Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

I just got the trifecta of compliments today. I had lunch with a former co-worker I haven't seen in years. The first thing she said to me was "you're so thin". Followed by "I love your hair" which is up in a double rope twist bun and then while we were eating she said you look so young. :-)
I have been consumed with school. I got back into working out today. Went to the gym got 20 minutes of cardio and a heavy leg workout in. Felt good.

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Trying to work out every day in April. I didn't miss a day in December or January and I got burned out, but now I'm ready again.
Hey girls!
Whew... I've been through it all lately. Sorry I've been all mia but still lurking. My eye healed nicely and I trimmed my nails all the way down. But my allergies got my eyes/lashes going crazy. My lashes are so long they tangle and I feel like cutting them off sometimes!
My ds was sick last week which is stressful since he was born prematurely, but he is better now just in time for his bday Wednesday.
And....... I'm officially engaged OMG yea there are a lot of stipulations attached to that lol.

Up until Friday, I only lost 2 lbs so this weekend I did a 2 day fast by Beach body. It tasted like chocolate milk compared to Raw Meal so it was easy. I lost 5 lbs from that. I'm down 27 lbs if I keep this up I'll be close to my year goal.
I'm in a hair rut so I'm going to braid it up a wig it until end of June and relax then.
Hey girls!
Whew... I've been through it all lately. Sorry I've been all mia but still lurking. My eye healed nicely and I trimmed my nails all the way down. But my allergies got my eyes/lashes going crazy. My lashes are so long they tangle and I feel like cutting them off sometimes!
My ds was sick last week which is stressful since he was born prematurely, but he is better now just in time for his bday Wednesday.
And....... I'm officially engaged OMG yea there are a lot of stipulations attached to that lol.

Up until Friday, I only lost 2 lbs so this weekend I did a 2 day fast by Beach body. It tasted like chocolate milk compared to Raw Meal so it was easy. I lost 5 lbs from that. I'm down 27 lbs if I keep this up I'll be close to my year goal.
I'm in a hair rut so I'm going to braid it up a wig it until end of June and relax then.

Congrats on your engagement!!!

What's the fast by beach body? That may be something I need to try. Do you replace all your meals with it? Is it a drink you mix or does it come pre made? TIA
HairPleezeGrow Thank you! :D

Yes it's a powder mix from Beach Body. You drink it 3x a day for 2 days. You mix a scoop with 8oz water. I drank warm lemon water in between so I wasn't sooo hungry. I feel like it didn't completely cleanse but kinda like a chelate for the body instead of the hair. I found myself snacking again and the drink eliminated my cravings.
Hey girls!
Whew... I've been through it all lately. Sorry I've been all mia but still lurking. My eye healed nicely and I trimmed my nails all the way down. But my allergies got my eyes/lashes going crazy. My lashes are so long they tangle and I feel like cutting them off sometimes!
My ds was sick last week which is stressful since he was born prematurely, but he is better now just in time for his bday Wednesday.
And....... I'm officially engaged OMG yea there are a lot of stipulations attached to that lol.

Up until Friday, I only lost 2 lbs so this weekend I did a 2 day fast by Beach body. It tasted like chocolate milk compared to Raw Meal so it was easy. I lost 5 lbs from that. I'm down 27 lbs if I keep this up I'll be close to my year goal.
I'm in a hair rut so I'm going to braid it up a wig it until end of June and relax then.

Congratulations and give your ds a birthday kiss for me.
Burned 1600 cals at the gym today. Can't wait until that day when I burn 2000 in a day. hair- njoy oil and baggy tonight.
Congrats on the engagement jennwantslonghurr

1600 calories?!?!? Dabaddest. That's awesome! How long did it take you?

Nothing new with me, but I'm getting more "you've lost weight" comments so I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. My thighs are even starting to get a tiny tiny bit smaller.

For the second day in a row I'm bunning, too lazy to braid before bed.
Congrats on the engagement jennwantslonghurr 1600 calories?!?!? Dabaddest. That's awesome! How long did it take you? Nothing new with me, but I'm getting more "you've lost weight" comments so I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. My thighs are even starting to get a tiny tiny bit smaller. For the second day in a row I'm bunning, too lazy to braid before bed.

Thanks! It took me 3 hours. I'm there twice a day though esp mon - thurs. I'm a gym rat now! Lol. I really enjoy working out.
Having updated in a while. There isn't much going on. My hair is at the same place and so is my weight :ohwell:

I go to the doctor this weekend to see what is going on with my metabolism and hormone levels.

Will keep working out and working on improving my eating. I really need to cook. Just need to make the time and make it a priority.
Today was "The Challenge" workout. I did 70 pull-ups (with an assist band) and 114 push ups (real ones not girl push-ups) :-)

faithVA- I've found cooking almost every day really helped me. I hate doing it because it means I have almost no time to relax after work, but I love the results. And I love knowing exactly what's in the food I'm eating. How's the biking coming along?
Today was "The Challenge" workout. I did 70 pull-ups (with an assist band) and 114 push ups (real ones not girl push-ups) :-)

faithVA- I've found cooking almost every day really helped me. I hate doing it because it means I have almost no time to relax after work, but I love the results. And I love knowing exactly what's in the food I'm eating. How's the biking coming along?

114 push ups :look: Fabulous. I'm not going to say how many I can do :lol:

I'm just trying to get to cooking twice a week. At his rate, I just need to cook once a week :lol:

The biking is coming along fine. I'm trying to get ready for my first group ride on April 26th. I wanted to go the full 23 miles but my SO thinks we should focus on the 18 miler since there are so many hills. So doing indoor rides during the week and then at least 1 outdoor ride a week now that the weather is better. Need to get these legs in shape. Will add some taebo this week.
Today's workout went well. Dh and I started off with a chocolate Shredder protein shake from Smoothie king. It was the I want another one lol. I baked tilapia fpr dinner with wild rice and steamed green beans. I have been eating about 2000 calories a day, but I feel hungry for a large part of the day. Im used to eating 3000 or more calories a day. For some reason after babies #3 and 4 my metabolism isnt what it used to be. I cant eat like an athlete anymore:nono:
Its my birthday y'all. I had two big ol' pieces of birthday cake. Ugh I'm done though. That is out of my system and I'm still on track today :-).
Only one week left of this work weight loss challenge. I have only lost 2 lbs in 3 months :nono: This has been a struggle. I have toned up and lost body fat and some inches, so I will have to take that.

I'm just going to stay the course and increase my activity.

My hair and my weight seem to be in cahoots. I colored my hair in November and I don't have 2" of growth :ohwell: Still working on my ends.

Hopefully the spring will be better to me than the winter was.
Happy birthday Bunnyhaslonghair! I hope you enjoyed your cake. I'm jealous that you can eat a few pieces and then stop. If I eat sweets it starts uncontrollable cravings that takes me months to get under control. So I don't even eat cake on my birthday. faithVA in 4 months I only get 1.5" of growth if I'm lucky. Slow and steady wins the race.

ETA: Every morning in have plain yogurt with strawberries an crushed almonds. This week I started adding cinnamon and vanilla extract and all I can say is YUM! :lick:
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faithVA I too colored my hair in November. Wanna know how much new growth I have? 1 stinking inch. The past few days ive been killing it at the gym and eating around 80 grams of protein. I want an inch by June dagnamit!
Happy birthday Bunnyhaslonghair! I hope you enjoyed your cake. I'm jealous that you can eat a few pieces and then stop. If I eat sweets it starts uncontrollable cravings that takes me months to get under control. So I don't even eat cake on my birthday. faithVA in 4 months I only get 1.5" of growth if I'm lucky. Slow and steady wins the race.

ETA: Every morning in have plain yogurt with strawberries an crushed almonds. This week I started adding cinnamon and vanilla extract and all I can say is YUM! :lick:

Thanks for the encouragement.

That sounds wonderful. I have some Kefir milk in the fridge. Maybe I will make up a banana sundae type shake. I may try your suggestion and add some cinnamon and vanilla :yep:
faithVA I too colored my hair in November. Wanna know how much new growth I have? 1 stinking inch. The past few days ive been killing it at the gym and eating around 80 grams of protein. I want an inch by June dagnamit!

Yeah, I feel like I've done all the extra: massage, follicle stimulators, inversion, msm, sulphur, exercise, diet. My hair is like Whatever!. I'm done with the extra.

All this early season cycling though has given me a good tan :yep: At least something positive has come out of it.
It seems like it taken forever and a day, but I am a good solid 6lbs less than when I started back in January. I say solid, cuz for the past several years I yo-yoed quite a bit. Finally getting a handle on my emotional eating. Now I just buy make up in addition to hair stuff. :lol: Beats eating five pizzas in a week.
Pics of my new growth since Nov 27. A little over 4 months. How much ng does it look like to yall? It looks like a solid 1 inch to me


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