Hair update...think I can claim APL???


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

So, I've been away for a LONG time, but I've been taking care of my locks. I was a part of the Braid 2010 challenge, even though I haven't signed on in a minute. I created an album which explains my new KISS regimen and shows my pictures, but I decided to make some comparisons to share with you all.

Please let me know if you can see growth and if you think I can claim APL. Any suggestions of how to help my growth along in the UK would be much appreciated. I'm moving to London in September for a MA program. MUCH different than California! :spinning:

Sorry about that last comparison picture. I hadn't really planned on doing side shot comparisons, so I don't have one from October. Also, the only June '09 pic I have is in the back shot, which I guess is the most accurate measure of my hair length.

Anyway, let me know what you ladies think and HHG!!! :yawn:
It's a little hard to tell from those pictures...It looks like you have .5-1 inch left to go. You'll be there in no time!
Kind of hard to tell. I think just a little more to go and you got it!
I'd whip out my paint and draw you a line but on the very last 6/10 picture, you can see the very beginning of the crease of your APL line. When you reach there, you'll be APL.

Keep arms down for measuring since the actual measurement becomes distorted when the arms are raised.

and yes, I can DEFINITELY see growth AND thickness!! Keep it up. :D
Not quite. Maybe about an inch. Keep growing and retaining!!:yep:

Next time you take a pic, leave one arm up and one arm down so you can see where the armpit starts but still be able to take your own pic in the mirror.
um, it looks like you have just one more inch to go. your hair looks soft too.

it takes no time to reach APL with protective styling.
Thanks everyone! I'm going to start taking pictures differently as suggested and start drawing lines on my pictures. I have a mac, so I don't have paint, but I'll look into it.

I'm going to shoot for reaching APL by the next time I get my hair rebraided, which will be in September. Wish me luck and thanks again!