Simply Komplex
Everything my husband did at the beginning he also did at the end. He never changed. I just didn’t know how to protect my heart. Like he didn’t protect me much from the beginning. He would spend time with me but if he had to physically do something or spend money he couldn’t do that.Thank you ladies for being so candid with the responses.
I'd like to know if there were any signs that your ex wasn't a keeper and if anyone tried to warn you ahead of time.
Do you still believe in the institution of marriage?
What would you go back and tell your old self prior to the marriage?
Serious questions, btw.
He didn’t help around the house from the beginning. He never did. I thought if I communicated it nicely he would but no.
The biggest warning I had is that I never met his family or friends. I met his grandmother at our wedding. Outside of that to this day I’ve never met his coworkers, friends, or outside family. He never wanted to show me off. Now I know men are possessive of who they want.