Hairveda products are amazing!!

Y'all gon' stop talking about me like I'm not here :bat:

:lachen:At least you're still trying. I'm not. I've given up. The new thing I'm trying is to only buy things on payday. Like that really helps :look:. I bought something yesterday and payday is Friday.
I think I remember seeing something on the site that she had a family emergency, but she was still going to send the stuff out, but the site did say weeks.
OMGosh girl...OT but i am loving those earrings!! I might have to ask u where u got them..I cant find stuff like that out here where Ilive..:sad:..those are hot!
Thanks! I'll send you a PM.
:lachen:At least you're still trying. I'm not. I've given up. The new thing I'm trying is to only buy things on payday. Like that really helps :look:. I bought something yesterday and payday is Friday.
Everyday is a new day. It's like a 12-step program. I tried that whole pay day thing once. Yeah, didn't work.
Okay: I ordered items from SheScentIt and Hairveda exactly One Nano Computer Click from each other.

I got my SheScentIt items over a week ago and have not seen my stuff from Hairveda (first time ordering from Hairveda).:drunk: Still waiting................
Mona,Have u received any other information from the post ofc i keep checking and the site has not been updated i need my hairveda fix please tell a sista u heard something.
Unh unh, don't tell 'em nothin...they think this mess is easy. It ain't. I've relapsed, twice. Or thrice. :hide:

Umm Eisani, aren't you on a No Buy Till Dec 09 challenge or something? :lachen:

BTW is BJ still selling those gallons of conditioner? Because I didn't like the Moist Condition Pro but my hair fell in love with the Moist Condition 24/7. Let me know if you wanna sell me one of your bottles :drunk:

Love the new signature, your hair looks great!
I ordered during this Last sale.

If anyone bought Hairveda products during the sale I'd give it a few more days before getting your stuff. Back in Nov when she had that Black Friday sale it took about 4-5 weeks for me to get my products.

So now I just buy from her when she doesn't have a sale going on. Or I place a large order and just expect it to come within a month or more.
im going to deep condition overnight tonight with the sitrinilla mixed with coconut oil. i havent used this in a long time and i remember not liking it. but i hope my natural hair will love it. it does have great ingredients.
Umm Eisani, aren't you on a No Buy Till Dec 09 challenge or something? :lachen:

BTW is BJ still selling those gallons of conditioner? Because I didn't like the Moist Condition Pro but my hair fell in love with the Moist Condition 24/7. Let me know if you wanna sell me one of your bottles :drunk:

Love the new signature, your hair looks great!
Y'all keep killing me with these random dates. I never said 6 months, I never said December. I'm just trying something new to use up some stuff. As far as the gallons go, try e-mailing her to find out. I know when I got mine they weren't even on the site, but she still sold them. Since I have so much stuff, I've only used about 1/4 of my gallon of 24/7 and I have until November to use the rest :look:. I'll pm you.
Okay: I ordered items from SheScentIt and Hairveda exactly One Nano Computer Click from each other.

I got my SheScentIt items over a week ago and have not seen my stuff from Hairveda (first time ordering from Hairveda).:drunk: Still waiting................

I got an e-mail today from Hairveda. My order is being processed. YAY!:yay:
aw DAMMM for real!?? I ordered like 7am Apr 15... wasnt expecting anything for at least a month. OOOOOH I"m hype! Even though I hadnt gotten any emails yet. For you guys that got your product or notice, did you order Apr 15??? That was the date the sale started.
aw DAMMM for real!?? I ordered like 7am Apr 15... wasnt expecting anything for at least a month. OOOOOH I"m hype! Even though I hadnt gotten any emails yet. For you guys that got your product or notice, did you order Apr 15??? That was the date the sale started.

Yes, it was around the 15th. More like April 17th.
I still want to try these Hairveda products...i'm so curious. I can't believe how long this post is....I am not gonna read all these posts, lol. Which of the Hairveda products are the faves?
Used my Vatika Frosting for my rollerset for the first time in a loooong time the other day because my house was burning up and it was liquid. Gave my hair some serious bling! :yep: