Hair Goal?

  • Thread starter Thread starter AmilLion
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For all of those who are growing out their hair, attempting to attain length and health, whose your hair "role model"? How long do you predict it will take you to get there? Celebrity, member on the board or whomever? I'm just curious to finding out what look it is that we're all trying to achieve.
Hey AmilLion,
Great post!
My hair role model is Adrienne! I would love to have her length. How long do I think it would take to get there? I would say 2-3 years. /images/graemlins/confused.gif Boy, this is going to take some patience. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm with you Pebbles I would love to have Adrienne's length in the next two years and of course I always admired Aaliyah's (RIP) tresses.
I'd love to acheive Adriennes' length. No idea how long it would take me.

Celeb wise its always been Aaliyah (rest in peace girl). I always loved her hair. It was simple long, and stunning.
My hair hero is Thandi Newton. Love her hair, and I think it's HERS. I have always admired Aaliyah's hair. I think it'll take me 1 year to grow out the side that I tried to 'layer'. Then my goal is to get three more healthy inches
aww... thanks, yall!

my hair role model is definitely allandra!! i have also always admired aaliyah's hair (RIP)...

Adrienne is my hair role model, my goal is to reach her length. I don't know how long it will take me to achieve that but If my hair continues to grow at the rate that it's been growing, maybe I reach my goal in about a year I'll keep my fingers crossed /images/graemlins/grin.gif. As far as celebrity role models of course the beautiful Aaliyah (RIP).
my all time favorite celebrity hair role model is Aaliyah (RIP) and my current goal is to have adrienne's beautiful layers.
I would like my hair to grow as long as it wants preferably waist length. My hair role model are Adrienne, Allandra, my fiance's 2 cousins who have waist length hair, and Aaliyah rip.

My hair goal is Cher. I also loved her hair ever since the 1960's before she started wearing wigs. I also love Aaliyah's hair and Kellita Smith from the Bernie Mack show
I have to say yes Adrienne, you have very beautiful hair and I'm JEALOUS OF YOU!!!! *SMILE*

From the photos I've seen, Henrilou, brownrelaxedhair, sunshine, allandra you all have BEAUTIFUL hair. There's probably more, but my pc at work doesn't allow me to view everyone's photos :*(

My hair inspiration, specifically would be the way Aaliyah hair looked in the More than a Woman video. OMG, was it not stunning. I loved the way her hair looked in the 4 Page Letter video.

I predict that my hair will be about Adrienne's length in about 1 year. Aaliyah's length, perhaps 2 years. who knows, maybe I'm underestimating myself. I hope so /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Also, Adrienne, that plastic baggy around your hair before you put your ponytail on works like a charm. OMG, at the end of the day when I take it off, my hair is sooo moisturized and soft. It's even curly and gives my hair extra body because I wrap my ponytail around to make bun.

I'll have to join everyone else and say Adrienne. I hope to be there in 2 years and Jada Pinkett Smith (long & straight style) in 3 - 4 years. Hey, my hair grows very slow. I'd love to see Allandra hair if anyone has the link to her photos. Everyone on this board has very beautiful hair.
If I was to have my hair relaxed, definitely I want it to look like Adrienne's. She is real beautiful hair. Also like Lisa Nicole Carson's hair, she used to play Ali McBeal's room mate/best friend. She has nice hair. She is my hair role model, I had her picture my wall, also Wanakee, I like her products and she has lovely hair, my hair really improved, <font color="blue"> </font color> also Cathy Howse, she's got nice hair. I am going for waist length hair,(which is my long term goal) From front to waist would be 30 inches (76.3 cm), which would take another 2 and a half to 3 years. Providing I keep doing the things I am doing. By February 2003 I am hoping my hair will be comfortably touching my shoulders, because I have type 4b hair, when it is stretched I would see the length. I am sure with the Universe's help we will achieve our goals. God Bless you Ladies.
I also have to say my hair ahievement/goal is Adrienne. Her hair is shiny, bouncy, and healthy! I made my guy friend sit down in front of the hair care board and look at her hair pictures. HE EVEN SAID WOW her hair is GORGEOUS!
All HAIL to the HAIR QUEEN ADRIENNE! /images/graemlins/wink.gif I must say I like BlkMane's hair too! Shouts go out to her also. I have a LOOONG way to go! /images/graemlins/frown.gif
My hair models are the ladies here. All the long time hair growers on this board. There are too many to name, but they are the ones who inspire me to care for my hair. I have seen many beautiful pictures and read many inspirational post that have blessed me.

So, basically my goal is to keep learning from them, gain as much length as they have, maintain that length and keep it healthy.
My hair inspirations are Allandra, Adrienne, BlKmane and Tracy(the girl w/the miraculous shine /images/graemlins/smile.gif). They all have very glorious, healthy tresses. My celebrity inspiration is Wanakee. I think her hair is gorgeous. I have no idea how long it will take to reach my goal of waist length. I would guess about 2 more years.
Happy Growing everyone!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
When I think of hair role model, one of the only pics that come to mind is Aaliyah. I LOVE (LOVED) her hair. My next goal is her length. And I'm hoping to be there by May/June(2003). I need 3 more inches. Then I'll try to even out some of my natural layers (rest of 2003). And get it to my waist(May/June 2004), which will be another 2" .
Of course on these boards I would have to say Adrienne (I just love the way her hair looks, bouncy and, Allandra(her hair is super thick from root to ends and it's very long), Valleygirl (I have to say I like the curls a lot). There are more but too many to list.

I don't have any pictures online at the moment. I do plan on setting up a Picture Trail account soon. When it's up, I'll be sure to post it in my signature.
My hair role models are Jada Pinkett, Kent Masters King,
(she's in the Glenn Lewis video&amp; as a teenager she was on Knots Landing) Aaliyah, and of course Adrienne!!!
Here is an exhaustive breakdown:

I am gauging my length based on how long my hair is pressed

I love the health of the hair and long lengths of celebs like Wanakee(flawless) and the late Aaliyah(absolutely beautiful). I love Cher's hair too Blackndiangirl! From the board Adriennne, and though I have never seen their hair, also Jade and Allandra-based on descriptions.

However, there is no one I know of that has a combination of these:
1)my hairtype

2)is wearing it natural and/or pressed

3) has it the length I want

There are a good number of people in my mother's family that have very long hair, or could easily have it if they chose to wear it long, so I have those images as examples. This also tells me I probably have a long growth cycle(some people genetically may only be able to grow hair to their waist). However, my father's hair type is much curlier than my mothers(nearly straight). So my hair is fine like her family, but as curly as his (3c/mostly4a). I have a strong memory of people in my family referencing members who had hair they could sit on (like my little sister). I thought this was fascinating, and have always wanted the same. I just don't have a clear picture of how I would look with hair the same length, or someone to reference accurately for myself. My mother never knew how to take care of my hair and jacked it up many times, so I wasn't able to aquire the length I wanted before. It took a long time, but I finally learned how to take care of it well. I would probably let it grow as long as it wanted, but I would at least like the length I mentioned.

I am currently at 17" from the front of my hairline to the bottom. I need to retain 25 more inches to make 42"(right under my butt). I have to add 5 more inches to the 25, to take into account trims, and evening my hair out, bringing the total I need to grow to 30". My current montly growth is a half inch, so it would take about 5 years to get there at that rate.

If I get a vitamin routine together that would get me at least another 1/4 of an inch a month, that would bring my growth up to 3/4 of an inch. It would take almost 3 and 1/2 yrs to get there at that rate. I would love that! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
My goal is moreso thickness and health and THEN length... (can't deny the length) of Allandra and Adrienne.

My celebrity goal is DEFINATELY Sanaa Lathan especially aftering seeing Brown Sugar.
Wanakee and Aaliyah (RIP). I also agree with the poster who said many of the members of this hairboard serve as inspiration - including Jade, whose hair I have not actually seen but the description sounds lovely, and she is such a class act to boot. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Wanakee for the thickness &amp; the old Char for the length (butt length). current length midback with a v shape thats the longest. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif