Hair loss & Regrowth: Telogen effluvium + CCCA


Well-Known Member
Well ladies- it's been ages since I've posted, but my hair has been in a state of continuous rebirth these past couple of years:spinning:. After experiencing accutane (PCOS acne) shedding in Nov 2019, my hair seemed to be on the path to recovery. After starting a new med in April, things fell apart like a Chinua Achebe novel lol. My hair began falling out everytime I touched it:cry3:.

I went back to the basics and used seamless combs, no brushes, no heat, SLS-free shampoos, rice water, you name it. I remained stuck around midback and nothing seemed to work. In September, a scalp biopsy revealed signs of chronic inflammation suggestive of CCCA (central centrifugal cicatrical alopecia). Obviously, I was devastated and my derm being the amazing doctor he is, started me on an aggressive treatment plan of 3-4 month corticosteroid injections and typical clebesol to control inflammation. I also began supplementing with GNC HSN program (muliti, collagen, evening primrose oil), turmeric capsules, MSM, and garlic supplements. To boost growth in balding areas, I applied raw aloe vera and minoxidil maybe 1-2x per week. I'm sure it helped but I haven't been super consistent enough to say the overall benefit, but I'm very pleased with my progress. I also wash with DHT eliminating and antifungal shampoos. My hair is finally increasing in length again and now hovering around WL.

:bighug: to anyone suffering from hair loss. Please seek assistance at the first sign of excess shedding- I had noticed a gradual increase over a least 2 years and waived it off due to denial lol. I truly believe that acting quickly is what helped reverse a good 80-90% of my hair loss. CCCA is a fibrosing, scarring alopecia that results in permanent hair loss if left untreated.20201217_005028.jpg20201217_004244.jpg
Wow.. Your hair has made amazing progress, Congratulations to you.. :drunk:

I also suffered from telogen effluvium on and off for last 12 years .. I have it under control now and I know how to keep it under control, it took all those years to find the culprit.. I'm good now.. Thank Goodness..
@kblc06 The positive difference is good to see. Even though you say you were in denial, you and your doctor were proactive enough to seek help and solutions before the issue became much worse. Your progress is excellent.
It was easy honestly because there were periods of intermittent stability where my hair appeared to flourish again so it was easy to shrug off as stress or diet, etc. I have also experienced telogen effluvium due to stress previously so it wasn't a long shot that it might be temporary. It was only when two family members made comments about my edges looking thin did I say, "Ok, this is not just in my head- my hair is showing signs of thinning". I think the meds along with accutane + possible CCCA created a storm that precipitated this hair loss, and I'm truly thankful that the CCCA was caught very early before any significant scarring could occur. Had these things not happened at once, I might have not experienced such extreme shedding that would've precipitated a derm visit and biopsy until the loss had become irreversible. The progress shown here is after only one steriod injection + topical treatment + supplements over a 3 month period
Wow.. Your hair has made amazing progress, Congratulations to you.. :drunk:

I also suffered from telogen effluvium on and off for last 12 years .. I have it under control now and I know how to keep it under control, it took all those years to find the culprit.. I'm good now.. Thank Goodness..
If you don’t mind sharing, what was the culprit?
Well ladies- it's been ages since I've posted, but my hair has been in a state of continuous rebirth these past couple of years:spinning:. After experiencing accutane (PCOS acne) shedding in Nov 2019, my hair seemed to be on the path to recovery. After starting a new med in April, things fell apart like a Chinua Achebe novel lol. My hair began falling out everytime I touched it:cry3:.

I went back to the basics and used seamless combs, no brushes, no heat, SLS-free shampoos, rice water, you name it. I remained stuck around midback and nothing seemed to work. In September, a scalp biopsy revealed signs of chronic inflammation suggestive of CCCA (central centrifugal cicatrical alopecia). Obviously, I was devastated and my derm being the amazing doctor he is, started me on an aggressive treatment plan of 3-4 month corticosteroid injections and typical clebesol to control inflammation. I also began supplementing with GNC HSN program (muliti, collagen, evening primrose oil), turmeric capsules, MSM, and garlic supplements. To boost growth in balding areas, I applied raw aloe vera and minoxidil maybe 1-2x per week. I'm sure it helped but I haven't been super consistent enough to say the overall benefit, but I'm very pleased with my progress. I also wash with DHT eliminating and antifungal shampoos. My hair is finally increasing in length again and now hovering around WL.

:bighug: to anyone suffering from hair loss. Please seek assistance at the first sign of excess shedding- I had noticed a gradual increase over a least 2 years and waived it off due to denial lol. I truly believe that acting quickly is what helped reverse a good 80-90% of my hair loss. CCCA is a fibrosing, scarring alopecia that results in permanent hair loss if left untreated.View attachment 466403View attachment 466405
Really great progress... so happy for you and kudos on tackling it head on
If you don’t mind sharing, what was the culprit?
Iron deficient for many years.. Ferritin stayed low, Have heavy menstral cycle since teenager, I was always cold, heart palpatations, sitting in emergency room, they did not check my iron levels but sent me home with a heart monitor, hair kept falling out, easy to catch colds and tired a lot.. Although I had those symtoms I never thought it was because I was not replacing or adding enough iron to my daily intake of nutrients..
Congrats on your progress. I've suffered from thinning for years. I remember when my crown felt unlike other areas (later realized this was inflammation). I keep things under control with dht inhibiting oils and tea rinses, along with aloe vera juice. Installing a shower filter also played a huge part.