that my hair is growing and I'm getting closer to BSL I think I'm just going to keep it simple for this next year and use the things that truly work and that's it.

From reading this board, I know some members put too much work into their hair; :wallbash: its not necessary and its overwhelming from my opinion. So don't follow the course that everyone else is. Just do what's best for you. Use a moisturizing shampoo, and add oil to it if you have to. Then add oils to your conditioner. Get a good detangler, use a hair oil and add oils to your pomade or whatever you use. That's the key: oil. Keep those ends moist and wear protective styles (ends up and out of the air).

If you don't want to tweak your products and save time, order these items from www.hairoil.com. I endorse these products. They're fabulous
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I think it does work. I have started doing that about a month ago and I she less. all I do now is co wash seal with oil and bun it. i stopped the vitamins except for women's ultra mega cause I realized all those vits caused me to gain alot of weight. I stopped Mn for now. i just wash DC, moisturize and seal nothing more.
I can't front...i jumped on many bandwagons when i first started. but i've been very busy which has forced me to scale back a bit. i deep condition twice a week or more when i feel the need..daily moisturize or every 2 days with oil.

i wear a half wig myself and leave my hair alone. i keep it braided underneath in 3 big plaits and rebraid when i moisturize.

very little manipulation and heat.