Have you changed you HAIR GOALS?


Well-Known Member
Well i have...especially in the light of the unfortunate circumstances encountred with stylists texturizing my hair wrongly. my goal was waist-length, but i'll give it up to transition or until i can get rid of the mess they did on my hair. my goal is to grow out the differenet textures/damage, and to regain thickness by Jan 2006, so far i'm doing so well, i know that God is smiiling down on my hair lol.

Has anyone had to rethink their goals? and what led to this decision?
I've changed my goals a little to i always want healthy thick hair first then I changed to just letting it grow out, I would like waist length but I'm not obsessing about it.
When I first joined the forum, I wanted long silky relaxed hair...

Now, I want long healthy natural hair! :grin:
I want a trim. :ohwell: BSL is fine, but it's thinned at the ends. I'll see where the extra protein and hair vitamins get me by the end of the year.
I have. I originally wanted to grow my hair to Bra strap and didnt really care about thickness and health, I just focused on length. then I realized that in order for it to be healthy I have to get rid of the damaged ends. SO thats what I did...I was below the shoulders and now Ive cut it to the bottom of my neck. I want the damaged areas to grow back thicker and healthier. Im going for healthy nice looking shoulder length hair first and then it will be armpit and then bra strap. Im hoping to meet my first goal by the fall.
When I first joined the forum, I just wanted advice on how to deal with thin/fine hair. Then I wanted to have BSL hair but now, I just want healthy hair that isn't see through and for my sides to grow because right now I look like I have a deformed mullet.
Well, I wanted shoulder blade length, but after all of my setbacks including the stupid mistake I made of cutting one side of my hair shorter than the other side when taking braids out :mad: now, I just want that side to be even with the other side, and for my hair to stay healthy and get thicker. I want this so bad, 'till I'm thinking of transitioning to natural. I still wouldn't mind shoulder blade length, but my main goal is healthy hair. The length will come. :look:
At first I wanted bra strap hair, now I want to transition! I think I'll grow to 1-2 inches past bra strap and then continue to cut out the relaxer until I feel like doing the big chop.
My goals have changed very little, but now I am rinsing morning and evening and surging twice daily, which I was not doing much of.
when i first started, my goal was bra strap length. once i reached that, it was waist length. being stuck at the same length for over a year and not quite making it (and now actually going backwards), :eek: i've changed it to say, "i just wanna see how long it gets and stays healthy." because my ends are so old now, no matter how i baby them, i think i'm gonna have to cut my hair more often this year.
adrienne0914 said:
when i first started, my goal was bra strap length. once i reached that, it was waist length. being stuck at the same length for over a year and not quite making it (and now actually going backwards), :eek: i've changed it to say, "i just wanna see how long it gets and stays healthy." because my ends are so old now, no matter how i baby them, i think i'm gonna have to cut my hair more often this year.

I think you will be just fine, and the fact that you are cautious of the situation might make your attentiveness result in tailbone length hair.
Instead aiming for waistlength I may just shoot for maintaining healthy elbow length. When I reach elbow length I may also go back to relaxing- this time around with Phyto.:look: Who knows... I may change mind again next month.
Koffie said:
I think you will be just fine, and the fact that you are cautious of the situation might make your attentiveness result in tailbone length hair.
koffie, i hope you're right!

i'm so frustrated. i have to admit that i had been slacking with the protective styles, but dang... i've been wearing my hair up basically for about four years. this was the first time that i had worn my hair down for two months straight. i did it with no heat. so i thought it wouldn't be as bad. i'm scared to get my hair straightened though because that will tell it all... :ohwell:
I never really thought much about anything past bra-strap before I found this site, but now that I have surpassed that I want classic, princess hair. :)
adrienne0914 said:
koffie, i hope you're right!

i'm so frustrated. i have to admit that i had been slacking with the protective styles, but dang... i've been wearing my hair up basically for about four years. this was the first time that i had worn my hair down for two months straight. i did it with no heat. so i thought it wouldn't be as bad. i'm scared to get my hair straightened though because that will tell it all... :ohwell:

Don't worry. If you do get it straightened, then you might be pleasantly surprised to see that your hair is longer than what you think.
And if you go to a sylist, then you will know whether or not you need your hair trimmed. Don't be fooled by the one-liner "You need a trim" or "Your ends are damaged"

ONLY you should be the judge of whether you need a trim or not. ;)
I have kinda changed mine. I had and still have pretty healthy relaxed hair. Now the goal is to learn how to work with my natural hair and be more self relient when it comes to haircare. It was really cool.. I went to the hairdresser last friday and spent $20.00!!! I have never gone for so cheap before...

Those touch-ups (~$70.00 each time) were killing my wallet.
mine has not changed one bit! I'm still am striving for the same thing......long healthy relaxed bra strap lenght hair ! :grin: :grin:
When I first joined, my first objective was to find a solution for my "excessive" shedding. Accomplished

Then I set the goal to grow back my waist length hair... came close, but didn't achieve this goal. I got a bit side tracked... My interest in "natural hair" was too overwhelming to ignore.

Well, my goal changed from "waist length relaxed hair" to "transitioning to natural hair"..... goal accomplished!

Now that I'm natural, my 1st goal is "shoulder length curly" .... got a ways to go

Once I achieve that goal, then I'm headed for "shoulder blades curly"... hopefully that should put me at "bs stretched".....

All of that to say, YEP, my goals have changed! :lol:
What led to my hair goal changing? Very simple, seeing beautiful natural hair (my 3 yr old daughter & online hair albums) inspired me to transition & embrace my natural hair.
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Actually my first goal was to be able to put my hair into a ponytail bun. Then it swtiched to shoulderlength without too much volume because it just looked like the top of a tree. Then getting rid of the layers and just having one length even all around. Then bra strap length became the "unreachable dream". Now that I am at brastrap when stretched and just barely creeping past, I crave thick as it wants to be and more if possible....to below the brastrap. Real thick, strong and healthy. I have a specific type of texture in mind, the way I want it to look. Then waistlength, do I dare to dream ladies....? Anyway, as I continue to do the struggle with some high points along the way, I have decided that bone straight hair is not the ideal for me. Amiel Larieux ( I forget her name) but you know who I mean, that is my goal but to the waist. It is so so so challenging ladies...my hair is so challenging, because of the fine strands...it grows slowly...as in snail's pace...I could get discouraged so easily, also the shrinkage factor....the cold climate...and if I put oil on my hair more than a whisper, it goes flat. My hair hates braids! Twists....that is a bummer. So I am always making changes and facing mountains at times it seems. Fortunately I do not have breakage or shedding problems or dry ends etc. So that is a blessing.Hang in there ladies. Bonjour.
I change my hair goals all the time. Sometimes I think I want waist length hair, but other times I really think about what I'm going to do with all that hair. My goal is always to have thick, healthy hair, but I have yet to stick with any other goals beyond that. Right now, I'm just going with the flow. :)
I changed my goal from stretching to 26 weeks, and relaxed today at 12 weeks. I had a lot of new growth, and a handful (literally) of shedded hair (that my wide-tooth comb didn't catch on a daily basis) came out when the relaxer was rinsed out. I won't risk going to 26 weeks. I think 12-16 weeks is long enough for me! Also, I want my second length goal to be tailbone by April 2006. My goal for this year is waist length.
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My goal is brastrap. It's taking me forever to get from shoulder to brastrap though. No setbacks yet. Just my hair growth seems to have slowed.
The goal that I set for my self were to have even thick hair when I first joined the forum in November 2004. I really did not see any results in the thickness of my hair. I was only see length, so I thought I should change my hair care regimen. Now with a new hair care regimen my goals are to get blow the sholders by June and above bra strap by December 2005. I want nice thick even long hair while maintaing lenght. I hope this is not to hard to accomplish.:think: