Hair Lessons Learned in 2004


New Member
Hey Everyone :wave:

What lessons have you learned this year that you might pass on to others? Some of them may seem obvious, but for the Newbies, it could save a lot of stress as we kick the New Year off with a fresh slate of goals. Here are mine:

1) Develop a regimen that works ASAP and BE CONSISTENT
2) Set aside plenty of time on Wash Days to do your hair so you're not rushed
3) If you have a vitamin regimen, BE CONSISTENT!
4) Fight the temptation to use heat, and develop some no-heat styling alternatives
5) Wear protective styles
6) Use oils, grease, or other types products to help combat dryness
7) Visualize your hair length goal, then chart your progress to it
8) Keep a hair journal- either online or hard-copy, with photos
9) Share your secrets. You might help someone else!

1) Use Surge until at least 1 week prior, and 1 week after a chemical service
2) Become a product junkie :)
3) Trim your hair on a set schedule "just because." If you don't need it, skip it, or just dust any splits you see. This will help maintain length
4) Feel like you have to spend a lot of $ on product. Know where to skimp, and where not to

I've learned things this year thru trial and error and from many of you that hopefully will help someone else! What are yours?

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I only have a few
1) take your hair vitamins, yes they do really help with hair growth
2) stay away from stylist who doesn't care about your hair like you do
3) use your hair staples
4) visit this site daily for motivation
5) find a "hair mentor" someone who has your hairtype and learn from their hair routine

DON'T be disencouraged, I thought my hair wasn't going to grow back from damaged earlier this year but with my vits, Surge, braids and this site my hair did grow back and I plan on growing 4 inches of my hair next year and keeping it
1. Stay away from that SHS that chopped your hair off in 2003.
2. Take your vitamins cause they work.
3. Stick to a steady regimen.
4. When your scalp itches, wash it.. dont grease it.
5. Moisturize your hair daily.
6. Wear protective styles often.
7. Stay away from (direct) heat.
8. Deep condition every wash.
9. Balance moisture and protein.
10. Detangle hair while wet.

DONT use lots of heat.
DONT rip through your hair. (wet or dry)

1. moisturize daily
2. deep condition once a week
3. finger comb before washing
4. use hot oil treatment esp for dry hair
5. do what works for you
7. take picture
8. journal
9. Focus on hair health the length will come.

1. Use excessive heat.
2. Use too many products.
3. Deviate from what's working.
4. Tell haters your goals.
5. Get too anxious and sabatage your goals.
6. Give up or get frustrated because you don't have 2 inches of new growth a month. We should all enjoy the journey.
7. Postone your happiness until you get the results you want.
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-start with a basic regimen and add from there
-deep condition often and find the right balance of moisture and protein
-stick with the same regimen for a while to determine its effectiveness
-when your hair acts up, go BACK to the basics for a while
-moisturize often
-wear protective styles
-sleep on satin pillowcase and/or tie up hair w/ satin scarf at night
-develop a vitamin regimen, they can help a lot if u dont eat too healthy or are a very picky eater like me!~ can make up for deficiencies u need---I need to pound this into my own head bc Im not consistent with this!
-stretch relaxers but be very gentle and patient with your hair
- avoid heat and go around looking a mess because its all for a good cause! lol

-let stylists talk u into relaxing every time u have visible new growth
-let stylists trim @ each touchup unless u feel u need it
-use too many products at once or change products too often
-allow your hair to get dry...its much easier to maintain moisture than to get it moisturized AFTER its dry already.
-allow others to pressure u to perm more often or use more heat bc they prefer to see your hair "done"
-manipulate your hair when u dont need to-this contributes to breakage, especially when stretching relaxers.
-use products you know your hair doesnt like just to use them up...Im bad for this one especially when Im broke and out of my standby's
1) Use heat very very very sparing.
2) Moisturising your hair is a must.
3) Vitamins do work, but you need to find the right regime for you.
4) With vitamins you need to be consistent.
5) Puting your hair is protective styles, helps you to retain your length.
6) Try to be very gentle with your hair.
What I have learned:

Moisturize your hair
Condition your hair
Protect your hair
Have the proper nutrients in the body to keep hair strong

Rough comb the hair whether back combing or combing straight down
Comb the hair several times through out the day
Not sectioning the hair to brush or comb it
Apply relaxers over the old relaxers
Add/Use heat, color, and relaxers too often to the hair
Wear anything cotton on your hair
Speak defeat over your hair
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1.Detangle thouroughly after taking down braids before washing
2.Get yourself a tangle tamer by Remington- It is worth every penny
Moisturize, moisturize & moisturize!!
Use heating cap for deep conditioning
moisturize hair section by section
stretch out relaxers
apply moisturizer while hair is wet
let a professional relax your hair (unless you really know what you're doing)

Comb hair roughly
sleep without a satin scarf or pillowcase
use alot heat
cut your hair everytime your get a relaxer

-Be patient the length will come
-Give your hair as much tlc as it deserves and don't let others deter you


-Never ever speak defeat
-eat healthy
-wash on a regular basis, once or more a week
-take hair vitamins
-educate yourself
-shop for a good hair dresser
-moisturize you hair and scalp
-stay away from hard brushes, heat, and over combing.
-sleep with a silk bonnet
-love yourself and your hair
Frequent washes
Wear protective styles
Deep condition
Sleep with silk scarf or silk pillowcase

Use excessive heat!


Since being on the forum since September and actually joining sometime in November, I have learn alot of things! Thanks to Kitchen_tician for giving me the low down the first time I joined and to SoutherGirl for making it happen!
Even though I am still suffering from some split ends, my hair IS growing and is overall healthier than before! I can't wait to see what next year holds. I know I must be doing something right when my boyfriend finally takes notice! :) Thanks Ladies!


Add moisture
protein treatments
Deep conditioning
ITs ok to wash hair twice a week
satin pillowcase

Brush hair
frequent trim, unless necessary
Learn to properly moisturize your hair
Take your vitamins
Be consistent
Be patient
Track progress
Figure out what products your hair respond to and stick to them

Over-use protein
Introduce new products to your hair daily
Over-use heat
Drink plenty of water
I don't have to trim after every relaxer
Moisturize my hair, especially the ends
Speak up to a stylist when she is or wants to do something I don't like.

handle your hair with care
keep it clean
moisturize it
learn everything it is to know about your OWN hair
learn what the ingredients on products do and what they can do for your hair(Im not even gonna touch on the word hair type lol)
know that everything is not for everybody!!


become discouraged
shun advice because its not what the crowd is doing
1. Wear protective styles on a consistent basis
2. Conditioner washes
3. Stretch time between touchups
4. Remain positive!
5. Stay away from excessive heat!

Wear protective styles
Moisturize hair
Protein treatments monthly
Satin pillow case/ Head scarf
Condition washes
Drink more... Water,Water,Water


Comb hair dry/no pulling hair
Drink coffee and soda
Blow dry or flatiron often
Relax often
Be discouraged
The BIGGEST lessons for me:


most all vitamins that are known for growing hair on your head will also grow hair on your chin/chest.

drink tons of water - the best moisturizer

oil frys your hair.
Use a Denman Brush
Use a light oil
Be Patient

Use a Denman Brush
Use grease
Use other folks hair regime, my hair is unique
think putting your hair up in a clip without any moisture is protective styling
do anything drastic the minute your hair isn't "acting right"
become a product junkie - unless you are one already...

buy phytorelaxer
pamper your hair
exercise, vitamins and eating well - your hair is a reflection of your overall health
stalk LHCF journals for inspiration (DigitalRain are your ears burning right now)
find the right protein and moisturizing conditioner for YOU - it makes all the difference!
Wow! I've read through each and every DO and DON'T, and it's interesting that there are many similarities. The things that seem to be pretty consistent are:

Minimize heat
Consistency w/vitamins
Protective styles
Stay positive

I laughed at a few, like Shawnie's not letting the haters know your goals! :) Thanks MrsLee and Mikki227 for the kind words :kiss:

Thanks to you ladies, I'm going to save this thread so I can refer back to it. I'd also like to compile our responses as the 2005 Hair Covenant! I'll share it with all of you once it's completed.

Happy growing,
Deep Condition at least once a week
Trim the damage ends
Use Leave-In
Use Less heat.

Try to fight with the humidy in the summer. Its pointless
Brush hair roughly
Use rubber bands to tie hair back.
Great thread, SG :)

KEEP MY HAIR IN PROTECTIVE STYLES. The best way I know to retain length.
Be consistent with my regimen. It's the only way to know for certain what works for my hair and what doesn't.
Be patient and try not to keep measuring. It takes time. Awesome progress photos didn't happen in a month or two.
Condition wash, drink water, and moisturize as often as possible. Hydration inside and out--moisture is my friend :D .

Obsess over length. Focus on health and length will follow.
Use too many products. Build up is my enemy.
dreemssold said:
Great thread, SG :)

KEEP MY HAIR IN PROTECTIVE STYLES. The best way I know to retain length.
Be consistent with my regimen. It's the only way to know for certain what works for my hair and what doesn't.
Be patient and try not to keep measuring. It takes time. Awesome progress photos didn't happen in a month or two.
Condition wash, drink water, and moisturize as often as possible. Hydration inside and out--moisture is my friend :D .

Obsess over length. Focus on health and length will follow.
Use too many products. Build up is my enemy.

Thanks Dreemssold!
Use the baggie/cappie method your hair will thank you
Read labels they tell a good story
Use vitamins consistently they dont work on a once a week schedule
Pre poo treatments work
Give a hair product at least a two week trial period
Detangle hair while wet with lots of conditioner

Limit yourself to products targeted towards African Americans
Forget Your water
Fear the Protien it's your friend
Dump a product thats working (may sound like common sense but the pj in me had to learn in the hard way)