Have you ever seen someone you already know on a dating site?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I just ran a search on a dating site and stumbled across the profile of someone I know in professional circles. It's so interesting to see how he presents himself online vs. what I know if him in real life.

Has anyone ever had this happen? Did you call them out? :giggle:
I saw who I thought was a leasing agent at my old apartment complex(did I mention that he is married?) So after further investigation, I discovered that it was in fact his twin brother! Who would have guessed!!!!!!!
I saw someone from my sunday school class ...when I used to go to church on a regular basis....
I'm not sure if this counts. A few years ago I dated a guy from a personals site but we didn't click. Earlier this year I joined a completely unrelated site and there he was! Same picture and everything.
in high school for senior year sociology we had a unit on "online dating", the entire class went to the computer lab and went on yahoo's online dating site. one of the first people who pops up from our area is this weird senior male everyone knows. it was too funny. how embarrassing for him :giggle:
My friends brother. After reading his profile, he would be great for me, but he is more like a brother to me, I couldn't see myself dating him. Oh, add into the fact that in his late teen and early 20's he had plenty STD's. She told me all the gory details. I am surprised he still has an "organ".
Actually it was this the other way around, I was hanging with my friends a couple of years ago and they introduced me to this guy and he says he saw me on one of them sites. I had took the free personality test and never signed up so I thought it was funny.
yep and he was living with a woman while he was on match.com looking for another woman. i didn't say a word but i sure saw him differently after that.
Yes, I saw a guy who I had "talked to" before. Looks like was "just not that into me" so he decided to look around more...
Yes.A guy who works in my building as maintanence, and my childhood best friends brother, both on match.com. It's so funny to me, but also makes me wary to put myself on a dating site.

My homegirl was walking down 125th street in Harlem when she heard this guy yelling "Match! Match!". Of course she ignored him, and the fool had the nerve to write her and try to IM her talking about "I saw you on 125th street"...so not cool!
I saw my one of my brothers best friends, whom I also knew very well.
It was pretty embarrassing to see him on there, I dunno why I felt that since I belong to a few dating sites as well.
Just made me more weary of putting up my picture.
Not me but....

1) My BEST FRIEND FOREVER got a wink and an email from MY EXBOYFRIEND! :lachen: Her picture was cute but DAYUM! He should have recognized her but apparently, he did not. Yes, I confronted him about it and he was like, "that was her?" :lachen: Dumbazz.

2) One of my girlfriend's HUSBAND gave a shoutout to one of our mutual friend's SISTER on a site. :nono: He had himself listed as "single/no children" BIG FAT LIE! :nono: What's worse? The sister IS NOT CUTE. Such a mess.
both of my parents :barf:

it was funny finding both their profiles, and seeing the little details about themselves they exaggerated