Hardcore Pornographic adverts

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New Member
On the left of my screen above the headline "latest blogs" is the advertisment box. Flashes of full frontal nudity and sex acts are coming up. Its some sort of porn site. Is anyone else getting this and how do i get rid of it? This is my family computer
On the left of my screen above the headline "latest blogs" is the advertisment box. Flashes of full frontal nudity and sex acts are coming up. Its some sort of porn site. Is anyone else getting this and how do i get rid of it? This is my family computer

I haven't seen that! I would report that to Beverly or the Moderators ASAP!!!!
I've never seen those ads either! :blush:
The only ones I see are about hair care. Yeah, I would suggest an ad filter or block.
What did I do wrong? I installed Adblock, or so I thought, and still see adds.

You need to also configure it to use one of the filters otherwise it doesn't know what to block. You could also right click any image and click block but a filter will just block all ads.
my favorite site to get stuff i need (my hubby told me about this), especially for free is CNET http://www.download.com/2000-2001_4-0.html. b4 my screen messed up on my laptop, i used to use avg anti virus, ad-aware, and cleaner. i don't use them on my desktop since my hubby put symantec on it, hm, i may need to download myself.
i'd just thought i'd share, hth as well.
Um, you need to report this. Saving a few bucks isn't worth having to explain porn ads on a hair site
There are no porn ads on this site, apparently the user has a virus on her PC - that did not originate from this site. i suggest that she gets her system diagnosed by a technical professional. thread closed - bev
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