Have you ever met someone (people) that say they are Christians....


New Member
And it makes you feel unsettled. This is not meant to offend, I am just curious because, I have been raised Catholic, went to Catholic schools, but I know there were times in my life when I questioned the church I belonged to, the beliefs and the system...

I feel like I have grown in my understanding and my faith, but in my growth, I noticed people worship differently, devotion is different and I wonder, I have visited churches where people go up to the alter and faint, fall down....I am not use to this to say the least. And because of that, does that make me not as much of a Christian as the person that gets emotional and faints.

If I don't verbally speak about my faith to everyone, does that make me less Christian than others

If I don't work in the church, doing community service or things like that, am I less of a Christian

I hope this makes sense to someone and I get your feed back

I want to know what it means to be a Christian to you and do you turn away from everyone and everything in this world

ie. the radio, t.v, old friends and new people that may not be where you are spiritually?
I was raised Catholic. Went to Mass, got confirmed, all that stuff. When I graduated from high school, I pretty much stopped going to church for a while. In the meantime, I visited oher churches. A lady got to shouting next to me, and honestly, it freaked me out. A classmate invited me to her church. The pastor had a line for people who wanted prayer. I wanted prayer so I got in line. Everyone in the line in front of me fell out. I was so nervous! I didn't want to get out of line, but I didn't want to look crazy falling out!
So, it's my turn, the pastor puts his hand on my head and starts praying. He then pushed me. I did not fall out, and he did it again, hard, so I fell back a little. After this experience, I was convinced that people were faking that stuff.
At this point, I was 22. And I was searching. I wanted more than what I was getting from Sunday Mass. I questioned the system, and if God was pleased with me.
My cousin started going to Oral Roberts and would come home and preach at our grandmother's church. He always talked about having peace with God through a relationship through Jesus Christ. On May 8, 2001, I received Christ as my Savior and Lord. I realized that that relationship was never taught to me as I was growing up.

The relationship with God through Jesus is what makes you a Christian. Because of that realtionship, you will desire to do what pleases Him. You can talk to Him about anything. You are not less of a Christian if you don't fall out. Some people do get emotional, it just the way God's Spirit moves them. Seek the Lord and ask Him how He wants you to worship. You can sing, dance, sit quietly. Our everyday life is our biggest act of worship. Living your life for God is the greatest thing you can do. Just ask Him. He is faithful and He will show you.

As far as the world, for me there are some things I don't watch or listen to. There are some friends that I still hang out with. I pray for wisdom in these things.

I'm praying for you. Hope this helps.
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No, you don't have to faint and fall out or get all emotional to be a Christian...alot of that stuff that you may see on tv where preachers (actually heretics) have these big churches with people falling all over the place, it is not of God...Anyway, to answer your question:

What it means to be a Christian to me... being a follower of Jesus Christ, believing and trusting in Jesus and in his death, burial, and resurrection, and turning from your former way of life to live God's way. The Bible says, "if you confess with your mouth, `Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9) The Bible also says, "I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus." (Acts 20:21)

I also believe that in order to be a true Christian, you must also believe that the Holy Bible is God-breathed and the perfect word of God. It is our ultimate guide in this life. A Christian should believe in the Trinity (which is simply God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit... nothing more, nothing less). As a Christian, you should turn away from what is evil or will cause you to sin as much as possible. No Christian is perfect, but a Christian should not remain in a continual sin and not feel sorry about doing the sin (for example: someone who continually fornicates, continually gets drunk, continually lies, etc etc). All Christians commit sins and we must confess them to God in prayer and ask for forgiveness and repent.

Also, being a Christian is a relationship with God and a continual development toward being more like Jesus. As you mature in Christ, a Christian will start to see the light more and more and turn away from the wicked evil things of this world like the corrupted tv shows or worldly friends. It's really a tough battle out there. We as Christians will go through trials and suffering just to be right with God which is the right thing to do. We must think of things above and realize that the things of this world will not last always.

I could go on and on about what it means to be a Christian. I hope what I mentioned helps some. Feel free to PM me anytime if you have any questions or concerns. Be blessed, ccd! :)
Miz Jackson said:
I was raised Catholic. Went to Mass, got confirmed, all that stuff. When I graduated from high school, I pretty much stopped going to church for a while. In the meantime, I visited oher churches. A lady got to shouting next to me, and honestly, it freaked me out. A classmate invited me to her church. The pastor had a line for people who wanted prayer. I wanted prayer so I got in line. Everyone in the line in front of me fell out. I was so nervous! I didn't want to get out of line, but I didn't want to look crazy falling out!
So, it's my turn, the pastor puts his hand on my head and starts praying. He then pushed me. I did not fall out, and he did it again, hard, so I fell back a little. After this experience, I was convinced that people were faking that stuff.
At this point, I was 22. And I was searching. I wanted more than what I was getting from Sunday Mass. I questioned the system, and if God was pleased with me.
My cousin started going to Oral Roberts and would come home and preach at our grandmother's church. He always talked about having peace with God through a relationship through Jesus Christ. On May 8, 2001, I received Christ as my Savior and Lord. I realized that that relationship was never taught to me as I was growing up.

The relationship with God through Jesus is what makes you a Christian. Because of that realtionship, you will desire to do what pleases Him. You can talk to Him about anything. You are not less of a Christian if you don't fall out. Some people do get emotional, it just the way God's Spirit moves them. Seek the Lord and ask Him how He wants you to worship. You can sing, dance, sit quietly. Our everyday life is our biggest act of worship. Living your life for God is the greatest thing you can do. Just ask Him. He is faithful and He will show you.

As far as the world, for me there are some things I don't watch or listen to. There are some friends that I still hang out with. I pray for wisdom in these things.

I'm praying for you. Hope this helps.

This helps so much, thank you for your words.....I was brought back to my faith by an unlikely person, a friend I made, it started the process for me. Since then I have accepted and I know with all my heart that Jesus died for me, God sacrified his only Son, that is so amazing.

I look to God for guidance and I know he takes me through life.....

I value your wisdom..thank you for this blessing
Everything that Pooh Bear and Miz Avalon said is right. As a child I attended a Baptist church with my grandmother on my mom's side of the family and attended Catholic services with my Dad's side. In each service I still loved the peace of God.

However, when I gave my life and heart to the Lord 24 years ago, my entire life changed. The church I joined was non-denominational but Pastor always called us 'Bap-costals' as there was a mix of both Baptists and Pentacostals (Holiness) backgrounds.

Even to this day, amidst all of the dancing and shouting, I have always been quiet in church, because I don't want to miss a word being spoken.

During special prayer and Altar calls, I don't normally fall, but I have experienced the flow of the annointing flow through me so strongly that I've lost my balance. This occurred with my Pastor and also when I attended a service with Pastor Benny Hinn, back in 1985. This man's annointing is real. As a matter of fact it is so powerful that anyone standing next to you will definitely feel the overflow.

I have also prayed for others and have 'felt' the annointing flow through me as I've touched them and they felt it as well. The power of God is real. But we cannot 'fake' this or play games with it. I've been to services when I've 'seen' a minister 'push' a person. I believe in many cases they feel it doesn't work unless a person does fall. I also think that many people fall that don't have to. Many shout that don't have to; dance that don't have to. The word of God tells us that this is not necessary.

I can remember in my early years of being saved and wondering if something was missing in me because I didn't shout, fall, run, jump or dance as the others did. All I wanted to do was worship God in song and sit and listen. And the Holy Spirit blessed my soul with Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." From then on, I was set free from feeling inadequate. I still can't do the 'dance' (shouting jig)...:look: But I enjoy seeing others do it who are being sincere and not trying to get attention.

I love being quiet before the Lord. For He's always leading and speaking to me in His word.

Yet, I don't judge those who are open and jubilant. There are times when I wish I were as jovial as they are. ;)

Be proud of who you are in Jesus. Quiet or Shout...God has many ways of worship just as long as it is sincere. It's all about one's heart. I just happen to be one of His quiet ones. I write more than I talk...:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Poohbear said:
No, you don't have to faint and fall out or get all emotional to be a Christian...alot of that stuff that you may see on tv where preachers (actually heretics) have these big churches with people falling all over the place, it is not of God...Anyway, to answer your question:

What it means to be a Christian to me... being a follower of Jesus Christ, believing and trusting in Jesus and in his death, burial, and resurrection, and turning from your former way of life to live God's way. The Bible says, "if you confess with your mouth, `Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9) The Bible also says, "I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus." (Acts 20:21)

I also believe that in order to be a true Christian, you must also believe that the Holy Bible is God-breathed and the perfect word of God. It is our ultimate guide in this life. A Christian should believe in the Trinity (which is simply God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit... nothing more, nothing less). As a Christian, you should turn away from what is evil or will cause you to sin as much as possible. No Christian is perfect, but a Christian should not remain in a continual sin and not feel sorry about doing the sin (for example: someone who continually fornicates, continually gets drunk, continually lies, etc etc). All Christians commit sins and we must confess them to God in prayer and ask for forgiveness and repent.

Also, being a Christian is a relationship with God and a continual development toward being more like Jesus. As you mature in Christ, a Christian will start to see the light more and more and turn away from the wicked evil things of this world like the corrupted tv shows or worldly friends. It's really a tough battle out there. We as Christians will go through trials and suffering just to be right with God which is the right thing to do. We must think of things above and realize that the things of this world will not last always.

I could go on and on about what it means to be a Christian. I hope what I mentioned helps some. Feel free to PM me anytime if you have any questions or concerns. Be blessed, ccd! :)

Awwwman! I had written a long reply back and I got logged out! I thank you for your words and thoughts!!! thank you so much.

I guess I am struggling right now with what I know to be true, and liiving the truth everyday. I am not perfect, I make mistakes and I make choices that I shouldn't based on what I "know"/ believe. I will definitely PM you..... Thank you!
ShimmieGirl said:
Everything that Pooh Bear and Miz Avalon said is right. As a child I attended a Baptist church with my grandmother on my mom's side of the family and attended Catholic services with my Dad's side. In each service I still loved the peace of God.

However, when I gave my life and heart to the Lord 24 years ago, my entire life changed. The church I joined was non-denominational but Pastor always called us 'Bap-costals' as there was a mix of both Baptists and Pentacostals (Holiness) backgrounds.

Even to this day, amidst all of the dancing and shouting, I have always been quiet in church, because I don't want to miss a word being spoken.

During special prayer and Altar calls, I don't normally fall, but I have experienced the flow of the annointing flow through me so strongly that I've lost my balance. This occurred with my Pastor and also when I attended a service with Pastor Benny Hinn, back in 1985. This man's annointing is real. As a matter of fact it is so powerful that anyone standing next to you will definitely feel the overflow.

I have also prayed for others and have 'felt' the annointing flow through me as I've touched them and they felt it as well. The power of God is real. But we cannot 'fake' this or play games with it. I've been to services when I've 'seen' a minister 'push' a person. I believe in many cases they feel it doesn't work unless a person does fall. I also think that many people fall that don't have to. Many shout that don't have to; dance that don't have to. The word of God tells us that this is not necessary.

I can remember in my early years of being saved and wondering if something was missing in me because I didn't shout, fall, run, jump or dance as the others did. All I wanted to do was worship God in song and sit and listen. And the Holy Spirit blessed my soul with Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." From then on, I was set free from feeling inadequate. I still can't do the 'dance' (shouting jig)...:look: But I enjoy seeing others do it who are being sincere and not trying to get attention.

I love being quiet before the Lord. For He's always leading and speaking to me in His word.

Yet, I don't judge those who are open and jubilant. There are times when I wish I were as jovial as they are. ;)

Be proud of who you are in Jesus. Quiet or Shout...God has many ways of worship just as long as it is sincere. It's all about one's heart. I just happen to be one of His quiet ones. I write more than I talk...:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I write more than I talk as well, I am a pretty reserved person so getting up in church to dance and sing would take another 30 some odd years (perhaps) to happen for me.

I don't judge the different ways people worship, I just know how I do and I wonder when other Christians meet someone not so vocal, or outspoken, does that turn them away....but in your responses, I realize that is not the case. I see their is more understanding then judgement....

In my youth, Church was something I had to do, I went through the sacraments, rituals etc, then after highschool, like Miz Avalon stated, I wandered away, especially in college, having a boyfriend and going against what I had been taught. I felt bad and unworthy of being in church. I thought I couldn't dare step into church. After several years of staying away, I had been blessed and God sent someone to me to tell me I was always loved and will always be loved by God.

I turned around and faced what I had done, asked for God's forgiveness and I felt God's Love....I have been walking towards God and growing in my faith.

I do know that I have not yet turned away from the worldly things.....I get caught....

ETA: When I saw this I mean, I watched BET for years,,,but got really sick and disgusted by what I saw, at first I was annoyed by the image of Black Women that I saw and thought this can't do anything good for us as a people, but now, I see the complete evil in that there is so much base behavior,
and even now, I will tune in to see a Mary J , or Beyonce video but I know I will see some not so good stuff..... while initially writing this I was turning back and forth from the US Open to the VMA's ( boring as ever, and I turned the station when folks where shaking and grinding) but should I have not watched at all. This is what I mean by not turning away from the worldly things
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ccd said:
I write more than I talk as well, I am a pretty reserved person so getting up in church to dance and sing would take another 30 some odd years (perhaps) to happen for me.

I don't judge the different ways people worship, I just know how I do and I wonder when other Christians meet someone not so vocal, or outspoken, does that turn them away....but in your responses, I realize that is not the case. I see their is more understanding then judgement....

In my youth, Church was something I had to do, I went through the sacraments, rituals etc, then after highschool, like Miz Avalon stated, I wandered away, especially in college, having a boyfriend and going against what I had been taught. I felt bad and unworthy of being in church. I thought I couldn't dare step into church. After several years of staying away, I had been blessed and God sent someone to me to tell me I was always loved and will always be loved by God.

I turned around and faced what I had done, asked for God's forgiveness and I felt God's Love....I have been walking towards God and growing in my faith.

I do know that I have not yet turned away from the worldly things.....I get caught....

ETA: When I saw this I mean, I watched BET for years,,,but got really sick and disgusted by what I saw, at first I was annoyed by the image of Black Women that I saw and thought this can't do anything good for us as a people, but now, I see the complete evil in that there is so much base behavior,
and even now, I will tune in to see a Mary J , or Beyonce video but I know I will see some not so good stuff..... while initially writing this I was turning back and forth from the US Open to the VMA's ( boring as ever, and I turned the station when folks where shaking and grinding) but should I have not watched at all. This is what I mean by not turning away from the worldly things

Don't be so hard on yourself, okay? God is so pleased with you. Ccd you are growing in Him more and more each day. I used to watch BET, but then one day, I noticed that I didn't want to anymore. It's a process, that's all.

You truly are on the right track, for your heart is pure and you are beginning to notice and listen to God's spirit and admit that there are things that are conducive in your growth in Jesus. All of us are growing. For each day, I discover something more that needs to change or leave my life. Each day, we each grow...

Sweet sleep precious angel...and that you truly are. :kiss:
ShimmieGirl said:
Don't be so hard on yourself, okay? God is so pleased with you. Ccd you are growing in Him more and more each day. I used to watch BET, but then one day, I noticed that I didn't want to anymore. It's a process, that's all.

You truly are on the right track, for your heart is pure and you are beginning to notice and listen to God's spirit and admit that there are things that are conducive in your growth in Jesus. All of us are growing. For each day, I discover something more that needs to change or leave my life. Each day, we each grow...
Sweet sleep precious angel...and that you truly are. :kiss:

Oh Shimmie, thank you with all my heart. :rosebud: your words are such a blessing for me! God bless and keep you too