Have you had success with your hair growth by just keeping it simple?

Have you had success with your hair growth and health just by keeping it simple?

  • Yes, I like to keep it simple

    Votes: 448 94.7%
  • No,

    Votes: 25 5.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

The Savvy Sistah

New Member
Honestly I think I'm tired of doing so much to my hair.

All the co-washing, buns, wigs, oils, growth aids, no heat etc. are starting to become to much. And with all this I still have had breakage, shedding, knots and damaged ends at times and I never wear my hair out.

I am so happy with the things I've learned over this past year, but I've experienced the same amount of growth keeping in simple that I do when I go full blast with everything.

For example I see people getting alot of growth with aids like BT,MN & OCT. But I have seen the same growth on others who just deep condition once a week , put oil on their ends and take their multi-vitamins.

I'm not knocking what others do because you have to do what works for you. But now that my hair is growing and I'm getting closer to BSL I think I'm just going to keep it simple for this next year and use the things that truly work and that's it.
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Yes, I've had a lot of success keeping it simple. IMO, my regimen is simple, although a just little more than just washing, "greasing" and braiding/plaiting like when I was a little girl.

The things I've added to my regimen are only what enhances my regimen, like the recent Sabino I'm experimenting with. That is an item that will keep things simple in my life on those extra humid days or when traveling. :)
When I forget about my hair, bun it, it prospers best. I'm using OCT now so I just put that in and put it back in a bun. Pre-pooing is a must though :grin:
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. It just all seems a bit overwhelming sometimes. I was getting great growth back when I was just washing and conditioning twice a week.

Plus the products I have bought is getting out of hand. :nono:
I think so, but i don't know any other way. I'm just not into putting alot of time and products in my hair.
I cowash during the week, wash and DC about once per week.
Moisturize and bun everyday. Oil scalp when necessary.
That's it! I like to keep it simple.
all i do is co wash once a week and shampoo and deep condition once a week. i always rollerset and use leave in. i think thats pretty simple. my hair is growing and looks fuller(even though my strands are VERY fine). im happy with my progress because i've only been on here since i think Feb. and only been really into this for like three months.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. It just all seems a bit overwhelming sometimes. I was getting great growth back when I was just washing and conditioning twice a week.

Plus the products I have bought is getting out of hand. :nono:
I so agree with this statement...
yes I really have and my hair feels so good and soft and my hair looks better everyone is like what have you done to your hair and I am like nothing :look: and it is the truth

I have also started using Mane N Tail New Herbal Shampoo & Conditioner and I love it.. I also use the HE Break's over leave in and the HE LTR leave in and GF anti fizz poof and that is all I use and put on my hair :grin:
It's really weird. You spend time and money working out what is best for your hair and then you get there and wham it becomes 2nd nature. Your hair reaches optimum health but the routine becomes almost boring because you know what works and don't quite need to experiment! Its like 2yrs down the line several hundred $s or £s later, your only ally now is patience which does not come in a pill form or topical application!

I recently added coconut oil, BB Oil Moisturizer & Dr Bronner's to my routine, which completed and complimented my routine and hair's health. My routine is now simple, cheap and almost inexpensive! DCing and moisturising your ends are the key staples to any routine! The concept of moisture/protein balance is great if you understand it, not so great if you can't grasp it, again patience is important.

In the last 6mths I have rediscovered my hair and it's becoming thicker. I am retaining & seeing length and my breakage is almost non-existent. Less is proving to mean more to my routine and hair, it's not about rushing out and buying expensive products for me, but buying what works and does not contain too many bad chemicals. Organic and natural products for me are the way to go!
Yes maammmm, When I do too much to my hair it sheds like crazy and starts getting dry :nono:. So I just leave it alone, right now its in a bun until I feel like doing something to it :ohwell:. I usually wear a bun most of the time unless I wear it straight but the weather haven't been acting right so its still in a bun for now and probably will remain :yep:.
Keeping it simple works for me. These days, more than ever. The longer it gets, the easier it's been to bring it down to the bare minimum. But keeping it simple has long been ideal for me and my hair.
Keeping it simple works for me. These days, more than ever. The longer it gets, the easier it's been to bring it down to the bare minimum. But keeping it simple has long been ideal for me and my hair.
I just love your hair!!!
I was reading your Fotki last night, and I just couldn't believe your progress in 3 years. You regimen is so simple.

I decided then and there to cut out all the products and make mine as simple as possible.:yep:
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My hair didn't actually start showing noticeable health and growth until I stopped trying to be fancy.

From time to time I have to remind myself not to get overexcited and just keep doing what I'm doing.
I would definitely say I've had success with keeping it simple so I voted "yes".

My regimen NEVER seems to change...LOL...I mean, I seriously just wash/DC once a week, put it a bun, and that's it. (Unless I get a press at the salon, which will be about 5-6 times total this year.)

Otherwise, I'm very low manipulation. During the summer months when it's hot and humid down here in the south (like it is now)...I'll rinse it at night and re-bun...that's about it.
Yes, and i noticed just about everyone whos hair i admire because of length and the way it looks is not washing daily, cowashing 2-3x a week and more, all the henna, baggy ect.

I see alot of shampoo and conditon 2-8x a month, straighten, wear it natural, bun/braidouts ect.
Preserve at night, moist/oil
And occasional like 1x every 2 months Protein treatments, relaxers, hair colors, clarify or trim or something.

I have 5/6 products
Shampoo, Conditoner, Oil, straightened hair moisturizer, glycerin moistruizer, and gel.....Always trying to make it smaller, and a very simple regimen. Since i started this my breakage has just gone down so dramatically to like virtually zero, and my hair seems SO much more healtheir.
I feel like (fingers crossed) that my hair is finally on a decent path now that i'm keeping it simple.

I basically had to find that middle ground. I went from one extreme of trying everything on the board to keeping it simple and only incorporating the few things that i felt were really necessary and worked for my hair.
K.I.S.S. is exactly what I plan to do! I plan to DC 2x's a week.(My hair gets very dry especially in this Vegas heat:nono:) Daily moisturize and no heat. It's habitual for me to healthy and take my vitamins so that's one less thing to worry about.:grin: We'll see how it work for my hair.
completely agree. i've always had such a simple routine but i found LHCF and got excited - started doing too much.

Now that im transitioning, Im down to:
wash once a week (whether in braids or not)
Leave in con
Deep con 2-3 a month
Finger combing / detangling
Protective styling
Simple checking in here!

I wash and deep condition, rollerset to straighten, moisturize the ends every other night and wrap.....

It works for me....
Yes, and i noticed just about everyone whos hair i admire because of length and the way it looks is not washing daily, cowashing 2-3x a week and more, all the henna, baggy ect.
ITA!! For the most part, the ladies with the longest hair does the KISS method and protective styling. :yep:
When I first joined LHCF I noticed many long haired ladies did very little to their hair. I wrote their regimen off assuming their hair was "good" or easy and nothing like mine. It took years to figure out that my hair wanted to be left alone too.
When I first joined LHCF I noticed many long haired ladies did very little to their hair. I wrote their regimen off assuming their hair was "good" or easy and nothing like mine. It took years to figure out that my hair wanted to be left alone too.
OT: Your hair color is gorgeous and it complements your skintone perfectly!! Or maybe it's your natural color... either way, it's pretty! :yep:
I have not choice but to keep it simple....:yep: When I first joined LHCF I had a very complicated regimen but now it down to bare minimu

*cowash every morning
*apply leave in and put hair in a puff (daily style)
*moisturize at night and go to bed
*DC once a week on sunday..this is also when I fully detangle (this take the place of my sunday cowash)
I think simple is best. My primary regimen is simple co-wash once a week, DC & rollerset. However, I like to try new things...Now Im co-rinsing daily which is pretty simple too, since all Im doing is apply conditioner, rinsing it out in the shower, and bunning until the next day.

I think the whole thing is pretty relative anyways. What one person may feel is complicated another may think it's extremely simple!!! :yep:
This feedback is great! I have noticed also that many women with long healthy hair just maintain a simple regimen

This past year and a half I've been growing out color and I would say I cut almost 4 inches and I still have been able to make my goals.

But lately, I have been doing to much and I've been noticing that my hair has been taking backwards steps, and I ain't having that.

I Just gotta do what my hair wants and not what I want. And right now, it just wants to be left alone.
I think simple is best. My primary regimen is simple co-wash once a week, DC & rollerset. However, I like to try new things...Now Im co-rinsing daily which is pretty simple too, since all Im doing is apply conditioner, rinsing it out in the shower, and bunning until the next day.
I think the whole thing is pretty relative anyways. What one person may feel is complicated another may think it's extremely simple!!! :yep:

This is what I am doing now too.
You ladies are all right. When I first joined last year, I was buying whatever worked for someone else, not realizing that it might not work for my hair. Now I realize that everything ain't for everybody. I have started subtracting from my regimen slowly but surely because I realize that it's just not working for my hair. Alot of the ladies whose hair I admire really have a simple regimen and I am trying to do the same. I am not really buying any new products. I am trying to use the stuff that I already have. Once the stuff is gone, I am only going to rebuy what works.:grin: