Hair Lessons Learned in 2004

This is a wonderful thread. :)


Condition wash frequently. My hair :love: water and is softer and silkier when I CW daily or every two days. DDTA conditioner is my hair's best friend. :)
Use the baggie method. Nothing else helps me to retain length like the baggie method.
Deep condition at least every two weeks. Once a month at the very least.
Create and then stick to a regimen that works for you. Consistancy can bring results.
Be patient. Your hair is growing, even when it seems like it's not.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
Find your staple products and stick with them.
Go to the local LHCF meetings. It's a chance to socialize, learn about the stylists in your area, trade products, etc. : 0


Use heat regularly. That has made the biggest difference in my hair, IMO.
Obsess over your hair. What you want will come in time.
Try every product that gets a rave. What may work great for one person might not work for you.
Do: follow the same old boring routine that I've followed for a year and don't get tempted to try new things - because I don't need to fix what ain't broken! I'll just stick to protective styling, oiling ends every morning & night, trimming/dusting every 8 weeks and call it a day.
  • Stretch your relaxer for as long as possible without excessive shedding. For me, stretching my relaxer to 3 months is great for my hair's health and strength.
  • Keep the regimen as simple as possible with the least amount of products.
  • Airdry
  • Manipulate your hair as little as possible.
  • Be consistent with your regimen. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  • Drink lots of water daily - 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily to moisturize your hair and skin from the inside out.
  • Keep your hair moisturized at all times.
  • Always eat a healthy diet, incorporating lots of green and live foods.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes daily.
  • Always wear a silk or satin scarf or bonnet to bed, or sleep with a satin o silk pillowcase.
  • Have fun and joy watching your hair become healthier, thicker and longer.
  • Little tricks and tips can make a huge difference with your regimen (such as tying my hair down with a satin or silk scarf for a few minutes to make the new growth lie flatter/straighter)
  • Meditate on a regular basis to keep de-stressed. Hair loss can happen when stressed.
  • Take pictures of your hair progress for yourself and /or for everyone.
  • Love and respect your hair more and more each day.
  • Never relax hair during the menstrual cycle (I wish I knew this in the past!).
  • It isn't necessary to spend a lot of money to maintain your hair, stick to what works for you.
  • Stay away from heat, especially direct heat (I stayed away from ALL heat for the last 1.5 years).
  • Remove sugar, soft drinks (including diet ones), white rice, white bread, processed foods and excessive caffeine from the diet. These are toxic to the body and can retard the hair's growth.
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Don't ever be too lazy to moisturize your hair.

Don't skimp on buying products for your hair. Your hair will thank you. And if you can't find the products you regularly use at the nearest BSS, look for one that does!! Don't try substitutes because you won't be satisfied. (I moved recently)

Take your time to moisturize your hair and with the right product that your hair needs that particular day.

Take your time to do your hair each morning and don't forget to moisturize morning and night.

Protective styles can be stylish and can be just as sexy and flattering as wearing your hair down ;)

Be careful with braidouts, make sure the hair is detangled and alternate airdrying methods to reduce shedding and tangling.
These are so great!!

Keep 'em coming- we're almost into 2005 :clap:

I agree with you Joli, and I think protective styles can be very sexy! I've been sporting my hair in a high ponytail around the holidays with a lot of compliments. It's what I do when I'm sick of the bun, but don't want my hair to be completely down. I think I'll do this when I get the urge to wear my hair down b/c it's so easy to go from this, to just tucking it under to protect my ends if it's windy out. I still saturate it with S-Curl and at night, I just wind it up into a bun, and Voila, protective style!!

I just figured out though that I should wear a little eye makeup (just a bit of liner) when I wear my hair like this and I don't look juvenile, just sheek and sporty :)
1. I've learned that when you have a lot of new growth, it's the relaxed hair that is
the problem, not the natural hair.

2. I learned what my natural hair looks like with out relaxed ends.

3. I learned that my hair looks totally different with the relaxed ends than it does fully natural

Protective Style
Be faithful to my protein
Keep Scalp Clean at all times
Keep a simple regimen that is effective and that I can stick to


Get braids and forget that the do's above STILL apply
Use direct heat (I've learned to live with out it)
Watch my hair so intently, just let it do it's thing...
I learned to experiment and try products and to use what works for my hair type... I tried to force certain products and make my hair accept them even though my hair was not responding positive to them.... As soon as I accepted the truth that not everyone will get the same results from the same products my hair became much healthier. I mix up my own hair potions now, from the collection of products I have bought over the past 7 months.....
Condition shampoo daily
Wash hair in the shower
Detangle hair in the shower
Clarify weekly
Deep Condition weekly
Wear hair in a protective style
Use non snagging hair bands
Trim ends on a regular basis

flat iron/ use heat on your hair too often
use shampoos with SLS or ALS
Don't over-shampoo
oil the hair, moisturize it
I have learned that washing my hair in sections has cut down on the amount of tangling that I get. I have always detangled in sections, but it never occurred to me (until this year) that washing my hair all at once was causing unneccessary tangling and knotting.

Also, I am hooked on satin scrunchies now.
SG: why can't you use surge 1 week before or after? The hair reverts? Too much protein???

Isis: why can't you touch up during your menstrual cycle?
OMgoodness Maestradiva I was just going to talk about this. I'm about 50% relaxed (basically my hair is still an afro). And for 4-5 months now I have been washing my hair all out but I keep getting tangles and knots while the hair is drying even t hough I comb through in the shower. Wellllll..I had to think back to when I WASN'T having this problem and I realized it was when I would slap conditioner in my hair braid it into 4 sections and then proceed to wash and deep condition...etc. I didn't have this problem then. 2005 here I come. Thanks for all the great tips ladies :)
I learned that I have to use a rich conditioner to add moisture to my hair. I also learned that aloe vera cannot be used on my hair without combining it with some sort of oil like coconut oil. Also my hair loves S-Curl.
I learned in 2004 (I'm all late and

-My hair loves pre-poo treatments
-Moisture is key
-Protein has helped my hair
-I CAN stretch my relaxer; I can wear my hair curly, it looks cute while stretching.
-Coconut & lime mixture is a blessing (not to all, but definitely to me!)
-Minimal heat is a good thing for my hair.
-Minimal manipulation, put it into some kind of style and leave it the h*ll alone.
-Stick with products that work for ME, no jumping around town like a hair ho.
-Keep up with a simple and consistant regime.
That's a great post, Southerngirl. :)

  • Consistency + patience = results
  • warm oil treatments are good for my hair
  • stay away from SHSs {Supergirl was right!}
  • Aubrey Organics is a staple
  • my hair likes the baggie trick w/phonytail
  • stay positive
  • ETA: daily rinsing = happy hair (for me)
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Faith said:
SG: why can't you use surge 1 week before or after? The hair reverts? Too much protein???

Isis: why can't you touch up during your menstrual cycle?
Hello Faith!
Some of the ladies shared that relaxers do not "take" during the menstrual cycle and the scalp is more sensitive during this time. I noticed my hair always didn't look or act right just before my cycle. I'll bump this thread.
Oh thanks Isis...didn't know that. I did my the day before it started and it actually looks the best it has ever
Faith said:
Oh thanks Isis...didn't know that. I did my the day before it started and it actually looks the best it has ever
That's great Faith! Perhaps for you that is what works best. :)
Since last March, I've been waiting until it was over. It seems to have made a difference in my scalp sensitivity, hardly any burning (I always base my scalp well anyway). And if I am getting a growth spurt during my cycle, I want to take advantage of that!
Faith said:
SG: why can't you use surge 1 week before or after? The hair reverts? Too much protein???

Isis: why can't you touch up during your menstrual cycle?

Hi Faith,

When I first started using Surge, I didn't know that you should wait one week before and one week after relaxing, so I relaxed the day after Surging. I didn't have any scalp burns (thank God), but my hair began to shed like crazy over the next several days. I lost more hair in that one week than I lose in a month. I also had a bunch of scabs after a few days on my scalp.

I called the manufacturer and they confirmed that you should wait at least one week prior and post. Several members of this site have said the same thing- mostly because of scalp irritation.

I've learned:

Hair doesn't need heat to look straight. You can use magnetic rollers and oils.

It's okay to wash my hair more than once a week. (I was told it would ROT out!)

CO washes work really well.

Sometimes less is more(regime-wise).

Never lay down without a silk/satin scarf. (No frizzies, bent or broken hairs)

I CAN stretch relaxers without demarcation breakage.

It's okay to drip dry my hair instead of using a towel.

To add oils to my hair when 80% dry to seal cuticles.

To use a boar bristle brush(wave brush) to put my hair in a bun. It works great!

About the proper use of protein, clarifying poos and recontructors!

It's okay to wear protective styles without bothering to show any length.

Be patient and consistent even if you can't see any results.

How to determine my own hairtype(s).

My hair is gonna grow in a V no matter what.

Weaves and braids can be damaging.....

Things I have learned
- Porous hair is not good. Loving Porosity Control
- CW
- Stretching out relaxers
- Take photos
- Protective styles
- Patience with my hair
- Finding a regimen that works for me
- Stop being a pj
- Handle my hair with tlc
- Airdrying
- How to balance protein and moisture treatments
- Wonderful hair buddy...Thanks erica78,DSD and everyone on LHCF
I have learned:

--When I color my hair, I need protein treatments to maintain the strength and moisture balance!
--My hair will not accept moisture if it's damaged, it needs protein first to strengthen it.
--There is a difference between protein and moisture treatments.
--My hair has different needs in different climates and weather conditions.
--I need a styling product!
--Never use too much glycerin in a low-humidity environment.
--My hair really doesn't like a lot of oils.
--Cheap conditioners make great detanglers and some give the expensive ones a run for their money!
--Coconuts are my friends.
Thanks Kimbov, Brickhouse, and Bunny :)

Kombov, ITA on the no heat to get hair straight! I wish I'd known that years ago. As for adding oil to seal cuticle, why do you do it when it's 80% dry as opposed to when it's wet? Do you get excess shedding when it's airdried before adding oil?
