Black Hair Myth Busters

So I am reading this thread and then I come across GTFOOHWTBS!!!!! and I am like what in the world is this. Then all of a sudden I get it and then I am LMAO!!!! Because I am like yea I can agree with that statement on some of these hair myths. But I have to say that I grew up with some of these beliefs as well. Especially about not washing your hair often. Actually I just started washing 2 a week this year. The one about not washing your hair while on your period is really funny. I heard this while I was growing up.............. I guess there would be a lot of dead women out there huh!!!!!
Originally Posted by glossyxlipz
Relaxer is a deep conditioner. I swear people really believe this.

My stylist gives me a DC after my perm, maybe that is where people are getting confused?

Also my DH was amazed that I didn't run from the rain like acid dropping from the sky! He said he had never seen a BW do that EVER.:lachen:
I believe it's a myth that you absolutely must trim your hair to make it grow. Your ends have nothing to do with your scalp still working LOL

I agree that you need to trim if your ends are damaged or if you feel that you want to make the hair even. If your ends are healthy and you don't mind alittle uneven-ness, leave them bad boys on! :grin: I know my ends are perfect (meaning no split ends), but as you can see, my ends are retardedly uneven.:lachen:- and I love every one of those ends.:yep: I will not even them out until the shortest part is APL.