Has anyone dated a guy slightly or significantly shorter than yourself?


New Member
I'm 5'8", and I am mainly been attracted to guys 6'0" or taller. The older that I get, the less height is a factor. I would rather date a short guy with good character than a tall guy with no character. However, I am still apprehensive about dating a significantly shorter guy
(5'3"? and below).
5'3 or below? Lord, I could never do that.

There's a guy who is about 5'7 who is really pursuing me right now. I'm about 5'7.5 or 5'8. He is attractive, worldly, has a great job, and is nice but I can't do it. I just can't. My ex was 5'9 and I always felt less attracted to him for it. I like height and I'm not ever going short again. I have a right to be completely satisfied with my man.
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the only uncomfortble feeling i had when dating a shorter guy was when we went clubbing together. I wouldn't wear high heels with them cuz i hated being just 'that' much taller than them! so i usually wore flats when going out with them

one guy called me out on it and i was so embarrassed to tell him the real reason i wore flats to the club with him:lachen:.
My husband is an inch shorter than me. I am 5'7 and he is 5'6. When he first started to pursue me, it bothered me. I had only dated guys who were taller than I was. I thought we would look funny together. After a while, I realized he was the one and it just didn't matter. I just don't wear heels (well, I don't like them anyway):grin:
I'm 5 feet 11.5 inches and I find that short guys are the ones that tend to approach me. My preference is guys taller than me but my ex was only 5'8. It didn't really bother me until we went to the mall one day and walked into Dillards. They had this huge angeled mirror and I wondered who that tall girl was with that short guy...It took me a minute to realize it was me :nono: We eventually broke up because he was a jerk not because of his height.
I'm 5'5 and I would consider dating men shorter than me. But it seems that guys who are 5'4 and below usually have issues about their height. There was one guy I was thinking about dating, and he was so insecure about it it turned me off.
EXACTLY! Im 5'3 myself and I cant even do guys thats 5'4. I need someone that towers me (which isnt that hard to do lol), makes me feel protected.

I'm 5'3 1/2 and yes the half counts. I'm not really into guy shorter than 6 feet. My so is 6'3 yum:lick:
i'm 5' 1". you don't come across many men shorter than me. the one i've seen shorter than me have actually been suffering from a disability :look: (i've only seen around 2 such people in my whole lifetime) or are small boys. but even my 9 year old brother is likely to be taller than me in one year. so i don't have to worry about even considering potentially dating a man shorter than me.

i'm sorry but i cannot date any guy 5' 3" and under. i have a difficult time seeing a guy who is 5' 8" seriously to be quite honest. i'm attracted to guys 5' 10" and taller. and i only recently moved that down from 6' 0"+. :ohwell:
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i'm 5' 1". you don't come across many men shorter than me. the one i've seen shorter than me have actually been suffering from a disability :look: (i've only seen around 2 such people in my whole lifetime) or are small boys. but even my 9 year old brother is likely to be taller than me in one year. so i don't have to worry about even considering potentially dating a man shorter than me.

i'm sorry but i cannot date any guy 5' 3" and under. i have a difficult time seeing a guy who is 5' 8" seriously to be quite honest. i'm attracted to guys 5' 10" and taller. and i only recently moved that down from 6' 0"+. :ohwell:

Girl, are we twins? I used to like short guys, in the 5'6-ish range (started a thread about it), I'm 5'1. But they do not want anything to do with a petite girl, so I'm bumping up the requirements. I love them 6'0 now, I might do 5'10 though:drunk:

I can't date a guy shorter than me! I mean, a dude who's like 5'0? 4'11? Um nope! And even guys near my height are still shorter when I rock those 4-inch heels.:blush:
Well, I am 5'9." When I go out, especially in heels, it seems like there's rarely any men taller than me. :ohwell: And short dudes love to approach me. Asking me to dance with their head all up in my boobs. Mmmmhhhhhmmmm. I peeped game. :rolleyes:

Yes, I have dated a guy that was significantly shorter than me. He was about 5'6," so handsome, and incredibly wonderful to me (when we first started dating, that is :rolleyes:). I was so in love with this guy.

Most dudes I end up dating end up being close to my height. Then I try not to wear heels so that I won't dwarf them. :rolleyes: The tallest man I ever dated was 6'6," so I've done them all, in terms of height. :lachen:
I'm 5'7" and I like men who are just my size. I do not like tall men. I actually like to be a few inches taller in my heels when we step out.
Have you ladies ever thought about what happens to tall men when they get older? They get broke down and their life expectancy is shorter. When I see old men the shorter ones are most attractive to me.
I am 5'7" and I have always liked short guy for some reason, either my height or a tad shorter..I never liked short guys on PURPOSE because I would MUCH rather a tall guy. Right now I am interested in a guy who is 6'3" (Oh yes I am happy.) The last guy I was really into was 5'6", his personality though really made up for the height he lacked. Then my childhood guy friend who I really started to like when I was around 16 was about 5'5", maybe 5'6". Then my very first crush way back in 5th grade, he was much shorter than me, I saw him a few weeks ago. He's just now my height.Just about every guy I know is shorter than me or my height, except my best guy friend. :love3:
I'm 5'9 and I hate dating men shorter than me, but I have dated a few between 5'8-5'9, but I made sure to wear flats whenever we went out. Shame I know..:ohwell:
I'm 5'7" and I like men who are just my size. I do not like tall men. I actually like to be a few inches taller in my heels when we step out.
Are you sure it isn't because you like to be dominant? Just asking.
When I see old men the shorter ones are most attractive to me.
Not me! Tall old men are still better to me.
Well I'm 6 foot 5 so finding taller men that don't look like skinny awkward teenagers is hard to do. Mostly men in the 5'8 to 5'10 range are what I usually go for. I can't stand a man who looks out of proportion and most tall guys look like stretched out taffy! :)
One of the cool things is my guy right now encourages me to wear heels when we go out (I loves my heels). He's so cool with the fact that I'm taller than him. He's 5'9. So yeah, I'll date the short'uns! It's all about their attitude.
Well I'm 6 foot 5 so finding taller men that don't look like skinny awkward teenagers is hard to do. Mostly men in the 5'8 to 5'10 range are what I usually go for. I can't stand a man who looks out of proportion and most tall guys look like stretched out taffy! :)
One of the cool things is my guy right now encourages me to wear heels when we go out (I loves my heels). He's so cool with the fact that I'm taller than him. He's 5'9. So yeah, I'll date the short'uns! It's all about their attitude.
6'5"? :eek: and i thought i was tall!
Well I'm 6 foot 5 so finding taller men that don't look like skinny awkward teenagers is hard to do. Mostly men in the 5'8 to 5'10 range are what I usually go for. I can't stand a man who looks out of proportion and most tall guys look like stretched out taffy! :)
One of the cool things is my guy right now encourages me to wear heels when we go out (I loves my heels). He's so cool with the fact that I'm taller than him. He's 5'9. So yeah, I'll date the short'uns! It's all about their attitude.

6'5?! Wow u must look so AMAZING!!!! :)
Never ever dated a guy shorter than me :nono: I'm only 5'4 so it would look weird if I dated a guy shorter. It looks better when the girl is taller than average to date a short guy.

I remember in college when I dated a guy who was 5'7, my friend was like "I hate when 2 munchkins date each other, what are you going to do, have munchkin babies ?" :blush: ...Needless to say, I only do 5'11 and up now :yep: