I wash once a week, sometimes I go longer, sometimes less, depending on what my hair needs. I stay flexble and don't stay with a rigid timeframe but all things being equal, I wash once a week, usually saturdays. If its hot and humid and I'm spending lots of time in the pool/ocean, I wash/co-wash everyday, if its really cold out, I may go 10 days to 2 weeks between washes. My KIS rules are simple and still being developed. . . .
1. never, I mean NEVA use heat for anything. Period. Not even to DC. Everyon can't do this at first and I didn't think I could, but try, try again and I've been heat free for years and that alone has simplified my life. I feel I can live anywhere and so long I have water and a bottle of condish (preferable nexxus humectress!) I can hook my hair up -- straight and flowing, textured, whatever . . .
2. be flexible 'cuz life don't always happen according to my schedule, thank God!
2. do whatever I need to do when I wash/co-wash, cuz no time in between washes, I don't brush, comb or manipulate my hair much when its dry, so I henna, moisturize, deep condish, oil, whatever on wash days and forget about it until my next wash.
3. use 'poo or co-wash whenever either makes sense. I try to limit 'poo use, but I don't hesitate when I know my hair needs it. It's not an all or nothing thing, 'poo when you need it, co-wash when it makes sense. Use protein and moisture depending on condition of hair. Rollerset and airdry or just let it hang dry, depending . . . I don't feel I HAVE to make a choice. Sometimes I go months without 'pooing, and then sometimes I'll 'poo for 2 or 3 washes in a row . . .
4. if my hair is acting on me (shedding, breaking) I go into protective mode using buns, braids, etc. to give it a rest.
I prolly have more, but these are main ones. As a newbie, I was all over the place, trying this and that, co-washing everyday, feeling I had to be on some schedule with protein or moisture or whatever, but now, I just do what my hair feels like I need. The only thing I feel I simply don't have a choice with is heat -- that is TOTALLY out and I won't go back. But I know that's me and may not work for some. Indeed, no heat has been the most liberating thing for me time wise and the best thing for my hair, which is thriving with 80-85% texlax and airdrying. . . .