Has Anyone Taken The Pink Pill?

It’s not worth the money. Look at the curriculum and individually look up link on each topic. For instance how to work a room:

-look good. Very good. Not slutty though. Look regal. High quality men are looking for a woman they can show off to others.
-Go alone. When you’re with others it’s harder to approach you
-Stand by the end of the bar. Usually when people buy a drink they get antsy because they don’t know what to do next. If you stand at the end of the bar they now have someone to talk to.
- let the man pursue you
- don’t get sloppy drunk. NEVER take a doggy bag home. It looks uncouth.
-learn to hold the glasses right. Google how to hold a wine glass and martini glass. It shows what class you are by how you hold the glass. Like hold your wine glass by the stem.
- find a good wine and order it. When you order cheap wine...people notice. Get a Pinot Grigio or something. Don’t get a cheap wine.
-Sip one drink slowly. The aim is to be relaxed and get others to trust you. Order a drink so others can trust you but don’t get drunk.
Would you recommend the course? Is it worth the $$$$?
Look up the curriculum guide. Any topic that you want to know more about just post about it in the femininity thread. I will post my notes on it. Don’t buy the class. It’s expensive and it’s not even comprehensive. It’s vague and the Facebook class is not all that. It’s not as detailed as Wife School. It leaves much to be interpreted. However it has good tidbits like

-Date based on zip code. Find the wealthiest zip codes and date those men.
- Don’t be against dating out of your race. Black men even if they are wealthy often want you to audition. Don’t allow this.
- When men think of you as a fetish STOP running away from this. Use it to your advantage. YOU are the prize.
Disclaimer: I don't have the product.

I get the feeling she's trying to make some money by getting into the coaching game. I'm not knocking her hustle but it sounds like her content isn't polished. But many women are looking for a solution to their man problems so it's lucrative. That being said I'm not against relationship coaches and I think people should find whatever person resonates with them if this kind of help is needed.
I am not here to push Pink Pill but I will say that while it is not perfect, it is a really nice program and has so many components. And is very interactive. And the price IMO is not very much at all considering how much most of us spend on clothes, hair, nails, etc. For most I think it’s money well spent. And I just love supporting black women and especially if their aim is to support and uplift us.

I would also like to add that Christelyn has been living very well for a long time. She has been married for 16 years and appears to be in a very stable, happy, and loving marriage. My point is that she has been flourishing for a long time. The money she’s making from Pink Pill is not somehow making it so that she can finally get microblaiding or whatever. She has always taken good care of herself and presented well. She works because she wants to, not has to, and she charges a fee for her work because it is valuable and she, like everyone else, male or female, black or white, deserves to be paid for her services. And besides, she has provided free services for years via YouTube. I think it’s high time she monetize her knowledge. She also wrote a book years ago and I believe worked in marketing as well before this. She is a busy, ambitious, and compassionate woman who cares a lot about the wellbeing of black women.

All and all I think she is a wonderful role model to black women, young and older, single and not.
Apparently the product is so successful, she recently got some cosmetic surgery. Anyone know what she got done?
The stuff that she got done was maybe $600 tops. Pink pill costs $200 so that’s only 3 customers. I think she deserves to continuously up herself and she’s a smart girl for doing so!

I just don’t agree because the entire curriculum can really be googled. It’s too short to me and not as comprehensive as I would like. Those pink pill girls on Facebook look a hot mess. They are not as polished as they need to be. And nobody is telling this.

Like boo boo you need fillers. Cut out the librarian clothes and actually do something to your natural hair. You did not just wake up like this.
Keep in mind all of this stuff is to directly from pink pill but it is notes that have been compiled from simple searches online ^^ What I’m saying if you have the money go get it. However if you’re a broke college student or really need the money to instead beef up your wardrobe or experiences (like going to a wine distillery or beefing up personal experiences) hit me up. Everything you need to know is on google. She charged because she had organized it so very nicely and made a few videos. But the videos are super short and they’re not that comprehensive.
She does lots of videos and they are not short. Not trying to get into a back and forth. But people cannot just google everything if they don’t even know what they are missing. And she is constantly updating her information and she has lovely guest interviews. She is also quite engaging and inspiring to black women who are trying to change their lives. Most things in life that are valuable are not free. JMHO. Ladies do what you feel is best. Again, I am not pushing her program. Just sharing my version of what I believe to be true.

Also, I hope no one is copying and sharing her program’s info as all participants are supposed to honor the confidentiality agreement.
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The stuff that she got done was maybe $600 tops. Pink pill costs $200 so that’s only 3 customers. I think she deserves to continuously up herself and she’s a smart girl for doing so!

I just don’t agree because the entire curriculum can really be googled. It’s too short to me and not as comprehensive as I would like. Those pink pill girls on Facebook look a hot mess. They are not as polished as they need to be. And nobody is telling this.

Like boo boo you need fillers. Cut out the librarian clothes and actually do something to your natural hair. You did not just wake up like this
No shade, but don't you push that Wife School course with the founder looking a hot mess? This was very rude and unnecessary. If you don't like the course, that's fine, but it's not a good look to speak negatively about the participants and then to post a summary of her whole course.

With that said, I think the course is inexpensive and it was worth it to me.
No shade, but don't you push that Wife School course with the founder looking a hot mess? This was very rude and unnecessary. If you don't like the course, that's fine, but it's not a good look to speak negatively about the participants and then to post a summary of her whole course.

With that said, I think the course is inexpensive and it was worth it to me.

We're on a hair board in which we could buy plenty of information (hair tips, sulfur and deep conditioner recipes, and more) but we get a LOT of it relatively free on here. Same thing goes for these classes. I'm not knocking them. They're very informational but you can find it ONLINE FOR FREE.

Google the Ro girls and google the Pink Pill girls. Ro looks a mess but the girls who follow her look very put together and very beautiful. It seems she gives a good blueprint and the girls who follow it take it and run. There's a few that cook really well, some can dress really well, some have learned how to photograph really well, and more. If you follow their community and just watch...in my opinion they look more well put together than the Pink Pill girls.

No, I don't push Wife School. Actually I've told yall the same thing concerning that. Wife School can be obtained by looking at all the FREE posts on Facebook posted by Ro. That's what I'm saying is also the case with the Pink Pill. Get the curriculum of BOTH courses and GOOGLE the information. Now if you just don't have the time, I can understand someone buying it....but.....I wouldn't want anyone feeling like...bruh....this is it? This is all? This is stuff I could have read ANYWHERE.

They charge a fee *(and rightfully so) for ORGANIZING the material. They have taken years of studying other cultures and organized what they do and have given it to us.

And just FYI the information I posted is NOT the information from Pink Pill. It is googled free information. If you google each topic of the curriculum the same material will come up....for free....that's the point I'm trying to make. If you don't like what I posted, if you want to buy the program, if you don't want the information that's fine....scroll past it.
She does lots of videos and they are not short. Not trying to get into a back and forth. But people cannot just google everything if they don’t even know what they are missing. And she is constantly updating her information and she has lovely guest interviews. She is also quite engaging and inspiring to black women who are trying to change their lives. Most things in life that are valuable are not free. JMHO. Ladies do what you feel is best. Again, I am not pushing her program. Just sharing my version of what I believe to be true.

Also, I hope no one is copying and sharing her program’s info as all participants are supposed to honor the confidentiality agreement.

This is a good point.
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We're on a hair board in which we could buy plenty of information (hair tips, sulfur and deep conditioner recipes, and more) but we get a LOT of it relatively free on here. Same thing goes for these classes. I'm not knocking them. They're very informational but you can find it ONLINE FOR FREE.

Google the Ro girls and google the Pink Pill girls. Ro looks a mess but the girls who follow her look very put together and very beautiful. It seems she gives a good blueprint and the girls who follow it take it and run. There's a few that cook really well, some can dress really well, some have learned how to photograph really well, and more. If you follow their community and just watch...in my opinion they look more well put together than the Pink Pill girls.

No, I don't push Wife School. Actually I've told yall the same thing concerning that. Wife School can be obtained by looking at all the FREE posts on Facebook posted by Ro. That's what I'm saying is also the case with the Pink Pill. Get the curriculum of BOTH courses and GOOGLE the information. Now if you just don't have the time, I can understand someone buying it....but.....I wouldn't want anyone feeling like...bruh....this is it? This is all? This is stuff I could have read ANYWHERE.

They charge a fee *(and rightfully so) for ORGANIZING the material. They have taken years of studying other cultures and organized what they do and have given it to us.

And just FYI the information I posted is NOT the information from Pink Pill. It is googled free information. If you google each topic of the curriculum the same material will come up....for free....that's the point I'm trying to make. If you don't like what I posted, if you want to buy the program, if you don't want the information that's fine....scroll past it.
You completely missed the point of my post. It's not about who you think looks better, it's about you speaking negatively about women in a group trying to improve themselves. Like I said, it was rude and unnecessary.

Also, hair tips on a message board are not the same as course material that has been protected by a non-disclosure agreement, but I'm sure you already know that.
Pink Pill is beyond just getting a quality man, although for the single ladies in the group that is a goal of course.

Much of it can and NEEDS to be applied to the career and social aspects of life.

Getting a certain lifestyle, maintaining it is another.

Pink Pill goes beyond the manners and etiquette things that one can and should (and are recommended to) watch videos and study books to improve. However, not everything can be learned from books. Some things need to be modeled, spoken to directly in a way that can reach the hearer. Some things are best learned with guidance to help you along the way, someone to advise you when you are a little unsure or correct you when you are doing great but are just one degree off.

It deals also with the psychology, obstacles, and little tricks to winning, some of which are unique to black women.

The women in the group are in varying stages of success and experience in career, relationships and life. The combined brain power, encouragement, and breadth of ideas and tips is invaluable.

As has been said, many women don't even know what it is they DON'T know. PP helps with those blind spots, some of which can be seen right here on this thread.

Short-sightedness and arrogance is the downfall of many a black woman. Oh well.
In her defense, I don’t think she’s being arrogant. If she doesn’t see the benefit it’s her personal opinion. If someone else does, it’s theirs.

She was stating her honest opinion because this feels like a “safe space” to do so. I get it, but all the information she provided was too much.

I personally said “no” because it contained stuff I already knew plus being a member here gives me the opportunity to discuss issues related to relationships, career, life, etc. At this particular stage in my life, I don’t need it, but 10 years ago it would’ve been great.

Anyway, it’s not bad all all. I spend more money on makeup & skincare products so I think anyone who wants combination of knowledge should try it.