Hairveda products are amazing!!

Lawd, I went to bed and totally forgot!! I'm supposed to be in the shower getting ready for work, but no - I'm online ordering HairVeda... :lachen:

She messed me up with this: END OF VATIKA FROSTING SEASON!*
*We will not restock this product until Late September.

I've started adding it to my DC, using it more often for sealing, etc. So I had to get 4. :ohwell:

Girl she messed me up with that one too. I had to get 5. Hopefully I'm set cuz I got two in the fridge and one currently open. My plan is not to run out. Gotta go get ready for work.
1 SitriNillah Deep Conditioner

1 Moist Condition 24/7

4 Vatika Frosting

4 Whipped Gelly

1 Herbal Green Tea Butter

1 Almond Glaze

Why I bought so much I have no clue...Maybe it was bc I stayed up to the butt crack of dawn to make my order (the anticipation got ahold of me) That is my story and I am sticking to it. I just hope I dont end up on the swap board.
After reading some more reviews I went back and ordered 2 more frostings (2 on first order and then 2 more). Anyway I have called and sent to emails seeing if I can combined those orders for less shipping costs. I hope she gets back to me b4 it is too late
1 SitriNillah Deep Conditioner

1 Moist Condition 24/7

4 Vatika Frosting

4 Whipped Gelly

1 Herbal Green Tea Butter

1 Almond Glaze

Why I bought so much I have no clue...Maybe it was bc I stayed up to the butt crack of dawn to make my order (the anticipation got ahold of me) That is my story and I am sticking to it. I just hope I dont end up on the swap board.
After reading some more reviews I went back and ordered 2 more frostings (2 on first order and then 2 more). Anyway I have called and sent to emails seeing if I can combined those orders for less shipping costs. I hope she gets back to me b4 it is too late
She will combine them for you. :yep: The sale at thanksgiving, I had a problem ordering one of the products (site was having issues). So I ordered it in a separate order and then emailed her. She combined it and the extra shipping cost was refunded to my Paypal account.
Girl she messed me up with that one too. I had to get 5. Hopefully I'm set cuz I got two in the fridge and one currently open. My plan is not to run out. Gotta go get ready for work.
OK, well then I don't feel so bad with my "panic" response. I was like, "what the???" Since when does Vatika have a season?????? :lachen::lachen:

i placed my order this morning :yay::yay::yay::yay:
I am glad you got your order in! You had me cracking up yesterday! :lachen:
Girl, I was nervous. My computer at home is janky (my 13 y/o got online from home this a.m.) and I couldn't get to the website from work. I thought I was going to have to post a please help me thread to get some products. GOD IS GOOD.

CoCasta Shikakai Hair Oil
Item# SPRING $6.50 USD 2 $13.00 USD
Herbal Green Tea Butter
Item# SPRING $4.50 USD 1 $4.50 USD
Almond Glaze
Item# SPRING $4.99 USD 1 $4.99 USD
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She will combine them for you. :yep: The sale at thanksgiving, I had a problem ordering one of the products (site was having issues). So I ordered it in a separate order and then emailed her. She combined it and the extra shipping cost was refunded to my Paypal account.

Thank God! I just couldnt help myself. All the ingredients my hair loves.
I got two bottles of Cocosta Oil (love that stuff) and a bottle of the whipped clouds to try. I accidently sent it to my house! I usually have these things sent to school so I don't have my mom hounding me about my semi-PJ habit...oh well
This is an e-mail from my sis this morning. :mwahahafire: @ the bolded

I bought some stuff this morning but it wasn't on sale. She only had one page of stuff on sale and it wasn't anything that I would want. She was out of the 3 in 1 whipped conditioner that I wanted so I got the protien conditioner and some other moisture pro conditioner which I'm sure I can use one of them as a daily conditioner. I still want to buy some hair growth shampoo from But I'm glad I finally ordered that protien stuff cause that helped by hair so much with the breakage I was having and it helped it grow. Right now my hair is at a stand still on the growing. I know I need my ends trimmed again so maybe that's why. Anyways for all 3 products I got was only like $28 with the shipping. I can't wait for it to come in I hope I don't get addicted to buying up a bunch of hair products like you, haha.
BJ is great with her already affordable prices, cheaper shipping, and great sales.

Trying to decide weather to get cocasta or not. I don't know how you guys use up so much stuff!! I still got stuff from my first order that I placed over a year ago! I haven't touched my full size bottle of Vatika because I'm still working on the first one (the small size) that I had before I made this thread.
BJ is great with her already affordable prices, cheaper shipping, and great sales.

Trying to decide weather to get cocasta or not. I don't know how you guys use up so much stuff!! I still got stuff from my first order that I placed over a year ago! I haven't touched my full size bottle of Vatika because I'm still working on the first one (the small size) that I had before I made this thread.
I still have mine from last spring lol. I haven't had to place an order since November, but if I had money this week, I'd find SOMETHING to buy lol.

OT: I'm narrowing down my field of products so I may be selling more stuff soon. Getting ready to move into a smaller place and I'll have NO room for all this crap!
I wanted Whipped Cream... out of stock.
I haven't tried any of her products yet... so uh, I ordered pretty much one of everything, and two of some things. UGH!
I got my whipped gelly but I wanted to try vatika frosting but yall beat me to it and its sold out. Well I hope the gelly works good on my hair
Now the vatika frosting is not saying sold out, so I guess she still has some. But I already bout 3 whipped gellies so im good.

ok I broke down and ordered the vatika frosting lmao I couldnt help it.
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The vatika frosting sold out already?!!! WTF

Eisani, get your butt in here! I know it was you! :grin::sad:
:blush: Not me, mami! Just got back from vacation and I is a brokeded ***** right about now :laugh: Just keep your eyes open, you know some of these hoarders are gonna be posting stuff to sell soon enough.

ETA: oops, forgot where I was. Can't curse :lachen:

You hve to click the link at the bottom left of the page. It will take you to the sale page w/ prices....:sekret:

Wanted to thank you for this...

I was going on very little sleep and even after you said this...I was still in "challenged" mode...

then I looked up...

and was like...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

I had the Vatika F...but I put it back...I still have a jar in the fridge I haven't even touched yet.

Had to make sure I got my whip, green tea butter and a cocosta oil (did this around 6 ish a.m. this morning before work).

*waiting for conditioner sale :look:*
Seriously it was such a whirlwind this morning I don't remember everything I ordered and what the total was. I need to check my e-mail. I don't need to buy anymore Hairveda for the rest of the year. Well I do want to try out the new Hydrasoft Spritz when she puts that out but that's it.
I want to try the whipped cream and amala deep cleansing shampoo (I did buy the rinse). I bought almost everything else at 7 this morning.