Hair doesn't seem as long as I thought...

Denim And Leather

New Member
....I just did a length check, and my hair is 1.5 inches away from covering my bra strap. For some reason, this doesn't seem so long to me afterall. Even my ponytails don't look that long. If you see my hair in one, you wouldn't think that my hair is almost BSL.

Is it just me, or is BSL not as long as I thought? :perplexed Maybe because I'm used to looking at my hair all the time?
I feel the same way at times. Everyone else says that my hair has grown and I'm like "uh ok".
By the way, You have nice hair:)
We have very similar hair types. Mine won't hold curl either. :) And what you're feeling is very common around here. We call it hair anorexia. You can probably find several threads about the subject if you do a search. Regardless of how long your hair gets, it just isn't long enough.
I think you are my hair twin.....but your hair is longer.When you get to brastrap are you gonna stay there or keep going?BTW your hair looks great!!
Denim And Leather said:
....I just did a length check, and my hair is 1.5 inches away from covering my bra strap. For some reason, this doesn't seem so long to me afterall. Even my ponytails don't look that long. If you see my hair in one, you wouldn't think that my hair is almost BSL.

Is it just me, or is BSL not as long as I thought? :perplexed Maybe because I'm used to looking at my hair all the time?

Oh my gosh girl, me too!!! I swear, the closer I get to BSL, the shorter it seems to me! :mad: When I look at my progress pictures, and esp. when i look in the mirror, my hair just does not look that long. I dont feel excited OR happy at all! Im not sure if this is because of my own personal hair anorexia, but for some reason BSL looks a lot longer on other folks. :( I think it also may be because my hair is just not full and thick.... so BSL on me looks waaay different than BSL on someone like SistaSlick, Lauren, or MacherieAmour. Their hair just looks so much longer!

I wonder how i'll feel once i surprass BSL and reach Mid-Back Length. Will the hair anorexia go away.... or will i continue to feel this way?
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I feel the same way! I think it has a lot to do with the fact that there are so many ladies on here with crazy lengths!!!! As soon as you feel like your hair is growing you look in someone's album with, what might-as-well be knee length hair because that's how long it seems sometimes, and you feel like you've achieved absolutely nothing. :lol: But hey, it keeps you working towards something!
Denim And Leather said:
....I just did a length check, and my hair is 1.5 inches away from covering my bra strap. For some reason, this doesn't seem so long to me afterall. Even my ponytails don't look that long. If you see my hair in one, you wouldn't think that my hair is almost BSL.

Is it just me, or is BSL not as long as I thought? :perplexed Maybe because I'm used to looking at my hair all the time?[/quote

No, it's not just you. I don't think BSL is long, never have. Of course what is "long" is a matter of opinion, but I think most people once they do finally get to bra strap they feel the same. Been waiting all this time to *finally* get your hair to bra strap and once you're finally there, you're like "WTH? This is IT?!":lol:
MizAvalon said:
Denim And Leather said:
....I just did a length check, and my hair is 1.5 inches away from covering my bra strap. For some reason, this doesn't seem so long to me afterall. Even my ponytails don't look that long. If you see my hair in one, you wouldn't think that my hair is almost BSL.

Is it just me, or is BSL not as long as I thought? :perplexed Maybe because I'm used to looking at my hair all the time?[/quote

No, it's not just you. I don't think BSL is long, never have. Of course what is "long" is a matter of opinion, but I think most people once they do finally get to bra strap they feel the same. Been waiting all this time to *finally* get your hair to bra strap and once you're finally there, you're like "WTH? This is IT?!":lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Right!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thank you very much for your replies, ladies. Ok, I feel better knowing that I'm not alone, lol! :) Lately, I find myself looking at other women's hair (especially if it's BSL or close to it) and thinking their hair looks a lot longer than mine.

krissyprissy leleepop- Thanks for the compliments, chickas! :kiss: BTW leleepop, my goal is to get my hair to waist length. At least once it reaches that length, there will be no mistaken that it's long! :lol:

Kinicakes- I totally feel like you do! I look at the photo albums of the other ladies here who have hair the same length or a bit longer than ours, but thicker, and their hair looks so long! I too, have been wondering that maybe because my hair is also fine, that's why it doesn't look as long. Sometimes my hair feels light as a feather, it's so fine, almost like it's not there!

Ms Danele and EMJazzy, when I first started to grow my hair out, I felt the same way, just get me to BSL and I'll be a happy camper. Funny how that's changed!
MizAvalon said:
Denim And Leather said:
....I just did a length check, and my hair is 1.5 inches away from covering my bra strap. For some reason, this doesn't seem so long to me afterall. Even my ponytails don't look that long. If you see my hair in one, you wouldn't think that my hair is almost BSL.

Is it just me, or is BSL not as long as I thought? :perplexed Maybe because I'm used to looking at my hair all the time?

No, it's not just you. I don't think BSL is long, never have. Of course what is "long" is a matter of opinion, but I think most people once they do finally get to bra strap they feel the same. Been waiting all this time to *finally* get your hair to bra strap and once you're finally there, you're like "WTH? This is IT?!":lol:

Exactly you said it, that's just how I felt when I just reached BSL, even though I'm passed that now, I still have a major case of hairnorexia and I can't shake it, I guess I'll be over it when I get a little passed WSL and have a full, thick, even, waist hemline. I know I sound ridiculous but it's the truth. Hi my name is Lucia and I'm a hairnorexic *hangs head down, breathes sigh of relief* :lol:
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Denim And Leather said:
At least once it reaches that length, there will be no mistaken that it's long! :lol:

Yes, this is how I feel too! My ultimate goal is waist length.... and I believe that once Im there, there will be NO doubting that its long. Also, I will have a nice, blunt cut at that time, so hopefully that will give the illusion of more thickness.

And YES, i do think its because our hair is finer with not as many strands. It just doesnt spread across the back and look as full. Prime example, when GodsFlower's hair was APL it still looked longer (to me) than mine does now, because it was so heavy and thick and just spread across her back so nicely.
KiniKakes said:
Yes, this is how I feel too! My ultimate goal is waist length.... and I believe that once Im there, there will be NO doubting that its long. Also, I will have a nice, blunt cut at that time, so hopefully that will give the illusion of more thickness.

And YES, i do think its because our hair is finer with not as many strands. It just doesnt spread across the back and look as full. Prime example, when GodsFlower's hair was APL it still looked longer (to me) than mine does now, because it was so heavy and thick and just spread across her back so nicely.

Exactly! I plan to have a nice blunt cut once I'm waistlength, too and hope that my hair will look thicker that way.

GodsFlower's hair is amazing! I know what you're saying about her hair being APL but looking longer, because of the thickness. You're so right when you say that because of our hair being fine with not as many strands, it doesn't spread out and look full. I've always wanted a thicker head of hair so it would look like I had hair! :lol: It stinks having our type of hair, because on those bad hair days, our hair looks truly "anorexic" looking. :perplexed

Lucia- Now it's my turn to say "I wished I had your problem!" :lol:
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Denim And Leather said:
Exactly! I plan to have a nice blunt cut once I'm waistlength, too and hope that my hair will look thicker that way.

GodsFlower's hair is amazing! I know what you're saying about her hair being APL but looking longer, because of the thickness. You're so right when you say that because of our hair being fine with not as many strands, it doesn't spread out and look full. I've always wanted a thicker head of hair so it would look like I had hair! :lol: It stinks having our type of hair, because on those bad hair days, our hair looks truly "anorexic" looking. :perplexed

Lucia- Now it's my turn to say "I wished I had your problem!" :lol:
Thats y I asked about your goal.....I think once you reach your goal and start cutting it blunt it will hang better and heavier.
I think hair looks different depending on who's head it's on. My sister and her friend both currently have bra-strap length hair but my sister's hair looks way longer than her friend hair.
The reason? My sister's length comes from the top and her hair is long in the front. Just like me,her hair from her ears down is way shorter than the hair on top of her head. So her strands are way longer than her friend's hair, who has her length from the bottom.
sweetcashew said:
I think hair looks different depending on who's head it's on. My sister and her friend both currently have bra-strap length hair but my sister's hair looks way longer than her friend hair.
The reason? My sister's length comes from the top and her hair is long in the front. Just like me,her hair from her ears down is way shorter than the hair on top of her head. So her strands are way longer than her friend's hair, who has her length from the bottom.

That's funny. The strands from my ears down is just about the same length as the strands from the very top of my head. I'm wearing 2-strand twists (only my hair) so I'm kinda estimating it by holding the twists in my hand. I could be wrong though but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference lengthwise. Oh well. Everyone's hair is different, huh?:look:
sweetcashew said:
I think hair looks different depending on who's head it's on. My sister and her friend both currently have bra-strap length hair but my sister's hair looks way longer than her friend hair.
The reason? My sister's length comes from the top and her hair is long in the front. Just like me,her hair from her ears down is way shorter than the hair on top of her head. So her strands are way longer than her friend's hair, who has her length from the bottom.
That makes so much sense. My length comes from the top also and the bottom part (ear to ear) is shorter.
I think that's why a lot of people have "blunt cut" as part of their ultimate hair goals, because when only the bottom part of your hair reaches your goal length it doesn't look as long or it just isn't as satisfying. To have your hair blunt cut means the top hair has to be several inches longer (from scalp to ends) than the hair from, say, your nape.

I do feel like I celebrate a little more when the front of my hair reaches a milestone compared to the back--it just has so much farther to grow than the nape hair. Not that I don't enjoy stretching out the back to see where it's falling from time to time :lol:
This is exactly how I feel, I was dying to reach APL and now that I'm there my hair don't seem that long to me... Now I'm dying to reach BSL :wallbash:..
My hair doesn't look long to me at all. People say it is. Whenever I reach a goal, I'm over it by the next day and thinking abou the next goal length and on it goes...but then again's all relative.
I think hair looks different depending on who's head it's on. My sister and her friend both currently have bra-strap length hair but my sister's hair looks way longer than her friend hair.
The reason? My sister's length comes from the top and her hair is long in the front. Just like me,her hair from her ears down is way shorter than the hair on top of her head. So her strands are way longer than her friend's hair, who has her length from the bottom.

that does make sense even if you have thick hair, I'm still aiming for blunt or u shaped almost blunt even if I have to grow my hair past my goal length then cut it back a little to get the ends nice and thick, ahem, like your hair
Exactly. :grin: BSL feeling not long enough is a problem I would LOVE to have

...Just kidding girls...I can't wait to be part of the BSL club I'm on so many growth aids and vitamins I am a walking medicine cabinet/whole foods...