Has anyone ACTUALLY MARRIED an ex and it worked out?


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious cause I keep seeing all these ex threads talking about ol dude from the past who starts calling out of the blue. People getting back with an ex. Then chicks on this board going hard cause women get back with their ex.

I wanna hear from someone who got back together with an ex and it actually worked out
Not sure if my opinion counts because it's not me, but I have friends who have and they seem to be a normal happy couple *shrug*
I wouldn't admit to that now...ask again in a few months lol
I also have a friend that got back with an Ex and the were engaged (again) within a month of getting back together. They just celebrated their 5 year anniversary.
I know one, but it was years between them and they were in their 40s when they reunited and have been married 10 yrs now. The rest that I know tried, regardless of time apart, failed..eventually, especially if the back and forth happened 25-35.

I'm hearing more and more about recycling. I guess that's easier than doing the work to get someone new.

Some of the women I know currently entertaining it are already dating others, usually unsuccessfully, or know the guy is and are simply enjoying the ego stroke or attention of some...I never got over you, those other women didn't matter game....
I understand the recycle game cause Lord knows I've been there but for me it's still the same. They act like they changed and are a "better man" now and realized their mistakes bla bla bla but then after some time I see that nothing changed they were still the same person.

Maybe age does make a difference. Who knows? Is 40 the turn around time where people really change for the better
I understand the recycle game cause Lord knows I've been there but for me it's still the same. They act like they changed and are a "better man" now and realized their mistakes bla bla bla but then after some time I see that nothing changed they were still the same person.

Maybe age does make a difference. Who knows? Is 40 the turn around time where people really change for the better

My situation exactly, he told me he changed and i started to believe him. That was until I did some investigation on a particular girl on his instagram page lol. Scandalous, this girl is 18 has 5 kids by 5 different boys and married. And whose @ss do i see layin in bed in the background of one of her pics?! Yes, the dude that loves me and can't live without me. Lol I'm not even pissed off its just hilarious the things dumb guys do. Oh yeah she's 18, he's 23, and I'm 24 I've got no time for that mess. Plus i got a hot date tonight.
My situation exactly, he told me he changed and i started to believe him. That was until I did some investigation on a particular girl on his instagram page lol. Scandalous, this girl is 18 has 5 kids by 5 different boys and married. And whose @ss do i see layin in bed in the background of one of her pics?! Yes, the dude that loves me and can't live without me. Lol I'm not even pissed off its just hilarious the things dumb guys do. Oh yeah she's 18, he's 23, and I'm 24 I've got no time for that mess. Plus i got a hot date tonight.

What. The. Entire. ****?

This cannot be life. :nono:
I married my senior grade high school boyfriend. We reconnected on Facebook after some16 years later. He's is amazing. We are expecting our first baby (no kids ever for either) in feb! So happy.

Life has an excellent way of surprising you with the unexpected.
I married my senior grade high school boyfriend. We reconnected on Facebook after some16 years later. He's is amazing. We are expecting our first baby (no kids ever for either) in feb! So happy.

Life has an excellent way of surprising you with the unexpected.

This is so cute :yep:
I married my senior grade high school boyfriend. We reconnected on Facebook after some16 years later. He's is amazing. We are expecting our first baby (no kids ever for either) in feb! So happy.

Life has an excellent way of surprising you with the unexpected.

So adorbs!!! Congrats and all the best!!!
I married my senior grade high school boyfriend. We reconnected on Facebook after some16 years later. He's is amazing. We are expecting our first baby (no kids ever for either) in feb! So happy.

Life has an excellent way of surprising you with the unexpected.

Situations like this are different. You were young when you first dated and looks like you reconnected as mature adults who were obviously ready for something serious.

Congrats btw!
She is 18, has 5 different baby daddies and is also married? Or is this a typo?
My situation exactly, he told me he changed and i started to believe him. That was until I did some investigation on a particular girl on his instagram page lol. Scandalous, this girl is 18 has 5 kids by 5 different boys and married. And whose @ss do i see layin in bed in the background of one of her pics?! Yes, the dude that loves me and can't live without me. Lol I'm not even pissed off its just hilarious the things dumb guys do. Oh yeah she's 18, he's 23, and I'm 24 I've got no time for that mess. Plus i got a hot date tonight.
Yep. My husband and I met my freshman year of college. He was about to graduate, but he got a job in the area and we dated off and on for about two years. Basically, the timing was wrong. I was just starting to figure out who I was and he was all about himself and his career. We got back together after I graduated, dated for about a year, got engaged, got married and haven't looked back. We will be celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary in April. It works for us because he is a very different person from when I first met him and while we both continue to grow and change, we grow and change together. We adapt to the changes and we compliment each other very well.