hair myths and misconceptions about black hair

This white girl at the cosmetology school said that the tighter the braids, the faster the hair will grow because it pulls out some of the growth from the roots. I had to school her after I had a good laugh. I said in that case, it wouldn't be so many black women walking around without edges or broken off hair in general. I had to explain that it is the low manipulation and you not pulling and tugging your hair daily making the risk of breakage higher and she was like "ohhhh, that makes a lot of sense".
This white girl at the cosmetology school said that the tighter the braids, the faster the hair will grow because it pulls out some of the growth from the roots. I had to school her after I had a good laugh. I said in that case, it wouldn't be so many black women walking around without edges or broken off hair in general. I had to explain that it is the low manipulation and you not pulling and tugging your hair daily making the risk of breakage higher and she was like "ohhhh, that makes a lot of sense".

Lol. Logic is not some people's friend. I've heard black people say the same and I'm sitting here trying to figure out how dead cells collecting is going to be sped up by pulling on them before they can even bind together. :perplexed

The major one I think is that dirt makes out hair grow, like it's potatoes or something :lol: