Hair Lazy

Oh yeah, I know all about this, i did wash n gos for about 1 month stretching my relaxer. I prolly did untold damage and boy you should have seen the knots...oops!

I'll not do that again. Unfortunately being lazy has it's consequences.

I agree with a previous post saying to spritz with a moisturizing agent at least annnnnnd... back away from the mousse.
lol. i get hair lazy every few months it seems. Honeisos whatcha gunna do to get outta your lazy spell?!?!
hi whimsy :) idk lol ! help ! lol my hair is in one big puff and i know the knots are waitin for me and laughin wondering how i will get them all out ! lol i want to wash my hair tonight but , i had to work late :( . im glad im not alone in my lazyness .
That's where I'm at now, I'm almost 5 months post and my hair is not working with me. I don't have the energy or desire to do anything else but bun :sad:
The longer my hair gets the more lazy I become.:ohwell: What gets me out of my laziness is one of three things:
1. Coming to the forum and feeling guilty after seeing beautiful heads of hair. 2. Knowing that shed hair is waiting to torture me during my detangling session on wash day. 3. Worrying about my ends and edges drying out.

After that guilt, I typically will deep condition for an hour or so to make me feel like I am pampering my hair. It has worked so far.:yep:
The longer my hair gets the more lazy I become.:ohwell: What gets me out of my laziness is one of three things:
1. Coming to the forum and feeling guilty after seeing beautiful heads of hair. 2. Knowing that shed hair is waiting to torture me during my detangling session on wash day. 3. Worrying about my ends and edges drying out.

After that guilt, I typically will deep condition for an hour or so to make me feel like I am pampering my hair. It has worked so far.:yep:

oh girl ! you read my mind .. i'm feeling the same way ..
when my hair was shorter it was sooo much easier to take care of ...

The past week I've been so hair lazy, I've been doing wash n gos followed by lazy buns and haven't DCed in a minute...a long minute. I kept making plans to do treatments on the weekends and kept getting sidetracked....

I forced myself out of hairlazy mode today. I just slathered on a DC on dry hair and am keeping it on all day and will add heat in spurts. Depending on if I get any auditions, I'm going to just cowash and bun for the rest of the week/weekend.
:yep:Yess! But my laziness is on a schedule (usually in mid winter when school gets serious, I get hair lazy) so I always get braids or some long term protective style when I know I won't have time to mess with it everyday. All I do is spray and wash and DC every couple weeks in braids and my hair prospers!