How many of you attend church?

Do You Attend Church regularly?

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I go to a non-denominational Christian church

I go every sunday, and thursday night Bible study sometimes ( I work for the church soo...)
bronxchick said:
I haven't found a "church home" of my own since I was a teenager. I do have a question, though. I watch and enjoy a couple of shows on Sunday, but since tithing is a necessity, how do I accomplish this?

It is my belief that tithing isn't necessary. It is under the law, but Jesus fulfilled the law. The new testament says that freely ye receive, freely ye should give...and believing that you will be cursed if you don't give 10% is not free giving.

So I believe that you should find an organization (church, charity, or anywhere that God reveals to you) and give what the Spirit tells you. That could be could be 100%. Whatever it is, it is between you and God. You can send it in the mail or donate on line.
I'd belong to a Non-Denominational church since 1994, and stopped going because my family has been moving from house to house. I really loved all my Christian friends that I missed so dearly. There's nothing wrong with me not being at church. The hardest part is trying to be committed to attend on Sunday or whenever Bible Study takes place.

Right across the street from me is a house that's also a church. The lady is a Pastor and has saw me walking the other day. I told her that I would like to visit her church, she is also my neighbor. So I'm going to check it out, and if I like what I see, then I will be there. I'm so lucky that I don't have to travel on a city bus to get to church. Halleuah!!!!
I edited the poll question, Options. Let me know if you actually wanted the question worded differently. :)
DelightfulFlame said:
It is my belief that tithing isn't necessary. It is under the law, but Jesus fulfilled the law. The new testament says that freely ye receive, freely ye should give...and believing that you will be cursed if you don't give 10% is not free giving.

So I believe that you should find an organization (church, charity, or anywhere that God reveals to you) and give what the Spirit tells you. That could be could be 100%. Whatever it is, it is between you and God. You can send it in the mail or donate on line.

I will do just that. Thanks :)
I grew up in a COGIC Pentecostal church.

Im still a member, but I attend a different type of church now in LA, just because I haven't found another church to become of member of just yet. But, I don't consider myself any denomination.

I attend church to fellowship with other people and to obey Gods commandment for us to edifiy each other with the gifts of the spirit.


Eventhough, I do this everyday by myself.

Do Attend Church Regularly?

Yes, I go to Monday Bible Study on campus, Sunday morning service, and occasionally Sunday night service (when they have it) or Prayer and Midweek Service on Thursday night.

I was raised in a Holiness church, and have been a member of a Missionary Baptist Chruch and now I am a member of a COGIC church. I guess u could say I'm sort of Penecostal or non-denominational. For me, I love to be in church. Love praise and worship, love the fellowship with the saints, and studying the Word. For me, worship is a lifestyle, so if I did miss church, yea I do wish I could have went, but at the same time, everything I do at church, I do in my home as well, so the only difference is it being an time for the body of Christ to gather together as a local body, and hear the corporate Word that God has for us.

Do people who go to church automatically seem to exhibit a stronger sense of their spiritual beliefs? I guess that kind of depend on what your spiritual beliefs are? If u are a Christian, going to church doesn't AUTOMATICALLY make u more or less stronger in the faith, and like others have said there are plenty of people who go to church and have basically no idea of what their spiritual beliefs outside of what the pastor preaches. But at the same time, there are plenty of people who do have stronger sense of spiritual beliefs b/c they go to church AND do things everyday to bring them closer to God (i.e. read, pray, worship, study the Word). You can not go to church and still do these things and have a strong faith in God, but the purpose for the church as a local body is to not only fellowship, but to allow our gifts to be utilized together, so that we can all grow stronger in the Lord, and to gather our corporate assignment as a local body of believers.
Sweet C,

I totally agree with you. In addition, I do believe in the extreme importance of fellowship with other Christians.

Your routine sounds so much like mine, I guess its because we are college students. What school do you attend?

This is so weird..why do we have the same bible verse in our siggy. Wow..and why is your post so like my post..crazy..girl...its like..I don't know ..but its like WOW...crazy

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I love to go to church...I truly mean that. If I could live in a 24 hour service my life would be so very happy...that's one reason I know I will love heaven :)

I attend church(Baptist although I was COGIC from 12 until I got married) 4 days during the week. Tuesdays, I either have Missionary meetings (like bible study for missionaries) or Online Ministry meetings (My husband is the director and I am the administrator and I create the discussion forums and the church email accounts). Every Wednesday is bible study, Thursday I have choir rehearsal, and Sundays I attend Sunday School and 11:00 services. So, I'm there quite a bit. I will even attend on Saturdays, to assist, when we have functions for our youth. I help with VBS in the summers too. I truly do love being at church and interacting with others in the church. I have a wonderful church home.

I truly am a "Jesus Freak" though. I wouldn't want to live my life if it didn't have Christ in it...I've been with him over half of my life and it just doesn't feel right when he's not part of it.
TrustMeLove said:
Sweet C,

I totally agree with you. In addition, I do believe in the extreme importance of fellowship with other Christians.

Your routine sounds so much like mine, I guess its because we are college students. What school do you attend?

This is so weird..why do we have the same bible verse in our siggy. Wow..and why is your post so like my post..crazy..girl...its like..I don't know ..but its like WOW...crazy


Girl, I completely ignored this question until I rechecked this board. I go to NC State. This year they decided to have campus bs later (at 8:30), to give people who are in other activities a chance to come, so it has become quite popular with students (not just those on our campus).
One thing I do like about fellowship in the church is the older saints in the body. Those who have been through more and know more are always encouraging, forever covering you, AND at my church will call you out if you out of order (but of course it is always in love).
I am a Christian and I will not lie...

I am pretty close to despising the churches here in Los Angeles. Consequently, I do not have a church home and do not attend church regularly. I feel really bad about it because I know no church is perfect. But I can't take all of the Hollywood theatrics of the bigger churches and the "questionable" feelings I get from the smaller ones. I have attended so many different churches and services out here. I was discouraged but I finally just let it go and stopped visiting them. I haven't been to church since January. What's a trip is that I do not feel bad about it any more. :confused:
Browndilocks said:
I am a Christian and I will not lie...

I am pretty close to despising the churches here in Los Angeles. Consequently, I do not have a church home and do not attend church regularly. I feel really bad about it because I know no church is perfect. But I can't take all of the Hollywood theatrics of the bigger churches and the "questionable" feelings I get from the smaller ones. I have attended so many different churches and services out here. I was discouraged but I finally just let it go and stopped visiting them. I haven't been to church since January. What's a trip is that I do not feel bad about it any more. :confused:

I don't think u should feel bad about it :kiss:, but just constantly pray to God and ask him to lead you to the church that he would have u to be it. Remember, where God is calling you to be, is not all the time where you necessarily want to go at first. I remember when first moved, I got very discouraged, b/c I visited some churches, but didn't believe that is where I was called to be. Well, I ended up visiting this one church, which was just my old church, and I was ready to sign up, but the Lord said No, so I didn't join. Well I started going to bible study at a church for about 3 weeks, and then I finally went to Sun service. The Lord lead me to join this church and I have been happy ever since. So I encourage you not to give up, b/c God has a place in mind for you.
awww - thank you!

I really would like to be a part of a church where I can involve myself in more than just Sunday services. The one place I really like is all the way in Pasadena...pretty far from me. We'll see. Who knows?
I sing in the chour, so I attend choir practice every week, I also attend a women's Bible study weekly , I attend Sunday school regularly, and I attend worship service weekly! Whew! I love it!!
At the moment, I am experiencing some conflict with organized religion. I am, however, a member of a church, believe in Christ, attend church with my parents whenever I visit them ( I am actually a member of their church, in Connecticut - I re-joined when I parted ways with my former church here in NY state), and strive to maintain a good relationship with our Lord and Savior.

Having said the aforementioned, and with all due deference, I believe that organized religion is not all that it is cracked up to be. Church-going folks, including priests and pastors, are human, and as humans, they are fallible. I sometimes think that there are more screwed-up folks in church than those who are not in church, just by virtue of the situations I and others I know have experienced.

northernbelle said:
At the moment, I am experiencing some conflict with organized religion. I am, however, a member of a church, believe in Christ, attend church with my parents whenever I visit them ( I am actually a member of their church, in Connecticut - I re-joined when I parted ways with my former church here in NY state), and strive to maintain a good relationship with our Lord and Savior.

Having said the aforementioned, and with all due deference, I believe that organized religion is not all that it is cracked up to be. Church-going folks, including priests and pastors, are human, and as humans, they are fallible. I sometimes think that there are more screwed-up folks in church than those who are not in church, just by virtue of the situations I and others I know have experienced.


NB, while that may be true, please remember that you are not going to church for the people there, but instead to worship God and His greatness. What those people are doing outside of the church really should have no bearing on whether or not you attend service. Yes, everyone has fallen short of the glory of God...please don't be so quick to let that keep you from God's holy place. I wish you well.
kitty18 said:
NB, while that may be true, please remember that you are not going to church for the people there, but instead to worship God and His greatness. What those people are doing outside of the church really should have no bearing on whether or not you attend service. Yes, everyone has fallen short of the glory of God...please don't be so quick to let that keep you from God's holy place. I wish you well.

So very true, kitty18. In fact, my mother tells me the very same regularly, and you should hear the things she could tell you re: HER church! LOL!

I generally go to my church's 8am service on Sundays that I have to be at work at 10:45, but I go to 11:15 on Sundays I'm off. Sometimes I go to Monday night prayer, but I love Wednesday night Bible study. My church is very lively, and each service is never the same ol, same ol. I go because I owe it to God (being here today), and I am truly blessed. My pastor is also no-holds-barred, and does not sugar coat anything...I know I'm in for a treat everytime I go to church.
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I go from time to time, like if my moms church is having a special occasion or event, I will go, however I don't go on my own because I was forced to go by my mom from a very early age. I still have faith and religious beliefs, however from a very early age, the church people turned me off, from telling us to give more money to the church and see the pastor driving his huge cadillac and him and his wife having matching furs to women fighting over roles at easter play practice to them making DEATH like number one.

I remember one of the deacons telling us every Sunday about how temporary our lives our and that it will come to an end and I feel as though ever since then, I have lived with that mindset with DEATH at the front of my mind, therefore so many things in life that people get excited over, dont even phase me, because I remember the sunday school mindset of everything will come to an end. It's sad because it makes me overthink dying.
i attend church, and i LOVE my church by the way! New Destiny Ministries....hit me up if you'd like for info on my wonderful church!

i read a couple of the posts, and it sounds like a LOT of people don't go cuz they thought folks were hypocrites, etc. well, truth be told (and maybe you've never heard this): CHURCH PEOPLE ARE HUMAN! of course, that doesn't mean that we excuse sin, cuz we don't. and that doesn't mean that we SHOULD act any ol' way just cuz we're human, but it DOES mean that we have flaws, make mistakes, are still being perfected like everyone else! yes, we ought to do a better job at being a witness for the world, but the reality is, we won't be complete until Jesus returns! (phil 1:6). so........get over it! lol....but really, u're always going to find problems in churches, everywhere you go. u can beat your bottom dollar on that one! however, the Bible says, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching" (Heb. 10:25). are you sensing the signs of the times.....the wars, the rumors of wars, the weather (my God), the natural disasters.....then don't forsake assembling yourself together with other believers (which most of us attribute to church) because u need the strength, the prayers, and the encouragement of other believers, ALONG with the Word of God being preached to you through God's man-servant. ..... i had to get over the fact too that churches are full of human folks who are going to make mistakes....YOU make mistakes don't you:)???????
I go to church very regularly. We have church on Sunday and I attend both services, prayer service on tuesday, and bible study on Friday nights. I have never been more happy, focused and know what life is really about. I love my pastor and his wife and they are awesome people. There are a lot of messed up people in every church. So if you are looking for the "perfect" church, you won't find it. I have been there for 2 years and I have had my ups and downs with people, but I put my faith in God, not people!
No one is a heathen for not attending church.

I, however, do attend and actively serve in my church. It is a Baptist church, but I don't consider myself a Baptist...just a Follower of Jesus.

The most important step is that one accepts that Jesus is Savior and Lord. This supercedes any work such as regular attendance, being kind/good...

That being said, being in constant fellowship and corporate praise is biblical and strenghtens the believer. Lots of people are turned off to church, often due to "church" people.

Keep in mind when looking that no church is perfect, and that Christians...or I should say Followers of Jesus (cause lots of folks who label themselves as Chrsitians have not accepted Jesus as their one true savior)...are saved by THE GIFT OF GRACE and do sin. But try to scope out a few churches to see which one you feel is comfortable for YOU.
Please make sure it is a church grounded in the word/bible.
Some churches are very progressive/contemporary and some are more traditional. Find one that floats your boat, just make sure Jesus is on that boat!

Happy hunting, and I'll be in prayer for you girl.
I've read about several people going to Non denominational churches and I was looking into trying that just to see how it is. Does any Los Angeles/So Cal lady know of any non-denominational church she can recommand please?

Right now I'm attending my friend's church which is pentecostal and I kinda like it especially because there is a lot of focus on the youth. It's a pretty small church too and the bishop is Nigerian. I do not always agree with what he says but overall I enjoy myself there, the unhibited praise and worship; heck the bishop's son got into rapping last sunday (all about the LORD of course) when we were invited to another church in Carson and I tell you people had their hands up and all, bobbing their heads :lol: I thought they were going to be shocked but no. Anyways all this to say that I love the fact it's really about come as you are but I'm really curious about non-denominational churches
I love my church. And attending this church has really taught me that prayer changes EVERYTHING. I attend a non-denominational church here in Texas. I attend with regularity but don't hold myself to the every Wed/Sun thing each week.

I like to fellowship with the women who are so strong and are a positive influence in my life. I am constantly praying for the women and young girls in my church because I know we all need prayer. I also like that I can call on my pastor or his wife whenever and for whatever. It is nice to be loved as such.
I was not able to complete my post today as the network had a blink.

Yes, I attend Church (fellowship) because God is just so good to me. I love the Lord so much, I feel weird if I am not in the house on Sunday. I attend service on Sunday, Sunday school and Bible Study and prayer on Wednesday.

One thing I don't understand is why people blame others for them not attending. I really don't understand. I love my church family. A church family is like a regular family. People get on your nerves, irritate you. You make up and go on. Agope love.

The quote, unquote church is a place of healing. It is a place for the sick. It is a hospital. You can't expect everyone to be perfect. Everyone is not cured yet. It is a growing process. Absolutely no one has "arrived".

If we keep our eyes on Christ we will not have time to focus on other's faults. Now if you need to do a pew check. Go for it. People always are quick to point out Matt 7:1.

I don't judge people, I question their actions. If there is someone in the body that you have issue with because of their fruit and you are tight like that. You have the right to speak or you will be held accountable. Just don't let someone else's actions keep you from church. The word says 'Don't forsake the assebly"

I could go on but I am not. I am tired and I am going to bed.
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Went every Sunday as a youngster, but had no choice. Now I haven't attended in nearly 3 years. For one thing I can't find a church that doesn't require me to pack a lunch and a few snacks.