Hair growth and Weight loss


New Member
I found myself wondering about this hair growth and weight loss thing today ok is the hair really growing from eating a better diet or do you just have more hair to cover your head now that it is smaller? has anyone ever thought about this? if you see comparison pictures with weight loss in the progress picture do you also notice that the head is much smaller and there is more hair covering the small head then it was to cover the larger head? or is it just me?:look:
Your skull won't shrink. You may have a bigger face, but your skull is going to remain the same size (when you're fat) as when you're skinny. So I don't think that's the case. I've seen some big people with tiny heads and some skinny people with big popsicle heads.
No, I think it's from eating better and also maybe exercise that a lot of people incorporate. More nutrients for better growth and more oxygenated scalp tissue.
You head usually remains the same size. Maybe you loose a abit of chubbiness from your cheeks and neck but surely your head is essentially the same size???
Also, keep in mind that depending on what diet you are doing you may actually experience some hairloss as your body tries to get used to the new way of eating.
Has anyone really never saw a person who has lost weight and their head was also smaller? I know several people that has lost weight or even gained and their head size also changed with their size. A lady who I work with has lost about 100lbs and her head is so much smaller. my brother has gained weight and his head is much bigger he has a bald head so I know that it is bigger
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okay so if your face gets fatter then so does your head because everything has to be evened out or you would look funny with a small head and very fat face if you were bald
I found myself wondering about this hair growth and weight loss thing today ok is the hair really growing from eating a better diet or do you just have more hair to cover your head now that it is smaller? has anyone ever thought about this? if you see comparison pictures with weight loss in the progress picture do you also notice that the head is much smaller and there is more hair covering the small head then it was to cover the larger head? or is it just me?:look:

It's the diet!

Your head does not shrink. You face my thin out when you lose weight, but the area of your scalp will not shrink.