Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for YOU


New Member
I think this thread should become a sticky. Call me the I keep it real doctor :grin:

In this thread I will teach you ladies how to make men become your toys. I will teach you how to save money, and I will teach you how to get the best of the best!

Ok first of all, if you have morals throw them outta the window. It's a dog eat dog world. Do you want to eat, or do you want to be eaten? Listen to Darwin.. it's survivial of the fittest here. You are probably crying in this section because you've been eaten. Your relationships are failing time after time because you are being eaten. Sheeet... don't you learn anything. Stop thinking your luck will change. With the way things are going, you will die being eaten.

Anyway here's a few rules you should follow.

1) Don't save any guys numbers. Let them always be the ones to call. You just answer.... that's your job. Remember whose chasing who.

If you want to recognize the number just save them as Toy 1, Toy 2, Toy3.

2) Nobody likes emotional people. So under NO circumstances do you call a guy being all emotional, shouting... crying. Girl you sound bi-polar. Who would want to be with a crazy person?

Always remain cool and calm. Have a list of punishments you do when he does something you don't like. Actions speak louder than words, and some of you females just be killing these men with your words. Just shut the f*** up!!!

If you ever want to express your emotions. Express them to your pillow!

3) The problem with lots of girls is they put all their eggs in one basket. If there is no ring... you're a FREE woman. Ofcourse don't be opening your legs like it's the highway. Keep em closed but go on casual dates with as many men as you like. Talk to as many as you like. If you only have ONE man you're talking to... you best believe he's talking to a few. That is why when you guys break up, he takes it better than you. He's got Shona, Louisa and Rachelle all ready to heal his heart. And who do you have? Nobody but some crazy girlfriends of yours telling you 'I knew he wasn't sh!t' when she's dating some lowlife drug dealer. So what do you turn to? Some food... how sad is that? See if you knew the game, you'd be out on a date. Instead you're home alone, eating your emotions away. :look:

4) I know how some of you ladies like to go on about HOW natural you are. Calm the f*** down with that bull sh!t. Even if Beyonce, Rihanna, Cameron Diaz etc went out with no make up they wouldn't be approached as much. All I'm saying is don't listen to the crap that men hate make up. Yes, some people over do it, and look draggish and sh!t but you should look put together. Look like you made an effort damn it. If you're looking natural, but you look homeless.... that's a problem.

5) Think LOGICALLY. From now on live by the first time, the last time, and never again. When a person, man or woman walk all over you. It's because they know they can. I've never understood people who get walked all over, and then say... 'I duno I'm just a nice person.' No, you're just dumb. The whole point of life is to LEARN from your mistakes. There's being nice and then there's being dumb. Learn how to say no, and learn how to cut people off. What's wrong with you? Do you need everybody to like you. Some people are going to hate you... who cares. Look around you, pick up another human being. It's not hard at all.


Read that again, and again.

I'll be back to teach you guys the real game. I just wanted to first teach you the basics.

I'll be back.
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Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

This shaaaaaaall be interesting...
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I'm tuning in. I actually think you gave good advice!
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for


I just exercised some of this last night.

I think people just respond better to my assertive self.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

Dizamn this is some cutthroat shiznit
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I like it. It's not ideal, but it's better than the other end of the emotional scale where you care too much about someone who isn't as serious as you are.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

Girl you are nothing if not entertaining! I'm lovin' your work! :grin:
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

LOL *YES! Another Chocolatelove thread lemme go grab my coffee*
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I will be back to check out the rest when it's posted. Love the real talk.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I agree with everything except for the makeup part.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I pretty much do all these things, my issue is getting the right type of guys to look my way. I have been having more guys trying to talk to me recently, but there is always a problem, they are always either too short, too clingy, too taken, too large or Im simply not attracted to them. maybe im just picky, lol
Oh no... I agree with all of this, especially the make-up part. I'll even extend it to clothes choice and fitness. But, hey, there's a savor for every flavor.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

Most of it is straight from Why Men Love Bit**es....nothing new
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I can't wait for the next tips, lol!
I'm number 4. I value being healthy more than looks..but obviously men just care about looks. Oh well. I have too much hope for humanity most of the time.
In fact I just hate the things women have to do to be taken seriously.
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Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I pretty much do all these things, my issue is getting the right type of guys to look my way. I have been having more guys trying to talk to me recently, but there is always a problem, they are always either too short, too clingy, too taken, too large or Im simply not attracted to them. maybe im just picky, lol

No, quality girls outnumber quality guys. If I was a man I would have a choice of about 10 quality girls...literally. I probably would be engaged by now, my female acquaintances are the bizness, lol.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

i like this. sometimes people need to be smacked in the face with some real talk. looking forward to more posts, OP.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for


OP do you have a man (men)? Juss asking....
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Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I'm bipolar. None of that flies with me. I scream, yell, and curse. Funny enough, it scares most guys - and I'm glad of that.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

Really? Really?
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Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

I've used that phrase many times before. Does that make me a bad person? It sure sound better than the truth. I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

There's some good points in the message.
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

So ya'll are taking this "advice" serious huh? :lol::drunk:
Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

In this thread I will teach you ladies how to make men become your toys. I will teach you how to save money, and I will teach you how to get the best of the best!

Ok first of all, if you have morals throw them outta the window.

I'll be back to teach you guys the real game. I just wanted to first teach you the basics.

I'll be back.

You know, I don't know how many folks are going to trust your advice after that other thread :lachen:about your friend...but your points are are those that people in NORMAL relationships/dating abide by. They're not off. What is off is that you're advising women to make men toys...not to seek a true husband.:ohwell:

Now, what if your method and ideal fails you one day?
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Re: Have you ever heard the words 'It's not you, it's me' - Then this thread is for

Well, I dont disagree with the makeup part but on the first date with my guy, I wore a wife beater, jeans and some tennis shoes. All items were nice, and you could actually see my curves, but I wasn't done up by any means. I think it depends on the type of guy though. But, in general, I think we should be getting dressed up.

And I know some of you were in my jaded thread; He and I talked and everything is SUPER now.