The most important info you will hear all year.....promise

Good thread. I start with an ACV rinse to get the ball rolling. Next I leave the neutralizer on for 3 minutes before rinsing (repeat until lather is white). I following with a final ACV rinse.
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Great info, especially for those who have never heard of this.

I've always let the neutralizer sit for 3min 1st lather, 5 min. the 2nd lather and then about 10 min. the last lather(during this time I normally get my DC, plastic cap and turn the hooded dryer on so it can be nice and hot when I'm ready to DC). I use Vitale also and even though my neautralizing poo never turns pink, I still do this to make sure it's all out. I think mine don't turn pink because I use the 2nd step in the Vitale line which is the Revive Positive Condtioner b4 I neutralize. Plus I try to make sure that all the relaxer is rinsed off the hair b4 even applying the cond. and neutralizer.
When I get texlaxed he washes a few times rinses thoroughly then waits a bit and then does another shampoo.... I wonder if this is ok? stylist switched me to vitale a few months ago and I swear I've had scary shedding everytime after my perm. I know some shedding is normal but gobs (is tht a word:/) of hair come out when I run my hands through it. Now this makes me wonder if she isn't neutralizing my hair well enough. Damn she is a tudey stylist too so if I bring it up she will prob get all insulted....:(
Neroli said:
This is why I like the "neutralizing condish" phase of affirm where you apply the condish immediately after rinsing out the relaxer and let it sit at least 5 minutes (I try to go 10 minutes) then rinse, then apply neutralizing poo . . .

My Affirm routine is to use the 5-n-1 reconstructor, neutralize, then I use the positive conditioner.
Whoa, I was thinking doing my own relaxers was unnecessary until I read this! So, I guess I'm going to have to start reading up on the 1/2 and 1/2 method:lol: Improper neutralizing was the cause of my problems from the jump. I just hate the conditioning b/f neutralizing step, it makes me sooo nervous and I have never had anyone let the neutralizing poo "sit" on my hair. I would like to find out for myself if too much base is being allowed to sit in my hair for hours after the process has supposedly been "neutralized."
Yes it is best to leave the neutralizing shampoo on for a while. I know several ladies here that do this and I started after hearing that people do.

But, question. I thought that the pink was a result of a chemical reaction, basically saying the the relaxer is still there, the cream itself - not pink as a result of the ph level.

Of course if relaxer is still there, the ph has not been neutralized. I realize that.

But, if I let the shampoo sit on my hair, and it is turns up pink after it had previously been all white.- does that mean that the relaxer cream was actually deep inside my hair shaft? I thought that is relaxer had reached all the way in the hair would melt away like the way Nair works.

Someone school me, cause maybe I just don't know what the heck is going on.
I didnt know that! I've always lathered a couple times, but now i will be lettin it sit for a while! Thanks again
Why do some ladies not neutralize RIGHT AFTER rinsing out the relaxer? I've heard some do a protein or whatever treatment, THEN neutralize. Why is this? Wouldn't you want the relaxer to stop relaxing immediately?
I've been looking online and everything I have found says that if the lather is pink that means relaxer is still in your hair.
Neutralizing simply means bringing down the PH level of the hair. Hair is naturally acidic 4.5-5 ph and relaxer is alkaline 10-14 ph (usually). So you begin the neutralizing process by rinsing and by applying any shampoo or conditioner because they are usually formulated to be acidic like hair (see the citric acid or other acid in your poos and conditioners).

A post relaxer protein step not only starts the neutralizing process. The basic nature of the relaxer cause your cuticles to rise up so when you use a protein treatment after rinsing out the relaxer the protein has a chance to get right inside the hair shaft.

You should try it. It is really great and you will notice a difference in your hair immediately. Well I do.

The above graphic demonstrates the following reactions. The phenolphthalein is pink in the presence of a base and colorless after the citric acid neutralizes the base.

This suggests that the lather can turn white when the relaxer is neutralized but still present.
OK I may be overstating myself but I just feel so strongly about this that I have to share my personal experience.

I just recently, after over a year as a LHCF member, finally did a successful self perm.

About 7 months ago I was researching perms and discovered some info on neutralizing. Long story short, about 90% of us (myself included)

do not properly neutralize!!!!! :eek:

OK if you still do not realize the gravity of that statement consider this:

When we apply perm i.e. relaxer it is not just being applied to the hair and thats it.
The relaxer breaks down the bonds that make our hair curl blah blah blah.... but those bonds are within the hair shaft (cortex). Not the surface (cuticle). so when we neutralize what do we do? we add the neutralizing shampoo that comes with the kit. It probably has some color indicator to let you know that the perm is all out.

But oh! here is the clincher. you think that the perm is all gone when that lather turns white?? NO! The perm is still there even when you have washed the recommended 3 times until the lather turns the proper color.

Do you know why? Because when you lather rinse and repeat you are only neutralizing the perm on the hair shaft not the perm on the inner cortex. that means that there is perm still working on your hair after you have finished with your hair.

If i didn't fully realize or believe it, I do now because of personal experience.

One week ago, I permed my hair with Vitale I lathered up and rinsed three times until the lather was no longer pink but white. Instead of going about my business with conditioning, I decided to lather up again but this time I set a timer---for five minutes. I let that lather sit on my hair for the full five minutes.

Guess what color the lather was? PINK!
The lather was PINK! PINK as in there is still relaxer in your hair PINK!

KNow what color it was when I lathered up again?

I still had relaxer in my hair even after the lather turned white the first time!

The reason for this phenomenon is that neutralization is not instantaneous. It requires time (all you science nerds like myself know this).
How many of your stylists let it sit? Those who do, thats good. Those who don't y'all betta speak up.

Avant says he has 4 minutes,
but I say I've got at least 5 or all my hair gon fall out!!!!

Thanks for the info am relaxing next week!
I recently bought stabilizer plus by French perm. It has a Ph of 2.5(very acidic) and the hair dresser used it on me after my relaxer she let it sit in for 15 min. It's suppose to lower the ph in The hair which means sealing the cuticle
Thanks! I will be relaxing *FINALLY* next week after a 20-week stretch. And I always wash an extra once or twice after relaxing because I'm just paranoid. This is fantastic information. Thanks again!!
This is one of, if not THE most important things I have learned on this board.

I wash 3 times, then let the 4th lather sit for 20 minutes under a plastic cap, then wash a 5th and final time. I use ORS aloe shampoo.
Shamboosie did say to let the last neutralizing lather (the 3rd one) sit on the hair for 5 minutes and to use a timer. I didn't realize it was that serious. Back to review my copy of "Beautiful black hair".
Last time I relaxed I let the relaxer sit for 5 minutes. My neutralizing poo does not have a color system, but I know because of the smell.

Back in the day I would relax, they would wash it out three times, but when I wash my hair a whole week later, I would smell relaxer as soon as the water touched my hair. But now that I neutralize for longer, I don't have to deal with the relaxer smell during my next wash
This is why I like the "neutralizing condish" phase of affirm where you apply the condish immediately after rinsing out the relaxer and let it sit at least 5 minutes (I try to go 10 minutes) then rinse, then apply neutralizing poo . . .

Yes, I love this too; I'm also an Affirm relaxer user.