Black Hair Myth Busters

I think the biggest black hair myth is:

"Black hair is the strongest hair type out there"

I agree with all your suggestions ladies, especially the trim, grease, weaves and gels part.
Myth: You need to trim your hair every time you get a relaxer touchup- trimming will cause the hair to grow faster.
I heard a great one today:

Conditioners only work for white people's hair.

Of course the hair of the girl who said it was tow up...:(
Today I got into a debate with a couple of my male friends who tried to convince me that braids make your hair grow. I was like "ummm, no, your hair is gonna grow either way because that's just nature, but you're retaining the length because your hair is in somewhat of a 'protective style'."

One of the guys argued me up and down about how his hair grew when he used to wear braids (he has a low cut now). He said that if he never wore braids, then his hair wouldn't have grown; so therefore, in his words "braids make your hair grow." I told them that I know what I'm talking about because I've done my research. And they just were like "well, braids still make it grow." :mad:
TSUprincess04 said:
Today I got into a debate with a couple of my male friends who tried to convince me that braids make your hair grow. I was like "ummm, no, your hair is gonna grow either way because that's just nature, but you're retaining the length because your hair is in somewhat of a 'protective style'."

One of the guys argued me up and down about how his hair grew when he used to wear braids (he has a low cut now). He said that if he never wore braids, then his hair wouldn't have grown; so therefore, in his words "braids make your hair grow." I told them that I know what I'm talking about because I've done my research. And they just were like "well, braids still make it grow." :mad:

I sooo understnad how you feel. Braids don't make your hair grow they just help it not to break off if you do it right.
Hair Iam said:
Good hair
bad hair
you must be mixed to grow your hair out :eek:
In addition to that: if you're mixed you won't have type 4 hair OR any problems growing your hair out
nice thread ladies
my boyfriend insists that ALL black women have the same texture of hair, and that texture is called "BLACK HAIR"

He also insists that if a black woman cuts her hair it will never grow back

Also, all black women are afraid of water. :perplexed
ashmack said:
my boyfriend insists that ALL black women have the same texture of hair, and that texture is called "BLACK HAIR"

He also insists that if a black woman cuts her hair it will never grow back

Also, all black women are afraid of water. :perplexed


Yeah, that's why I scream bloody murder everytime I get in the shower, or the pool. Geesh!
That is just dumb as can be.
TSUprincess04 said:
Today I got into a debate with a couple of my male friends who tried to convince me that braids make your hair grow. I was like "ummm, no, your hair is gonna grow either way because that's just nature, but you're retaining the length because your hair is in somewhat of a 'protective style'."

One of the guys argued me up and down about how his hair grew when he used to wear braids (he has a low cut now). He said that if he never wore braids, then his hair wouldn't have grown; so therefore, in his words "braids make your hair grow." I told them that I know what I'm talking about because I've done my research. And they just were like "well, braids still make it grow." :mad:

I get this all the time. People will try to convince me my hair is OLNY growing because i keep it braided. It's like it's not you, it's the braids.
shynessqueen said:
I get this all the time. People will try to convince me my hair is OLNY growing because i keep it braided. It's like it's not you, it's the braids.
:lol: :lol: I just realized what this meant. Tell em how you really feel!:lol:
hairmaster said:

Wow, I thought only my mother and grandmother used those... :ohwell:
sareca said:
Wow, I thought only my mother and grandmother used those... :ohwell:

Girl, I usedto PREFER for a beautician to use marcel irons. I give it to them though, they get the hair STRAIGHT, ya hear me?:eek: But that burnt smell is so not hot.
This thread is cracking me up. One myth that I was brought up to believe was that you could NOT wash your hair when you were on your period. If you did, you would get deathly ill. For YEARS, my mom and grandma forbade me to wash my hair if I was on my period. Then, in high school, I came to a place where I *had* to wash my hair -- it couldn't wait 5 days until my period stopped. I was really nervous about it at first but then I was like, "Well, hey, white girls wash their hair everyday and they're just fine." :lol: Well, I washed my hair and lived to tell about it.
LocksOfLuV said:
If your hair isn't straight, then it will break off (yes I know people who believe this).

New growth is the enemy so, if I see one crinkle or wave it is time to relax.:perplexed

Black people only have type 4 hair.

Some hairdressers have "growing hands" that will make your hair grow. Why not give the credit to your scalp?:confused:

You can sweat out your perm.

All type 4 hair, should use the same perm.

my baby told me that the other day..."mommy my hair is never gonna be long unless I go to the hair salon"...I quickly told her that NOOO taking care andkeeping heat out of your hair will grow it long. Her stepmom lives in the salon and it shows... but that just shows how early the myths get embedded.
Glib Gurl said:
This thread is cracking me up. One myth that I was brought up to believe was that you could NOT wash your hair when you were on your period. If you did, you would get deathly ill. For YEARS, my mom and grandma forbade me to wash my hair if I was on my period. Then, in high school, I came to a place where I *had* to wash my hair -- it couldn't wait 5 days until my period stopped. I was really nervous about it at first but then I was like, "Well, hey, white girls wash their hair everyday and they're just fine." :lol: Well, I washed my hair and lived to tell about it.
yeah my mom had that one too. I thinK it has something to do with the body temperature. She never clarified it but I know if my body temp shifted too drastically...look out for the cramps. :eek:h well:
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your hair will fall out if you don't take out box braids after 2 months.

But on the other hand, don't do what i do because i know what I'm doing:lol: :cool:
WomanlyCharm said:

Yeah, that's why I scream bloody murder everytime I get in the shower, or the pool. Geesh!
That is just dumb as can be.

:lol: :lachen: gurl i'm screaming right along with you! That dang water will get you if you don't watch out!!
glossyxlipz said:
Relaxer is a deep conditioner. I swear people really believe this.

Most people treat relaxers as if they are conditioners, use them whenever you are having breakage, dryness, or otherwise having trouble managing your hair. Stylists encourage it, and don't tell us about moisture or protein.
TSUprincess04 said:
Today I got into a debate with a couple of my male friends who tried to convince me that braids make your hair grow. I was like "ummm, no, your hair is gonna grow either way because that's just nature, but you're retaining the length because your hair is in somewhat of a 'protective style'."

One of the guys argued me up and down about how his hair grew when he used to wear braids (he has a low cut now). He said that if he never wore braids, then his hair wouldn't have grown; so therefore, in his words "braids make your hair grow." I told them that I know what I'm talking about because I've done my research. And they just were like "well, braids still make it grow." :mad:

Yep, that's what I was saying about weave grows hair...the weave my or may not help you retain length but it's not gonna grow your hair.

ashmack said:
my boyfriend insists that ALL black women have the same texture of hair, and that texture is called "BLACK HAIR"

He also insists that if a black woman cuts her hair it will never grow back

Also, all black women are afraid of water. :perplexed offense but I'd have to dump him. Hopefully he makes up for it in other areas and your hair can be the proof he needs to change his thoughts.

shynessqueen said:
I get this all the time. People will try to convince me my hair is OLNY growing because i keep it braided. It's like it's not you, it's the braids.

I'm amazed that I knew what this meant: GTFOOHWTBS! LOL
chayil0427 said: offense but I'd have to dump him. Hopefully he makes up for it in other areas and your hair can be the proof he needs to change his thoughts.


Oh no! My baby may be misguided, but his thoughts on hair are no reason to dump him! I guess the same way many women have weird beliefs about black hair, it carries over to men. My baby has no sisters and never really had experience with a woman's hair before me. I'm sure his mother has these backwards beliefs and has passed them on to her son. But this is no reason to break up with my man. He is a great man, I was just sharing some of the weird myths that I'd heard. There are a lot of weird myths on this thread, but that doesn't make the people who believe them to be bad people. No one is perfect.