Hair Squeaked When Flat-Ironed..Then the splits came :-(


Deep Thinker
Ladies, what would cause hair to squeak while flat-ironing? I know it's normal to squeak after a clarifying poo but I didn't clarify this time. I have a fairly new Sedu Revolution and it's never done that before. Last week when I finished flat-ironing I heard awful squeaks and then a section of my hair came out with splits galore. :nono:

The only difference was I used ALL moisturizing products in this wash (Joico Moisture something poo and HE HH for my DC). I like to alternate moisture DC's one wash and light protein the next but I normally don't use these two products.

I spritzed it with CHI Keratin Mist, a little HH LTR, air dried, used my normal CHI SI, more LTR and used my normal IC heat protector spray and LIGHTLY flat-ironed (maybe at 270F). That night I moisturized with LTR and put it in a ponytail. I did kinda OD on the LTR. The next morning I took the ponytail out, used my same heat protectants and LTR, and flat-ironed again (300F). I know it's bad but I had to. That's when the splits came up and down almost the entire strands. It was mainly the sides. It's possible my hair could have been a little more damp than normal.

It's like the chicken and the egg theory. I don't know if my hair was damaged BEFORE the flat-ironing or if the flat-ironing caused the splits.

I already trimmed most of those splits off but I'd like to make sure this doesn't happen again so I'm hoping you ladies might have a clue as to what I did wrong this time. Is it too much moisture????

it could have been too much product. I prefer not to use a lot of product when I'm flatironing. I don't leave some conditioner after I rinse out & I lightly put leave-in & heat protectant. Too much products can cause imo split ends b/c all products heating away (if that makes sense). Try to stay away from products that oil in them before flatironing.
Good point, and also do you think you were pressing too hard on the hair as you were going down the shaft? That might be another possibility.
Maybe it has something to do with your hair shaft swelling more than it should have normally, or something. Maybe your hair was simply too over-moisturized, though I can't say for sure. Still I'm sorry this happened to you, good luck with the repair and babying.
it could have been too much product. I prefer not to use a lot of product when I'm flatironing. I don't leave some conditioner after I rinse out & I lightly put leave-in & heat protectant. Too much products can cause imo split ends b/c all products heating away (if that makes sense). Try to stay away from products that oil in them before flatironing.

That makes sense. I really did go overboard on the LTR. I usually only use that AFTER I flat-iron. It just smells soooooo good though LOL. I never would have thought it could cause splits but I think you're right.


Good point, and also do you think you were pressing too hard on the hair as you were going down the shaft? That might be another possibility.

I was thinking the same thing after the first pass of the iron and I was really easy and wiped them off and it still squeaked. Silly me should have just stopped after the first pass.


Maybe it has something to do with your hair shaft swelling more than it should have normally, or something. Maybe your hair was simply too over-moisturized, though I can't say for sure. Still I'm sorry this happened to you, good luck with the repair and babying.

I think that's a good point too about being over-moisturized since I did use a bunch of products I don't normally use. Uggh!! I'll never learn to leave well enough alone.

I agree that you used way too much product. Less product the better when using heat.
I agree that you used way too much product. Less product the better when using heat.

I feel so silly looking at the list of stuff I used now. That LTR is addictive but I think I'll stick to using it after I flat-iron from now on.
