Has your hair "addiction" changed your...


New Member
concentration or other major aspects of your life? :grin:

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one. Let me give a few examples...

I am attending a conference this week and this afternoon during the keynote session, I am looking around the room taking a mental survey of the heads in the room. I am definitely off task, looking around and thinking to myself, "she's about SL, but them ends are chewed" or "she probably uses too much heat, look at those splits" or "this chick really NEEDS LHCF" I even looked at the white ladies, assessing their heads...all the while I was supposed to be learning ways to close achievement gaps in public education :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Also, I find myself fondling my NG every minute of everyday. I could be eating, driving, at work, it doesn't matter. I am currently 11 weeks post, going for 26 weeks so my habit will only get worse. :blush: Its like if I don't reach up and touch those coils every 30 seconds they'll disappear or something LOL.

Anybody else feeling like they have a full blown "hair addiction" and in need of an intervention?
i think its pretty normal actually. A lot of people have went thru this...or currently going thru it. I was like that when I first joined, now not so much. It'll wear off as times goes by
Good to see i'm normal!:lachen:

I was in NYC and I was like drooling over all the natural beauties:drool::drool:....and had some thoughts about not so fried dyed and layed to the side chicks... My BF got sick of hearing about hair so I just kept it to myself!! LOL!


I'm 12 weeks post and its a coupe de foudre with my ng...my curls are busting out and I have terrible HIH-itis....ahh!
OMG, when i first started myhair journey, i couldnt concentrate at work. i kept touching my bra strap in the back saying "my hair will be here one day" all day at work, id be touching my bra strap, tell me that aint crazy,. that was in 07, i passed WL and im still crazy over my hair. i dont think it will ever go away.
Haha I wouldn't say that it is an addiction but I definitely notice the state of strangers' hair now. I teach middle school in South Florida and my female students weave and braid their hair every week it seems. I am constantly assessing the health of their hair, length of their nape, state of their edges, etc. I've actually convinced a few of my students to start deep conditioning and focus on improving the health of their hair lol
I think I had a relapse LOL
When I first joined the forum I was like this, then my enthusiasm declined a few months ago when my life got really busy and stressful. My hair also suffered a bit as a result. Now, I'm back on the program and I'm excited like a newbie all over again I guess.

Anybody been like this longterm? I'm afraid if I lose interest again, my hair may suffer.
Yes, a mild distraction at times. I will be looking at everyone's hair, including men and wondering how exactly did they pull up the nerves to get outside of their homes looking like that!
On the flip side, I will be kind, and will want to ask someone to tell me everything they use so I can get my hair to look as good as theirs;)
concentration or other major aspects of your life? :grin:

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one. Let me give a few examples...

I am attending a conference this week and this afternoon during the keynote session, I am looking around the room taking a mental survey of the heads in the room. I am definitely off task, looking around and thinking to myself, "she's about SL, but them ends are chewed" or "she probably uses too much heat, look at those splits" or "this chick really NEEDS LHCF" I even looked at the white ladies, assessing their heads...all the while I was supposed to be learning ways to close achievement gaps in public education :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Also, I find myself fondling my NG every minute of everyday. I could be eating, driving, at work, it doesn't matter. I am currently 11 weeks post, going for 26 weeks so my habit will only get worse. :blush: Its like if I don't reach up and touch those coils every 30 seconds they'll disappear or something LOL.

Anybody else feeling like they have a full blown "hair addiction" and in need of an intervention?

YES! You are not alone. I find myself doing this almost every time I'm around a ground of women... in church examining the ends of the woman in front of me. I find myself wondering who's natural, who is relaxed, assessing protective styles... and I keep it all to myself, knowing full well ONLY LHCF ladies will understand.
i'mma newbie and loving it to the point where i think i'm addicted. unfortuntately i can access LHCF from work. tsk tsk. i can't concentrate. i'm either logging on to the website or checking my rss feeds, etc. it has consumed my life. lol.
LOL!! I'm always self diagnosing people in my head. No matter the race. A WW co-worker of mine was in the bathroom flat ironing her hair and I could actually hear her hair screaming for help! I knew she wasn't using any heat protectant and she had it on the highest temp. What was worse is that she had bleach blond hair that clearly wasn't natural in any way. Her ends were severly dry, thin and breaking. I had to stop myself from staring at her with horror. I have since calmed down, but I still catch myself diagnosing people and comparing their hair to my LHCF sistas all the time. And most of the time they don't compare and if they do I try to put their faces with some of the avatars on here LOL! Yes i'm crazy ya'll
concentration or other major aspects of your life? :grin:

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one. Let me give a few examples...

I am attending a conference this week and this afternoon during the keynote session, I am looking around the room taking a mental survey of the heads in the room. I am definitely off task, looking around and thinking to myself, "she's about SL, but them ends are chewed" or "she probably uses too much heat, look at those splits" or "this chick really NEEDS LHCF" I even looked at the white ladies, assessing their heads...all the while I was supposed to be learning ways to close achievement gaps in public education :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Also, I find myself fondling my NG every minute of everyday. I could be eating, driving, at work, it doesn't matter. I am currently 11 weeks post, going for 26 weeks so my habit will only get worse. :blush: Its like if I don't reach up and touch those coils every 30 seconds they'll disappear or something LOL.

Anybody else feeling like they have a full blown "hair addiction" and in need of an intervention?

yea that part in bold...thats def me :lol: i am constantly touching and massaging my NG. especially in class trying to be discreet about it. before i used to hate it and run for a relaxer at first sight. now im in love with it sometimes attempting to measure it :blush: i am obsessed with my hair more so my NG. and not only that im assessing everyones head. and when i see someone with luscious hair i just cant stop staring at their hair thinking one day that'll be me :lol:
i was hair obsessed when i first started.. not anymore, though. i don't even look at people's hair anymore ... unless their hair is absolutely gorgeous or natural.
concentration or other major aspects of your life? :grin:

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one. Let me give a few examples...

I am attending a conference this week and this afternoon during the keynote session, I am looking around the room taking a mental survey of the heads in the room. I am definitely off task, looking around and thinking to myself, "she's about SL, but them ends are chewed" or "she probably uses too much heat, look at those splits" or "this chick really NEEDS LHCF" I even looked at the white ladies, assessing their heads...all the while I was supposed to be learning ways to close achievement gaps in public education :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Also, I find myself fondling my NG every minute of everyday. I could be eating, driving, at work, it doesn't matter. I am currently 11 weeks post, going for 26 weeks so my habit will only get worse. :blush: Its like if I don't reach up and touch those coils every 30 seconds they'll disappear or something LOL.

Anybody else feeling like they have a full blown "hair addiction" and in need of an intervention?

Has my addiction changed any major aspects of my life? Oh lemme tell you….

Just like most people here, the first change I noticed was how much I found myself assessing the condition of people's hair. :drunk: Staring at their ends, cringing over the obvious use of mineral oil based products and excessive heat. On days when I encounter AA women wearing protective styles or with healthy hair, I find myself engaging them in conversation just to see whether or not they are LHCF sistas! :yep:

One of the other irritating things that I found myself doing is having conversation about hair care that extends beyond what a non-obsessive person would consider to be normal! I tell you, I could have a conversation about hair for hours :Run:and don’t let someone ask me what I do to my hair! :badidea: Hell, I’ll drop a whole regimen on their @$$es if they aren’t careful! Even when I try to ease off that, I noticed that people can tell that I am a product junkie (in recovery as we speak but I just had a setback with a Sedu flat iron THANKS BOING!!! LOL! :grin:) because 9 times out of 10 if they say they’ve tried something, I am right behind them telling them my experience with it or I’m fishing a pad and a pen out of my pocketbook so I can put it on my list of things to buy (provided that it has the right ingredients of course).

It’s just awful but just like Poochie said, it will wear off. Yeah, it’s been a few years now but I’m keepin’ hope alive! LOL! :lachen:

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I tend to be easily distracted anyway. Before I knew about LHCF, I was in class daydreaming, writing a poem, or drawing a picture (between texting folks). When I got on LHCF, I did start looking at my surroundings. I don't think it is a distraction, but when I see a great head of hair, or a unhealthy head of hair, I do tend to notice it...
I got it BAD! I'm constantly looking at EVERYBODY'S hair. Its actually the first thing I see on people now and if somebody robbed me I could probably pick them out of line up on their hair a lone. I can tell who's natural, relaxed, pressed, dyed, fried, and everything in between. I've actually thought of the idea of making LHCF.com business cards and passing them out to people in need. Seriously. Its actually kind of irritating. Every time i'm in class I try not to stare at a girls hair beside or in front of me. When I'm driving I'm constantly looking in the rearview mirror at my hair. I'm surprised I haven't gotten in an accident yet. I've started wet bunning daily and THANK GOD! because I probably would have rubbed my hair out feeling my 12 weeks of new growth. But as soon as I get home I whip that pony tail holder out and I'm all up in my head. I have to force myself to find my bonnet and put it on. Everytime a hair care product commercial comes on I'm all up on the screen drooling like some kind of addict. I'm scared for people to see the cabinet in my bathroom full of hair care supplies and NOBODY better ask me what they are for/ can they use them/ why do I have so many unless they want a full explanation behind each one of them.

I thought I was the only one, atleast I'm not alone...
YES! You are not alone. I find myself doing this almost every time I'm around a ground of women... in church examining the ends of the woman in front of me. I find myself wondering who's natural, who is relaxed, assessing protective styles... and I keep it all to myself, knowing full well ONLY LHCF ladies will understand.

I am totally in the same boat.
In church, I people watch for hairstyles at the beginning of the service. Natural styles are really catching my eyes now (lol...transitioning).
On the street when window shopping, I diagnose women of all races but mainly black women. I look with pride at anyone past APL! I remember once upon a time when SL was long to me. Now I'm like, where are the WL women at? lol!
I find myself distracted by hair only when I see a head of gorgeous or horrible hair. Now I've even started to wonder if some of the women I see with busted weaves, wigs, and phony ponies are just PSing to the extreme?...maybe? :look:
I'm always feeling up my new growth. The texture just feels so nice, plus, I'm trying to measure how much it's grown as well :grin:. I am also more observant at noticing damaged and rough-looking heads of hair, of both blacks and non-blacks alike :yep:
Well I'm at DH citizenship ceremony right now & all I'm doing is staring at the beautiful puff of the lady in front of me & surfing LHCF. And I've been a member since 03
Like the others have stated, I find myself assessing the health status of other people's hair frequently. I'll see a girl with damaged relaxed hair and think "I wish I could just help you out..." or I'll see a head of healthy relaxed hair and wonder if they are a LHCF member or try to deteremine if they are APL, BSL or MBL...lol. I'll even see a natural and try to figure out her hair type, wonder what products she uses, and how long (if she did) transition.
I constantly look at the pics I take of my hair and count how many inches I have before I reach BSL and when I could possibly reach it: 4/2011?8/2011? 12/2011? :ohwell: LOL I'll do that over and over like it's going to change.:lachen: I have noticed that my weekends are now spent in Sally's or whole foods stores looking for new hair products or on the internet looking up new PS techniques. I'm a little over a year into my HHJ and instead of getting better, I really think I'm getting worse but I'm enjoying it.
yeah, I see everything through hair lenses now. and i've been on the hair boards for YEARS. recently a fb friend of mine posted about how she was excited for her daughter to get her first "perm"

I cringed and it took ever fiber in my body to post why she should NOT relax her child's hair(mind you, i'm relaxed now but battle with the urge to bc every 10 weeks right before i relax)

I see people with little girls hair dry and abused and want to just offer to do people's hair.

I see grown women running to relax every 5-6 weeks and I'm always trying to advocate for longer stretches.
I reconnected with a friend I haven't seen in ages and the first thing I noticed was "OMG you cut your dreds". Then proceeded to talk about my HHJ and dreams of the B.C. He was probably thinking "I wish she'd talk about something else" but he didn't. Everytime I enter a store I have to fight the urge to buy products. I buy extra storage containers so I can stack them in my closet.

Oh and EVERY girl I see with a pony and waves poppin', I just KNOW she's on LHCF. I give them this look like "girl you transitioning too". I know many a females think I have the hots for them because of the way I check their hair game. LOL