Has anyone dated/married a man shorter than you?


Well-Known Member
I like this guy who is a little on the short side. Its fine when I wear flats cause he's a little taller. But when I wear heels I'm either the same height or a little over him lol

Some of my freinds say this shouldn't matter but it does..................:ohwell:

Has anyone else experienced this?
I have, but the guy was 5'8 and I am 6'0. I felt uncomfortable and he had the biggest napoleon complex, so I cut him loose.

I wouldn't mind your scenario though.
Kinda!:yep: Years before meeting hubby I dated a man that loved tall women. He was maybe 5'5 or 5'6 and VERY comfortable & confident with his height. He would always ask me to wear heels. And he made me feels VERY sexy when I was towering over him. lol He would call me his beautiful amazon or his Naomi, etc....and always stood/walked very close to me or keep his arm around my waist. It's like he wanted everyone to know I was taller than him. :lol: It was a little weird at first but I grew to really like it.
I know "they" say height shouldn't be a dealbreaker BUT if it is for you then IT IS.

Based on how you described the height difference; Nobody is going to look at you guys like a freak show so you kinda have to be honest with yourself about if it really bothers you or not also look out for signs that he is comfortable to see if it will work out.

When I was single (DH is tall) I dated shorter guys and I was comfortable with them. I also turn down short guys that I was not comfortable with. It really depends.
It's just different I can't explain it. But he is soo sweet, well educated, successful and FINE. Nothing really negative to say about him other than height.

I just notice I am more self conscious and cautious about what shoes I wear when we go out :look:

I REALLY like this guy though
Dated shorter? Yes and never again. I don't want to stereotype, but it seems like the ones I've dated generally have a Napoleon Complex. I can do without that.
at first i thought my bf and i were the same height but we finally had to admit that i'm a tad bit taller. we both were in denial.:lol:

he claims it doesn't bother him and i couldn't care less so we're good.:)
If height difference was barely noticable, I would date the guy with no problem. Especially if he had great qualities. All I want is to be able to look into my man's eyes if Im looking straight ahead when we both have no shoes on. Doesn't matter if Im taller while wearing heels.
Not a big deal to me.
I dated a dude shorter than me. I am 5'5 and he is 5'2. I wore heels a lot too. His swag is major till he looks 6 feet tall :lol:
I'm only 5'4 and my SO is 5'7. He's the shortest guy I've ever dated, and it was weird to be the same height as him when I wear heels at first. He makes up for it in other ways though :)
I'm 5'9 and dh is 5'6. It's never bothered me but I know it bothers him sometimes as he doesn't like me to wear heels. It's so funny, if we're arguing I'll go stand up to him and hold my head high and say "HUSH":lachen::lachen: He'll eventually start laughing.
My friend is about 6 ft barefoot and her husband is about 5'8". It does not seem to be an issue for them. She wears heels with no problem including on their wedding day.

They have been together for a long time and have 3 kids.

My MIL was 6'3" and FIL is about 5'10". The were married for decades and raised 5 kids.
I dated/married a guy that is about an inch shorter than me (without heels). When we first started dating he used to make little jokes about him being short and whatnot. He admitted that his height was something that bothered him. I eventually let him know that it didn't bother me at all. He is also secure enough to walk around with me towering over him in my heels all the time. :lol:
I always have been attracted to tall guys, and height was always a deal breaker for me until recently - I've been really interested in this guy who is a little shorter than me. I'm 5'7" and he's 5'5". I wore 4 inch platforms the other night and he seemed to really love it, I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to wear them or not for an entire day before going out with him - But I decided I have to still be myself, and I LOVE heels, so I went for it, and it seemed to not be an issue to him at all!

My mom even goes "You must really like him to even consider a guy who's shorter than you." I think she's right. haha
I went on a couple of dates with the guy even though I knew it wouldn't work out. But he was so attractive. He looked like a young Justin Timberlake and when he spoke Spanish to me, my knees went weak:cry: :look:

But alas, it was not meant to be...I like my men at least 4 inches taller than me.

oooh that last bit rhymed
Thanks for the responses ladies. They were really helpful

I'm going to continue dating him and see where it goes. It's just silly to cut someone off over something like height. Plus I only notice a difference when I wear heels. I just need to get over it cause I love heels and cannot image not wearing them anymore.

I usually opt for flats when we go out which I hate cause my outfits look better with heels. Plus I have too many not to wear them.
Thanks for the responses ladies. They were really helpful

I'm going to continue dating him and see where it goes. It's just silly to cut someone off over something like height. Plus I only notice a difference when I wear heels. I just need to get over it cause I love heels and cannot image not wearing them anymore.

I usually opt for flats when we go out which I hate cause my outfits look better with heels. Plus I have too many not to wear them.

If you pay attention you will notice its more common than you think. A lot of women seem to talk the talk about height, but if a good man comes along with everything but the height requirement most will take him. :yep: I was never into height and never really knew or noticed how big of a deal some make it out to be, but once I started looking around I noticed a lot of women are taller or as tall as their man when they wear heels.
We went on a date last night and I decided to wear my heels because I was wearing this nice dress. He loved the way I looked, it didnt bother him at all.

I"m still not 100% comfortable with it yet. I try to avoid looking down at him.

But I like him enough to continue dating him and see where it goes.

You're right there are plenty of women that are not with some super tall man. I think the average height for a man is like 5'9. Most men aren't some basketball player height.

Judging from some of your responses this isn't an uncommon thing
Wow! I'm going through this same thing right now and I thought everyone was going to come in here and say "I don't do short"! This makes me feel better about a guy I'm dating. He's about 1/2 and inch shorter than me.
Awwww my boo is only one inch taller than me,and that's coming from dating a guy who is 6'7...I totally overlooked the height and let him love me and this is the best experience I've had to date...I wear for four and five inch heels and platforms and he eats it up and loves that other men admire me while we're out. I'm having such a wonderful time with him and just letting him love me =) it's awesome!
QueenFee said:
Awwww my boo is only one inch taller than me,and that's coming from dating a guy who is 6'7...I totally overlooked the height and let him love me and this is the best experience I've had to date...I wear for four and five inch heels and platforms and he eats it up and loves that other men admire me while we're out. I'm having such a wonderful time with him and just letting him love me =) it's awesome!

this! he gets on my nerves occasionally and we have our downs but im loving every minute of this relationship.:infatuated: ive had some good guys but none like this. im cheesing just typing this.:lol:

when i was in high school, and not even dating i might add :lol: i had a height requirement. you had to be at least 6'3".:rolleyes: before my current bf i went out with a guy who was 6'4"; my tallest ever and it was incredibly awkward. i think ive come to prefer guys my height or a bit taller.
Op, it seems that for you the positives far outweigh this one positive. I don't think you should be made to feel bad if you don't want to date a shorter guy though but it seems like this is something you could get over.

On another note, I wonder if something like this is easier or more common for taller rather than shorter women. At 5'2, a man who is perhaps the same height or smaller than me is far below most average male heights. Meanwhile, if I were taller and dating a short/shorter man meant he was between 5'8 - 5'6, that would range from about average to just a little below.
It's just different I can't explain it. But he is soo sweet, well educated, successful and FINE. Nothing really negative to say about him other than height.

I just notice I am more self conscious and cautious about what shoes I wear when we go out :look:

I REALLY like this guy though

It'll normalize. After years and years of it, I didn't really notice.
at 5'2, few men are shorter than me, and I don't want to date someone that short! I married a short man, but he's still much taller than me.
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On another note, I wonder if something like this is easier or more common for taller rather than shorter women. At 5'2, a man who is perhaps the same height or smaller than me is far below most average male heights. Meanwhile, if I were taller and dating a short/shorter man meant he was between 5'8 - 5'6, that would range from about average to just a little below.

Maybe. I'm 5'9" and I think I care a lot less than most women. Height (him being taller than me in heels) is nice, but that's all it is to me, a bonus. But I find that it really depends on how the man feels. If he's self conscious about it, that's what makes it awkward.

I met a super short guy with great game and so much confidence. That alone impressed me.

"Petiteness" in a man would bother me more than shortness--short and thin makes me feel self-conscious.
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